


"Open your textbooks to page fifty nine and solve the questions under direct integration", the Mathematics teacher said.

Maximilian raised his hand to seek for the teacher's attention.

"I want to use the lavatory", He said.

"Go ahead", Mr Andrew responded.

Maximilian walked out of the class. Zendaya opened her textbook and became flabbergasted. Her textbook was stained with mud,some of the pages were also torn.

"Who the ..."

She felt a tap on her shoulder . She looked behind and came across Remington's grinning face.

"Do you love it?", He whispered and winked.

Zendaya hits her fists on the desk and stood up aggressively,facing Remington.

"How heartless of you to ruin my textbook", She retorted.

Everyone's attention was caught. They all shifted their gaze to them with immense interest.

"What's going on over there?",Mr Andrew asked from where he was standing.

"She is going crazy I think",Remington replied.

"You're the crazy one here,cause you ruined my textbook", Zendaya yelled.

Maximilian walked into the classroom. His brows crumpled when he saw Zendaya's attitude.

"Do you have an evidence?",Remington asked with a smirk.

Zendaya became tongue tied.

"Oh my... You're such a big liar. You don't even have an evidence and you're accusing me wrongly", Remington said innocently.

Mr Andrew walked over to them.

"You're such a pretender", Zendaya yelled again.

"You ruined your textbook yourself just to accuse me wrongly. Or is this a new method of throwing yourself at me", Remington said proudly.

Maximilian glared at him.

"I'm not a thief like your family. Embezzling the country's budget, because you all are wretched", Zendaya responded.

"How dare you speak ill about my family?", Cadence yelled from her seat.

Zendaya looked at her and gave a wryly smile.

"Enough drama already, thrash the textbook and get a new one", Mr Andrew said.

Zendaya glared at Remington. She took the textbook and began to stroll out of the class.

Blythe moved her foot forward and Zendaya tripped on it.

"Ouch!. Did you fall?. Does it hurt?", Blythe asked with a smirk.

The class burst into laughter.

Maximilian rushed to her. He bent over and whispered into her ear.

"I'll help you get up".

"No,I'll help myself", She whispered back.

She folded her fists and stood up furiously. Her blood boiled with rage.

Zendaya moved closer to Blythe and gave her two thunderous slap before the wink of an eye. Everyone gasped in awe. Blythe felt dizzy immediately.

"Ouch!. Did I slap you?. Does it hurt?", Zendaya aasked with a satisfied smile.

Maximilian burst into laughter. Blythe glared at him, as she tried so hard to suppess her tears from falling.

Zendaya winked at her and walked out of the class to thrash the textbook.

"Enough drama already, you all should proceed with your classwork", Mr Andrew said.

***************** LIBRARY

Zendaya stared blankly at the book in front of her. She is lost in thought. She keeps on wondering if there is a tale behind her Mother's hatred towards her. No one is ready to tell her the exact reason for her Mother's behaviour and it doesn't seem she is going to find out anytime soon.

"I wish you weren't born"

"I hate you"

Her Mother's hurtful words kept on ringing bells in her head.

"Iron lady", a familiar voice whispered into her ear.

She smiled when she recognised the voice.

"Do you think it suits me?", She asked.

"Perfectly", Maximilian replied and pecked her cheeks unexpectedly.

Zendaya felt butterflies in her belly.

"Oh..that's new", She said with a little blush.

"Of course it is", Maximilian responded and stared directly into her eyes. He held her wrist subconsciously and she winced.


Maximilian looked at her wrist and saw that it was bandaged.

"How did you get hurt?", He asked with deep concern.

"The fall",She said shortly.

"That witch",Maximilian cursed.

"She didn't expect that", Zendaya said and they both burst into laughter. Zendaya subconsciously used her hand to hit the book on the table and it fell.

"I'll pick it up", They said in unison and bent at a time to pick up the book. Their heads bumped and they winced.

"Sorry", She apologized and proceeded to stand up, but Maximilian held her arm.

"Don't leave please", He pleaded.

He stared deep into her eyes as if he saw something incredible in there. She became speechless and became helpless with his stares. Maximilian began to move closer and before thinking twice,he crashed his lips on hers. Zendaya was dumbfounded.She was about to reciprocate when he disengaged.

"I'm...I'm sorry", He stuttered .

Zendaya stood up and rushed out of the library,before Maximilian could say anything else.

"I fucked up already", He said sadly.

Meanwhile,Zendaya met Blythe on her way out,but she completely ignored Blythe. However, Blythe wondered why she was in a rush,but she cared less anyways. Blythe walked further into the library and sighted Maximilian looking all sad. She walked over to him with a smile on her face.

"Is something wrong?",She asked.

He took a glance at her and looked away.

Blythe sighed and sat beside him. She held his hand and he looked at her with disgust.

"I remember how our love story began,it was fun and full of memories. I remember how we used to profess our love to each other..."

"That's a thing of the past,I hate you now", Maximilian said and took his hand from her.

"But I still love you", She said slowly.

"And I don't love you anymore", Maximilian said and stood up.

"Are you going to let go of our love because of that wench", Blythe almost yelled.

"At least she is better than you",He said and walked away.

Blythe clenched her wrist angrily.

"Hey, are you okay?",Someone asked and it turned out to be Midas.

Blythe rolled her eyes.

"I have something to say to you", Midas said.

Blythe shrugged .

"Erm...erm",Midas stuttered.

"Are you not going to say anything?, you're wasting my time', Blythe said.

Midas sighed.

"Erm...I have feelings for you", He said shyly.

"Well, I don't and I never will", She said and walked away.

Midas looked around to see if no one saw her rejecting him. And luckily no one was.

"Wow!. It feels new to be rejected", He said feeling disappointed.