Sehun's POV »☆●
Another month..
Has it really been an entire month since I magically got saved by an angel?
And I've yet to find who she was, or more like, what she was. She appeared like a magic, without me even sensing, then she became my salvation and disappeared in thin air.
I haven't found my mate yet, which is causing alot of worry in my house, especially for my mom. But I don't think about it. I'm far too busy. This month, I've been occupied with many responsibilities, the kingdom responsibilities as well as pack. The royal court and dad are helping me learn. I don't get to spend hours in the corner like a rock anymore. Barely even get enough sleep. I thought this will divert my mind but I still think about her. Even the hours I get for sleep, I lay back and think about this. I don't think I'll be in peace until I figure this out.
But they've searched every corner of the forest for her but found nothing. Still I requested dad to carry on the search.
Sometimes I feel like Rosy is right, I hit my head too hard and started hallucinating a girl. She never existed.
But this isn't assurance enough. She still keeps me awake every night. So every midnight, I go to the exact place I first saw her, in hope of finding her.
Day thirty-two, midnight again, everyone's sleeping. As usual, I jump from my window, shift into my wolf, and run towards woods. Once I reach the exact place, I look around sniffing the air, hoping for the presence of a human, or anyone else. Like always, it didn't work. I didn't even sense her the first time yet I always try this.
I shift back into my human. Another day of failure. I sigh as I turn around to leave for home. After a few steps, I pause, having an idea.
I'm gonna call her.
But how am I gonna call her?
I don't even know her name.
"Just call her whatever you want. Call her before it's too late."
The voice in my head tells me.
Whatever I want?
Will she understand?
I've a feeling she's hiding somewhere close. If I speak a bit loud, she's gonna hear me.
Will she answer me?
Only one way to find out..
I look around and take a deep breath.
I holler the first word that comes to my mind when I think about her. I wait for a response, only to be met with an agonizing silence mixed with the chirping of crickets.
"I know you're here, angel."
Still silence.
"I know you're listening. Please don't hide from me.." I ask softly, hoping she might come hearing the desperation in my voice.
"I won't harm you," I assure in case she thinks I'm here to imprison her. Some people think she's a witch but I'm gonna make sure no one can hurt the person who saved my life. I hope she's not scared.
I fall to my knees, begging, "Please come. I wanna see you! I know you're not my imagination. Please prove them I'm not crazy and you exist!"
I close my eyes, trying to regain composure. I breath heavily when suddenly my heart starts to beat fast. I frown, feeling like I'm being watched. I open my eyes, sensing a yellow glow in my back. I turn around and..
I see her standing beside the peach blossom tree, the flambeau in her hand providing enough light to see her face clearly. I freeze in spot.
Meihua's POV »●
The glow of the moon is faint, yet still predominantly illuminated the night sky. Lying down upon the grassy field puts my world into a new perspective, gazing up into the night sky. Despite the moon's hazy presence, I'm persistent enough to wait outside on the cold ground to watch as the transparent clouds roll by to reveal distant stars.
Back inside the bunker, such patterns couldn't be seen, even the sky is barely visible. I feel the loving presence of the stars around me, knowing all too well that I'm not alone in this forest.
This is the only time I step outside of bunker as Uncle Mark's pack is too busy at this hour to look for me. Except his son. He comes to look for me every night, I know. He'll come again tonight, I know. What I don't know is if I can trust him. I know father was close to uncle Mark, he was my best friend. But at this point, the whole world is hell for me. My posters are everywhere. Everyone's looking for me, to submit me to King Wang's arrogant son.
As I predicted Se came looking for me. I quickly got inside the bunker and waited for him to shift into human and leave.
It's crazy how the girl who once longed to get out of the four walls is now homesick. I really wanna go with Se, wanna feel the
warmth of a home. I haven't seen him in so many years, I forgot what he looks like. I didn't recognize him when I saved him from the monster.
Since I've been living here, alot of such supernatural creatures have came looking for me. At first I was scared. Now I've gotten so used to it that I don't feel a twinge of regret about killing them. I always shake my head thinking it's my duty, my promise I've to fulfill. I've been raised with the knowledge of what I am and what I'll be, and how I'll be in danger every second of my life. It's my destiny that now, I accept.
I'm suddenly caught off guard when I hear a voice from above.
He hollers in the empty forest, calling me. He has never called me like this before. I feel a sudden pull in the pit of my stomach hearing the word angel, and how desperately he pleads me to come out.
I bite my lips, hesitating. Should I just go?
He was my best friend. I don't think he wants to hurt me. If any of our bond from childhood still remains, then he won't harm me. Besides I'm always prepared enough to attack him if needed.
