


"Megan" Papa Coco called as he barged into Megan's room.

"Where are your manners Dad? Don't you know it's rude and inappropriate to barge into a lady's room? Respect my privacy old man" Megan said irritably.

"It's past six already and Zendaya isn't home" Papa Coco said anxiously.

Megan took her lips in. Papa Coco expected her to say something,yet she didn't. It looked as though she was trying to think of something.

Megan shrugged.

"She left home with her two legs,she will definitely come back with her two legs. Probably somewhere with one foolish boy,who knows? Or better still,she ran away. Good for her though" Megan clicked her tongue against her teeth.

Papa Coco couldn't believe his ears.

"This is about your daughter. Jaomi this is your biological daughter at hand" Papa Coco yelled.

"Do I have a daughter?" She looked up and shook her head.

"Absolutely not" Megan laughed it off.

"What in the hell is wrong with you?!"

"A whole lot Mr Collins.That devil has done a lot. I don't care if she comes back dead or alive,at least I won't have a burden to carry anymore. Good radiance to bad rubbish" Megan clicked her tongue.

"MEGAN!" Papa Coco yelled irritably.

"What Dad?what? I never begged nor appeal her to come into this world through me. I never begged for a child, not even an ugly one" She paused and exhaled.

"You're ruining my day already. I was planning on having a nap. Stop yelling at me Dad I'm not a kid anymore. Your blood pressure is going to take off if you don't keep it down" Megan said and crossed her legs.

Papa Coco took his lips in and shook his head.

"Do you even know the poor girl got embarrassed in school today, due to your sluttery job" Papa Coco said.

Megan rolled her eyes.

"For the uptenth time I never begged her to come into this world through me. You know what happened in her school today already, so stop choking me"

"She sent me a message this morning"

"Wow!then call her and stop pestering me" Megan stated with a frown.

"Her phone isn't reachable"

"I don't care. Get out Dad"

"She doesn't deserve all this" Papa Coco said at the verge of tears.

Megan paid no attention to him.

"You will be thirty six soon, learn to grow up. I'll go look for my grandchild all by myself even when her mother is sitting down useless" Papa Coco said and walked out angrily.

"Good luck with that! Yo!" Megan screamed.

"You will be thirty six soon, learn to grow up" Megan mimicked and burst into laughter.


"The number you've dialed is not reachable. Please leave a message"

Maximilian groaned. He is dialing Zendaya's number for the uptenth time and it's keeps on saying the same thing. Not reachable!

"Please call me after seeing this message" He typed and sent it.

He slouched on the sofa and stared blankly at his phone, hoping for a positive reply.

"My love, dinner is served" Mrs Alder said as she knocked on the door.

"Come in Mom" He said sluggishly.

Mrs Alder came in with a maid who pushed a trolley filled with different dishes into the room. The maid left the room, leaving the mother and son all alone.

"Come on baby, time to eat" Mrs Alder said.

Maximilian gazed at the trolley and frowned.

"Who's going to eat that much?" He asked.


"Nah. It's a lot. I don't even have an appetite" He said and placed his palm on his forehead.

"You're looking all worked up" She said and sat beside him.

"I'm worried"

"About your health?" Mrs Alder asked.


"What's the remaining about?"

Maximilian sighed.

"I've been unable to get through to Zendaya for the past four hours" He said sadly.

Mrs Alder giggled.

"Ok...who is Zendaya? Your girlfriend?" Mrs Alder asked with a little smile.

"She's more than that to me" Maximilian said proudly.

Mrs Alder bit her lower lip.

"Is it the girl from earlier?" Mrs Alder asked with a bit of disappointment in her voice.

"What? You don't like her? Is it because she has a different race?" Maximilian asked with a frown.

"No. I do not mean it that way" Mrs Alder said.

Maximilian stood up and went lay on the bed.

"I'm sorry my love" She apologized.

"Eat your food at least" She said.

