Eleven years ago...
Two little kids. Playful, cheerful, carefree of the world full of danger they live in, clueless of their terrifying future, or maybe they knew but they were too young to understand.
They ran around in the open backyard, holding small wasters, their safe wooden training swords, positioning for a swordplay.
She took her sword out and threw a sharp gaze at him, setting her target, "Draw your sword."
"Are you sure you wanna do this? The king will never forgive me if you go back to the castle wounded," he grinned.
"Trying to back out? Are you that scared that I'll bruise your pretty face?" she smirked, "Ready to lose to a princess?"
He rolled his eyes, "Go ahead and try. You haven't gotten the better of me in three summers."
She raised her sword and came at him. He immediately blocked her strike and held his ground.
"You were saying about losing to a princess?" he laughed mockingly.
"You haven't won yet!" she frowned furiously and lunged forward, ending up right against him. He swung at her and hit her on her side.
"Maybe you should spend more time on your swordplay," he giggled.
She stuck out her tongue, making faces at him, taunting him. He got off guard. Taking the advantage of the opportunity, she knocked the sword out of his hand.
"That wasn't fighting fair!" he whined and crossed his arms.
"Because I've learned from you," she shrugged and laughed. When they were taking position for another fight, a voice growled angrily from the castle backdoor.
"Meihua! Sehun! I swear if I come there and find you two covered in dirt again-"
They both looked at each other guiltily and threw away their wasters, helping each other clean up. Because no matter if they hurt each other, they're still always for each other.
Sehun's POV »☆●
Days, faces, interactions, words, all are so easy to forget. But there's one thing you always remember, you always carry with you wherever you go.
Growing apart from old memories is one of the most painful changes in all that piling up of a multitude of small distasteful changes that constitutes growing older. If you carry your childhood with you, you can't grow older. But when your whole childhood comes in your doorway, you feel a pull, back to where you belong.
I'm not the one who's ever been too close to his childhood memories. Most of it faded with time. But I do remember the name that once was close to my heart.
Wu Meihua of Wuluan.
Growing apart doesn't change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side. We practically knew each other since birth. I was a free kid, pretty wild. Running along with large squads of kids in the woods, picking up fruits, hunting and what not? She was a fancy little princess, locked inside her fancy castle, practicing manners and decorum. But because of my dad's bond with King Wu, I was allowed to play with her. I probably was the only male friend she had. We practiced swordplay together. I was allowed to accompany her everywhere. That was the wrong decision King Wu made. I taught her to break rules, showed her the wild life that's forbidden for princesses.
How ironic is it that I'm in her shoes now?
And when I am, she's back to me, as if to taunt me. But instead, she came as my savior angel. Turns out, the person I was so restless to know is someone I've known all my life. Everything starts to make sense, the warmth of familiarity in first glance, her welcoming voice, her comforting gaze.
I didn't think I'd ever see Meihua again. I didn't even think she's alive. I probably have the biggest breaking news in the nation now. Riskiest too. But I wanna take the risk, not because of the childhood bond, I've let go of it long ago. But because she's my angel now. For some reason, the new connection matters more to me than our old friendship.
I keep looking at her for what felt like a lifetime. She distracts me by pulling me in a sudden hug. I'm not comfortable with touching, specially from females. And we grew apart alot for this sudden gesture so it shocks me, but I still lean in her embrace, accepting it. I'm clueless but I don't wanna be rude to her.
She smells sweet, I can smell the breeze of the peach blossom tree from above the bunker in her hair. Her hair is messy and tangled, peach blossom leaves are stuck on it. It's easy to guess she's been here for a long time.
"Meihua.." I whisper as I pull away from the hug.
"I promised to meet again," she smiles, "I kept my promise, didn't I?"
"Like this? Hunting down a goddamn vampire?" I lean against the wall, crossing my arms, trying to study her, "When did you become a vampire hunter? You didn't even believe me when I told you about their existence."
King Wu is well aware of the existence of supernatural creatures and he made her aware too. And she lived around us all the time, there's no way we could keep it secret. But she'd always laugh at me when I told her about the dark creatures, saying she's not a little crybaby that I can scare off with these.
"Will you stop questioning?" she snaps, "You should be thanking me for saving your ass."
I rub the back of my head, "Cut the formality. Tell me first, did you heal me? How did you heal me? Are you not human? Did you pretend the whole time in childhood?"
It's not wise to trust her and I need to confirm she's not a threat.
"Goodness! Now I understand how much of a pain in the ass I was to father," she rolls her eyes, "People tell me I ask alot of questions but you're way worse. I must've picked it from you."
I gasp, going silent for a moment, "Did you just call me a pain in the ass? That's the language her royal highness speaks now?"
"Like you didn't just point that I'm a witch?" she crosses her arms, "Yes, I healed you but it's no witchcraft. Even if I somehow turn out to be a witch, I've never learned anything about it," she looks away, "And you can't tell anyone about it."
"Why?" I raise an eyebrow.
She sighs deeply, "Cause I said so. Why are you so infuriating?"
"Nobody has ever called me infuriating before," I growl, being offended. She might be my once best friend but I'm the future Alpha and no one dares to disrespect me.
