

Loneliness is one of the worst experiences ever. It sucks a lot. Imagine staying a day without the person your heart lingers for. Staying without seeing nor communicating to the one who means absolutely everything to you is sickening. The worst of it all is when you have no clue about how the person is doing. The heart is in vigorous pain, the head isn't thinking straight and the mind is restless.

"The number you've dialed is switched off. Kindly leave a message"

Maximilian dropped his phone on the desk with mixed feelings of sadness, anger and anxiety.

"Is she angry at me because of yesterday's incident with my mum?" He pondered.

"Maximilian can you please give an example of adverb of time?" Miss Loretta said.

Maximilian rolled his eyes.

"Yesterday" He responded slowly.

The class went on with Maximilian feeling unconcerned with whatever the teacher was teaching. His mind was literally focused on Zendaya's absence.

He stared at her empty seat.

"Stop staring at me Maximilian, I know I'm too beautiful to resist, but your stares are making my belly flutter"

"Maximilian Alder" Miss Loretta yelled and he drifted out of his imagination.

"Will you please pay attention" Miss Loretta said.

Blythe looked at him and smiled.

"I'm sorry" He said.

Miss Loretta continued the lesson and Maximilian tried his best to pay attention.

"Maximilian" Zendaya called and he looked at her. He saw her looking sad.

"I don't want to stay far away from you. I love you a lot" She said and began to move close to him.

"Maximilian" Someone tapped him from behind.

He drifted back to planet Earth and he realized that he has been day dreaming all along.

"It's your turn to answer the question" Someone said from behind and he doesn't care about whoever the person was.

"I said, what is a noun clause?" Miss Loretta asked.

Maximilian didn't respond. His brain was blank.

"Noun clause?" Miss Loretta repeated.

Maximilian didn't respond. He stared at her blankly.

"I'm talking to you and I'm expecting you to say something" Miss Loretta said sweetly.

"It's not like I'm going to get killed if I do not reply" Maximilian said rudely and rolled his eyes.

"Why do you sound rude?" Miss Loretta almost picked an offense from his words.

"'And why are you picking on me? You are frustrating me. Leave me alone and let me think about my ordeal. I'm in a difficult space, so give me a breathing space, please" Maximilian yelled and walked out of the class.

Everyone was caught by surprise, including Miss Loretta. Maximilian never talks rudely to older people, but he broke that record already.



Maximilian stared sadly into the space. He heard footsteps approaching. He looked into the direction the steps were coming from and he sighted Blythe approaching him with a smile plastered on her face. She sat on the long bench, closing the space between she and Maximilian. She raised her hand to touch him. Sadly, Maximilian moved away from her, making sure there is enough distance between them.

"Oh!" Blythe mouthed with disappointment.

She looked at her hand, which was hanging in the air and she put it down slowly.

"She dumped you right?" She suddenly asked with a smirk.

Maximilian frowned.

"How wicked of her to dump you after yesterday's incident. I'm surprised you're in school when you are supposed to be resting at home" She said.

She arched her brows and fold her arms.

"Oh! You came to school because of her, you want to apologize to her. Sadly, she isn't in school" She said and began to nod her head.

"I know you're in a lot of pains. This was how you felt when I broke your heart then" She said.

Maximilian scoffed angrily.

"Did you fall and perhaps hit your head on something?" Maximilian asked neutrally.

Blythe's brows crumpled.

"I think you hit your head on something, cause your brain is malfunctioning. You need a psychotherapist" Maximilian said and began to walk away.

Blythe frowned.

"Eff you both" Blythe said frustratingly and raised her two middle fingers in the air.

************* 5:30 P.M.

A car pulled over in front of the Caddel's residence. Maximilian opened the door and stepped out of the vehicle, heading towards the entrance of the house. Meanwhile, Megan is just stepping out of the house, dressed in a brown mini gown, black heels and a black handbag, with execessive make-up on her face.

"Oh! You must be Mrs. Caddel" Maximilian said casually.

Megan arched a brow.

"Miss" She replied solemnly.

"Oh! correction taken Miss Caddel" Maximilian tried to smile.

"And you are?" Megan asked while scrutinizing the young lad from head to toe.

"Maximilian Alder. I am..."

"She doesn't live here anymore. She found herself a new home" Megan interrupted.

"What do you mean? I saw her yesterday and she never said anything about moving to a new place" Maximilian replied.

"How ridiculous of her" Megan said and began to walk away.

"Can you atleast tell me where she is. I've been unable to reach out to her since yesterday. Please" He pleaded.

Megan stopped on her tracks and walked back to him.

"You know... I wonder what a tall, handsome lad with a bright future is doing with a ugly girl. You deserve better." Megan said.

Maximilian was surprised.

"I think it's best I tell you this" Megan said soberly.

"Aren't you her mother?" Maximilian asked.

Megan scoffed.

"If you love yourself a lot and you also care about your future, then stay away from her. The girl you're seeing isn't who you think she is. She is not an ordinary girl. She brings bad luck and misfortune. If you know what's best for you, run as long as your tiny legs can carry you" She said with a smile.

Maximilian looked at his legs and frowned.

"What type of a mother says something ridiculous about her child?" Maximilian asked solemnly.

"Have a nice day, Mr." Megan said with a mischievious smile and walked towards her car. She got in and zoomed off.

Maximilian stood there with his mouth agap.