


Immediately the closing bell rang, Zendaya picked up her backpack and walked hastily out of the classroom. She has been avoiding Maximilian ever since the incident happened. Though, they are seatmates,but she treats him like he is invisible. Maximilian has been trying really hard to talk to her,but she ignores him. Yeah, her pride means a lot to her.

She clung onto the straps of her backpack. Suddenly, she tripped.

"What the heck..."

She paused her words, when she noticed that the laces of her snickers were untied.

She heard laughter behind her and it turned out to be the three Amigos.

"The little princess has fallen,where the heck is her knight in shinning armour?", Cadence said and chuckled.

"He probably left her because he is tired of her ugly face and clumsy attitude", Blythe said.

"I'm sure she felt heart broken,but it's fine baby", Lavender said and began to shed crocodile tears.

The three of them burst into laughter .

Zendaya rolled her eyes. She tied her laces and stood up.

"It would have been better if you girls focused on how to develop your immature sense of thinking,rather then poking your long noses into my business", Zendaya replied.

Cadence frowned and moved closer to her.

"Thank your stars I and my girls are in a good mood today,but good thing you won't go scot-free next time", Cadence said with a smirk and they all walked away.

"Keep on crying blood, you dummies", Zendaya yelled.

Someone held her hand. She looked at the person and it turned out to be Maximilian. She released her hand from his grip and proceeded to walk away,but he grabbed her hand again.

"Not this time. We really need to talk right now",He said and began to pull her towards the parking lot. They got to the spot in which his car was packed, with his driver waiting patiently in the car for him. He opened the back door and made her sit,then he joined her.

"Can you please excuse us?", Maximilian said to the driver.

"Yeah sure", Paul said and stepped out of the vehicle.

He moved closer to Zendaya and she moved away from him.

"It hurts to see that you're ignoring me", Maximilian said slowly.

Zendaya looked at him for a sec,then she scoffed and looked away.

"I'm very sorry for my action", He pleaded.

Zendaya remained silent.

"I'm sorry I took advantage of you. I didn't ..."

"Thank God you knew you took advantage of me ", Zendaya cut him off.

"I thought you were my friend and you were different from other people, but you've proven me wrong", Zendaya said yelled.

"Yes, I'm your friend. Your bestfriend to be precise", Maximilian responded.

"And what makes you think you are?. Oh!, the fact that you protect me from those Bingos?,that's why you think you can take advantage of me. Well then, stop protecting me,mind your business and act like I'm invisible",She replied and proceeded to leave.

Maximilian held her hand again.

"I love you Zendaya, I love you a lot. Please don't leave me", He said with tears threatening to fall. His heart began to thump heavily.

Zendaya stopped when she heard what he said. She couldn't believe her ears. She looked at him for a minute. She sighed and nod her head.

"Leave me alone", She said.

She released her hand from his grip, opened the door and alighted from the vehicle.

The cloud became saturated all of a sudden and the storm rumbled. Zendaya began to walk away without looking back.

Maximilian's heart broke into smithereens. He stepped out of the vehicle and began to stare at her as she walked away,hoping that she would at least look back at him.

Zendaya walked far away without looking behind.

The tears Maximilian was trying to hold finally fell.

"I caused all this myself. It's all my fault", He cried.

"Young master, is everything alright?", Paul asked as he walked closer to Maximilian.

"I messed up. I ruined everything because of how foolish I was", He cried and embraced Paul.

"You don't have to blame yourself please", Paul said.

The storm rumbled again.

"I guess we have to leave now, before there is a cloudburst",Paul said.

Maximilian disengaged from the hug and wiped his tears. Just as he was about stepping into the vehicle, he heard his name.

He looked at the direction in which the voice came from and indeed it was Zendaya. She was running towards him.

A smile crept on his face. Zendaya ran to him and pulled him into a warm embrace.

His heart began to leap for joy.

"Don't you dare leave him,you idiot", She said.

"I will never leave you alone, I promise", Maximilian said happily and reciprocated to her embrace.

The cloud finally released rain.

Rather than them leaving, they embraced each other tightly.

"You both should get in, else you'll catch a cold", Paul screamed.

The both of them finally disengaged. They stared into each other's eyes and burst into laughter.

"God is definitely happy with our union, that's why he sent down the rain to bless us" Maximilian said.

The both of them stepped into the vehicle.

"Drop me few houses to mine", Zendaya said.

Paul ignited the car engine and zoomed off.

>>>> HAYES VILLA >>>>

"Come back here Stormy,I'm still talking to you", Cecilia yelled as stormy walked out of the room.

She didn't hesitate to follow him.

"How dare you walk out on me you cheating fool?", Cecilia yelled again.

Stormy folded his fists angrily,then he inhaled and exhaled before facing her.

"I'm tired of your constant nagging Cece. I don't understand why you love screaming unnecessarily", Stormy said.

"I don't understand why you love cheating either", She yelled again.

"How many times do I have to clarify to you that I'm not cheating on you?", Stormy also yelled.

"Then why are you always sneaking out to take calls at midnight?. Why do you ignore my calls?. Why do you always have a lipstick imprint on your shirts?," Cecilia asked.

"I only satisfy myself,nothing else and I don't even bring girls into our matrimonial home", Stormy said with a shrug.

Cecilia scoffed .

"You're such a dummy. Oh!, you want to ditch me for that stupid stripper?", Cecilia asked with her mouth agape.

"At least, she doesn't nag", Stormy yelled.

The both of them got into a heated argument.

Cadence walked in on them.

"What in the hell is going on here?", She asked, but they weren't even listening to her.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!", Cadence screamed and the both of them kept quiet.

"You both are acting like kids", Cadence said.

"I'm filing a divorce. I can't cope with you anymore",Stormy said and walked away.

"I don't want to be with you either", Cecilia yelled.

"After twenty five years of marriage?", Cadence asked with surprise.

"Your father is cheating on me with a stripper", Cecilia almost cried.

"I have always shown adequate love and commitment to him, but he is not contented", She added.

"Who told you he is cheating?",Cadence asked.

"I overheard his conversation with someone I don't know", Cecilia said.

Cadence looked at her for a moment and burst into laughter.

"Oh my goodness Mom, you're only being paranoid", Cadence said.

"Dad has a high status in the world,he wouldn't mingle with anyone below his standard. Especially one who can tarnish his image",Cadence added and walked away,before Cecilia could say anything.

"I'm going to find that home wrecker myself,I promise", Cecilia said fiercely and gave an evil smirk.