I hide behind the peach blossom tree as he promises to not harm me, as if he read my mind. I look around to make sure he's alone. I take a deep breath and step out from behind the tree. What I don't expect is the instant connection I feel towards him.
Sehun's POV »●
I can't move.
I can't speak.
All I can do is stare at her in awe.
Even in the dark, I can see how beautiful she is. She's even prettier than I thought she'd be. There's a spark in her eyes, glow in her skin, the yellow skirts of her dress cover the delicate curves of her body, making her appear as the source of light in the forest, glowing more than the flambeau.
Snapping out of the daze, I walk towards her. Her lips twitch as she watches me come to her. When I get close enough, I can smell her. She's human, she smells like human.
What's she doing here?
As I get nearer, she instantly steps back, positioning in a fighting stance.
"Woah," I laugh, "I'm not here to harm you." I meet her eyes but she looks away.
"Look at me," I ask gently. She refuses and looks away. I try to look into her eyes as they furiously race back and forth on the dead leaves in our feet. I search for an answer in her eyes. But the caution doesn't leave her eyes. Good. She shouldn't trust someone easily. I know there are people who'd try to trap her with such words. But I need to get her to believe I'm not like them. I need to get her to trust me. I need to make her comfortable. Maybe if I tell her my identity she'll have more trust.
"I'm Sehun, the King-regent here and.." I pause, remembering I'm not supposed to tell her my other identity. I trusted her way too fast.
What the hell..
I just complimented her for not letting her guards down then I was this close to letting mine.
"And a werewolf," she mutters, completing my unfinished sentence that I was scared to say. Her voice is so sweet and calming, I forget for a second what a huge information she has. She knows about me.
Is she a spy? A rival?
I don't think so.
But she's a human and she knows about us. Moreover my identity.
I take a step again. The concern in her eyes is still not fully faded, but she doesn't step back this time. I sigh in relief. She probably trusts a little now.
"Can I ask you something?" I ask cautiously. I don't know how to talk to girls and I've never tried to learn. This one though, feels way different, and familiar.
"You can but it depends on me if I'll answer," she finally meets my eyes. There's no fear or hesitance in her voice even though she knows what I am. Instead, she's challenging me. Damn, she's feisty.
"Why do you seem so familiar? Have we met?" I ask softly closing the distance between us.
She sighs, "Did you hit your head pretty hard?"
Surprised by her question, I frown. She crosses her arms, "I saved your life and you're wondering why I seem familiar?
That's some way to be ungrateful."
"Not that, what I mean is-" I pause when I see her eyes going wide in a sudden panick, her calm eyes immediately fill with fear. She starts looking around, everywhere.
"What happened?" I frown.
"Someone's coming," she whispers in a low voice.
"No one's coming, I'll hear them before- " before I can finish I hear them coming.
She heard them before me? But she's a human? How the hell is that possible?
"Come," she says and grabs my hand before I can react. A zap of electricity runs through me as soon as she touches me. My brain freezes and everything happens so fast, I don't process when we ran behind the peach blossom tree.
She squats down, pulls up something that looks like a metal lid from the ground and pushes me down. Thanks to the werewolf reflexes, I land on my feet. She comes behind me. I look away from her and process my surroundings. My jaw drops in shock. It's an underground bunker.
The room has a musty odour - the type that makes you feel safe and cosy. It's lit dimly by a tall torch in the corner with colorful parchments surrounding them in light, undulating patterns, all but lost under a thick coat of dust. Everything is available here. Small single bed, cooking arrangements, and even lavatory.
I'm in charge of the Kingdom and I had no idea about it. The fact that it's our home territory makes it even more shameful.
How long has she been here under our noses and we were clueless? Does dad know?
"How do you know this place?" I ask the first of the many questions popping in my head. I haven't felt this lost before.
She grunts as if frustrated by my question, "My father and your father built it together. My father showed me this place when I was little."
She knows my dad since she's little? And my dad never told me about it? My dad trusts me alot. I find it hard to believe, but I don't feel like she's lying. And if she is, there's a reason. And I need to know that. I need to know everything about the tiny angelic human in front of me.
"And who's my dad?" I ask to confirm she's not lying.
"Alpha Mark," she hisses.
My eyebrows rise in surprise. "Do you know me?" I ask.
"I'm gonna stab you if you ask another question," she snaps, clearly annoyed by my questions.
"Woah," I raise my hand in submission, "I'm just curious who you are."
Weird. No one threatens me like that. And yet, I cared enough to answer so nicely to her.
"Se.." she looks up meeting my eyes. For the first time, I see the fire in her eyes, I see the answer I've been looking for and she seems scarily familiar. She intensely stares at me as she says, "I'm Meihua."
To Be Continued »☆●