


"Seeing her tears makes me elated already" Cadence said with a grin.

"I can't wait to see the shock on her goddamn face" Lavender blew her bubble gum and pinned a poster on the notice board.

"I'm definitely going to drink full gallon of her tears" Blythe said and they all laughed.

Soon the students started gathering in the hallway, staring at the poster on the notice board and sharing different comments. Zendaya and Maximilian walked into the hallway at that moment.

"Oh! Look everyone they are here already" Cadence announced.

Everyone shifted their gazes to them.

"What's this all about? Why you all staring?" Zendaya asked.

Cadence giggled and clapped thrice, making everyone move away from the notice board.

"Look the happy family" Cadence said, while pointing at the poster.

Zendaya shifted her gaze to the poster and her knees weaken, causing her to fall. Maximilian was also dumbstruck.

The poster consisted of her mother's sluttery picture with the tag: THE BEST HOOKUP BABE AT HEADY'S BROTHEL TURNED OUT TO BE THE MOTHER OF ZENDAYA CADDEL.

Below is her own picture with the tag: LIKE MOTHER LIKE DAUGHTER.

Zendaya suddenly wished for the ground to open up, so that she can dive right in. Tears didn't even seek for permission before it started streaming down her face. One of her biggest fears finally came to pass. Being discriminated is one thing she hopes she can finally endure,but now her mother's profession has added salt to her wound.

"Are you crying because everyone knows who you are? Or because your boyfriend is here,so you faking it? You and I know that people like you don't care about public opinion,so quit the act" Blythe said.

"Your mother is so hot,but I want you" A boy said and everyone giggled.

"How much for a night bitch?"

"I'm very sure you were defiled when you were maybe seven"

"Due to your mother's proud profession, I'm sure you were born out of wedlock, that's why your race is different from hers?"

"I wonder how many men slept with your mother and it resulted to your birth"

The last statement pierced deep into Zendaya's heart . Zendaya stood up and faced the person who uttered the last statement.

"You don't...

She couldn't finish her words because someone threw an egg at her and it cracked on her head.

"Oh my world" Blythe said and threw another egg.

She came prepared.

Zendaya fell on the floor, crying profusely. Maximilian rushed to her,protecting her from the eggs that were being thrown.

"You all should stop already, you've done enough. This is bullying and you all can get punished for this" Maximilian yelled,but it was all in vain.

He feels so helpless to the situation at hand. He wished for someone to appear and stop the insolent acts.

"The principal is on her way to the hallway" A student screamed and everyone dispersed within a sec. Even the poster wasn't there anymore.

Maximilian wiped Zendaya's tears.They could hear footsteps approaching.

"What in the hell happened here? Why is every where so messy including you both? The principal asked.


"I don't want to listen to any of your excuses. Clean yourselves up and get to class" The principal said and walked away.

Maximilian exhaled with relief, even though he was angry with himself.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you enough" Maximilian said.

Zendaya didn't respond.

Maximilian brought out an handkerchief from his pocket and wiped off the mess on Zendaya's hair..

"Let's get a new uniform. The cleaners will do their job" Maximilian said.

He pulled Zendaya up. Zendaya could barely walk,so he carried her on his back.

After the changing of uniforms,Zendaya sat on the floor without uttering a word.

Maximilian heaved a sigh and sat beside her.

"You need to be strong" Maximilian said.

"You have a perfect life unlike Zendaya Caddel whose life is doomed" Zendaya said with a dry chuckle.


"You have a mother and a father who has the same race at you,while Zendaya's race is different from her mother's. She doesn't even know her father and her mother does not consider her as anything" Zendaya said with a fake smile.

Zendaya began to cough.

"I'll get you water" Maximilian said and stood up.

His ears began to sizzle,his kness went numb and his vision became blurry. He shook his head and closd his eyes. He proceeded to walk, unfortunately he missed his steps and fell, losing consciousness. The loud thump of his fall alerted Zendaya.


The scene flashed in her eyes. Her heart skipped a bit. Zendaya rushed to him in fear.

"Max" She called as she shook his body.

"Somebody help" She screamed,yet no one came.

She stood up and ran to the school infirmary.

"Maximilian just fainted" Zendaya said while trying to catch her breath and ran outside.

"911" one of the health personnels said.

Two health personnels rushed after Zendaya.

Blythe sighted them and went after them.

"Oh my gosh Max!" Blythe screamed and rushed to him. She began to shook him.

"Move back miss. We need to conduct a CPR on him, so please move far away from him" One of the health personnels said.

Blythe moved back slowly and gazed at Zendaya who was looking a whole miserable.

Zendaya looked up and their eyes met. Blythe moved towards Zendaya and grabbed her hand, dragging her to a corner.

"You cursed wench, what did you do to him?"

Blythe gritted her teeth.

"How dare you cast your evil spell on my man?" Blythe yelled.

Zendaya scoffed.

"Maximilian is not your man. You do not own him,get that into your head" Zendaya said and walked out on her. Leaving Blythe speechless.



Zendaya gazed at Maximilian miserably. His face looks pale. She took his took his hand and intertwined it with hers.

A rich looking couple barged into the room.

Maximilian opened his eyes sluggishly.

"My baby" The woman rushed to him and hug him.


"We were so worried about you my love" Mrs Alder said at the edge of tears.

"No tears honey" Mr Alder said.

Zendaya sniffled. Mrs Alder gave her a disgusting look. Zendaya looked down in disappointment. She stood up,pick her backpack and walked out of the building.

She stroded on the street like a zombie. A whole lot of things happened in just one day within some hours. Different thoughts ran into her head.

Is this what other black people deal with or it's just her?

Why can't she find a reason to smile throughout a whole day? Is her happiness limited?

How is she going to cope in school with being tagged with a hurtful name?

What if Maximilian's leaves her after this?Is she going to loose the little strength she has?

She was lost in thought that she didn't realize she has walked into a lonely area.

The honk of a car drifted her out of her thoughts. Three huge men dressed in black outfits, with their faces covered gathered around her.

"Who are you? What do you want?" She queried weakly.

One of them brought out an handkerchief and covered her nose with it.

Zendaya struggled a bit and fell unconscious.