She got no response.

"Maximilian" She called softly.

He turned deaf ears.

Mrs Alder heaved a sigh and walked out sadly.



Zendaya woke up from her slumber when water was splashed on her face. She was tied to a metal chair. She tried to talk, unfortunately her mouth was plastered with a tape. She struggled to free herself, but to no avail.

"There's no way you're going to get out of here. Don't drain your energy" A deep voice said.

Zendaya wondered where the voice came from cause she can't even see anything. She doesn't even remember how she got to this place.

She groaned as the tape was removed from her mouth.

"Ouch! That hurts! You should treat a girl with respect" Zendaya said.

"Who are you? Why are you keeping me here?" Zendaya asked.

"Eat this" The voice said and placed a plate on her laps.

"Uh!" Zendaya exclaimed when she felt ice from the plate

"It's not like I want to drink ice cream,so why is this so cold. I do not even eat cold food" Zendaya complained.

"This place looks like a palace?" The voice asked.

Zendaya frowned.

"You don't even expect me to eat in this darkness. My hands are also tied. How do you expect me to eat in darkness and with my hands tied?" Zendaya asked.

"Dogs do not eat with their hands" The voice said.

"Excuse you! with all due respect I think you should refer that statement to yourself"

Zendaya said furiously.

Her stomach grumbled.

"Oh my ... I'm hungry" She thought.

"Consider this your last supper" The voice said.

"What... what do you mean?" Zendaya stuttered.

No one answered her.

"Somebody help!" She screamed her lungs out,yet no one came. She began to struggle to break free, the plate fell in the process, but she cared less.

"Somebody help!!"

She felt something pass through her legs.

"Ah!" She screamed in terror.

She felt long finger nails crawling on her face. She trembled in fear and began to sweat profusely.

"Eew! Who the hell sweats like this?" A feminine voice was heard.

"Please... please do not hurt me" Zendaya trembled.

"Hey darling"

"Who...who...are you?" Zendaya stuttered.

"Do I owe you and explanation?"The lady asked.

"Yes,you do. Why are you keeping me here? Everyone is going to be worried about me" Zendaya cried.

"The bitch you call a mother does not even care" The lady said and giggled.

"Do you know my Mother?"

"Do you consider her as your Mother?" The lady also asked.

"Now, what's this all about?"

"You have something you are not meant to have" The lady responded.

"Me?"Zendaya asked confusedly.

"Yes you, Zendaya Caddel"

"What do you mean?. What am I not supposed to have?" Zendaya asked.

"YOUR LIFE" The lady stated clearly.

Zendaya was shocked.

"My...my...life. What do you mean?" Zendaya trembled.

"You ask too much questions. Aren't you too smart for a teenager?"

"Well... it's called trade by barter. Your mother took something from me and exchanged it with your life" The lady said and chuckled.

Zendaya felt lumps in her throat.

"She doesn't even deserve you. It's not like you both are proud to call each other mother and daughter" The lady said.

"You know nothing about my family" Zendaya said.

"Your mother is the cheapest person in the world. She sleeps around like a dog and takes what doesn't belong to her. She is just like the devil's incarnate"

"Do not speak ill of my mother. Planning to kill an innocent child doesn't make you any different from the devil" Zendaya yelled.

A thunderous slap landed on her face. Zendaya winced in pain.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me you black rat. Have some regard for your elders. I heard you run your mouth a lot" The lady spat.

"If you have an issue with my mother, you both should settle it amicably and stop involving an innocent child" Zendaya yelled again.

Another slap landed on her face.

"You are so cruel" Zendaya yelled.

"I can't believe I'm actually talking to someone like you. You won't live beyond tomorrow " The lady said angrily.

"And you think you will go scot-free?"

"Gosh! You are so stubborn" The lady yelled and hit a plank on her head.

Zendaya felt a sharp pain in her head. She shut her eyes slowly as blood began to drip from her head.