"Don't growl at me," she takes a step closer to me, looking up to meet my eyes with a challenging gaze, "I'm not afraid of you, Alpha boy. Don't forget you're alive because of me."
Now she's straight off getting in my nerves. This girl has been chased by supernatural creatures since birth, that's the main reason King Wu wanted dad's help to protect her and asked to keep me around her as I can sense the presence of all species. If I'm not mistaken, she's still being chased. To add to that, Prince Karry has postered her portrait as wanted everywhere. She can't even imagine the extinct of danger she's in. And instead of letting me help, answering my questions, she keeps giving an attitude. I don't know how I still wanna protect her.
"I'm losing my gratitude because of all your boasting," I roll my eyes, taking a step back from her to sit on the bed. I glance at her, cocking my head on one side, "You saved me that's why I'm trying to help you. If someone else found you they'd have you killed or sent to the Blood King where you'll be executed. Do you understand the danger you're in? Do you have any idea how much King Wu had to deal with all his life to protect you? At least pay some respect to the dead man's sacrifices!"
She freezes, her knees shaking, and the damage is done before I realize what I've said. I brought up her dead father and talked about his struggle because of her. She's feeling guilty, extremely guilty.
She drops to the floor, hugging her knees to her chest. She shakes uncontrollably and something twists in my gut.
Why the hell did I say that?
"I..didn't mean to say that," I mutter sitting next to her, keeping my distance. She starts sobbing as she covers her face with her hands.
Comfort her, idiot!
I cautiously scoot closer, running my hand on her back, trying to soothe her. She leans in my touch.
Without warning, she raises her head from her knees and falls on my embrace, her head in my neck. My whole body flinches for a second as a zap of electricity surges through me. I get a sudden, irresistible desire to touch her, to claim her.
I freeze..
Where's it coming from? She's not my mate, I would've known immediately if she was.
I shake my head, tryna get rid of the crazy thoughts. Wrapping an arm around her, I let her cry on my shoulder. I don't know why but it pains me to see her cry, as if something happened to me. I'm not this much empathetic about anything.
After a few minutes, she moves away from me, wiping her tears with her fingers, she turns to me, "Will you take me to Uncle Mark?"
It's near twilight. If we go home via the direct path, there's a high possibility I'll come across the hunting werewolves, or who knows, a vampire or a rogue. The way we're getting attacked nowadays, we can't really expect to be safe. We've to go through the grasslands of Jinan.
"Well?" she raises an eyebrow, "Is it too late to ask for your help?"
"Nonsense," I shake my head, "Of course I'll take you."
Meihua's POV »☆●
"Angel, you done?" his voice blooms from above.
"My name is Meihua," I grunt as I stand up, closing the lid behind and covering it with leaves.
He shakes his head, "Shut up, I said you're angel so you're angel."
I frown, who gives compliments so aggressively?
I follow after him as we walk in silence, riding through some grasslands. Taking in the surroundings, I try to memorize the path we walked. Who knows when I need it again?
But it's hard cause we crossed plenty of path, we've been walking for hours. The yellowish white glow of the sun is appearing in the horizon. The grasslands aren't as pretty as the gardens of my castle, but there's a divine freedom in the lifeless grass we step on, the fresh air we breathe in.
As we keep walking through the grasslands, a man and a woman blocks our path, each wearing vastly different gear.
"Wait," the guy comes forward, turning to look at Se, "Your Regency, what are you doing here? Who's this lady?"
He's the King-regent?
"She's a friend, Kai. We're going home," Se responds with a forced politeness. I can tell he wants to lash out on him but has to hold back for some reason.
"Home? You're going to Beijing through Jinan?" he raises an eyebrow.
Se sighs, "I had to go out of the realm."
"Weird," he frowns, "For what purpose? You were in Beijing even last night."
"I don't owe you an explanation," Se grunts in response.
"Oh I believe you do," the woman steps forward, "Remember? You're not the King yet. You think we mercenaries would last long if we blatantly trusted everyone who promised us authority?"
Kai nods, "Chaen is right. You're suspiciously close to our encampment along with a stranger. This is our territory. We're supposed to be informed if you're about to come."
I can sense these mercenaries have no idea what Se is and what power he holds. This Chaen and Kai works for someone important and has some sort of agreement with Se or Uncle Mark.
"Hand over your weapons," Chaen groans.
"What?" I gasp. I can't be defenseless. I don't trust anyone that much.
"Your Regency, we respect your family alot. Please don't force us to create a scene. In Kyungsoo's absence, we're obliged to siege anyone's weapon who crosses our borders, friend or not. Hand over nicely, we'll escort you home and then return your weapons," Kai says politely, stretching his hands out, asking for the weapons.
"I don't have anything on me," Se mutters.
"And the lady?" Chaen glares at me.
Se exchanges a glance with me, nodding to hand over my weapons. I guess I have no choice.
"Don't they know who you are?" I whisper to Se as I reluctantly take out my weapons.
He shakes his head, "We can't reveal ourselves to humans. The world isn't safe for us yet."
He explains how he became the King-regent and the alliance with Mercenary leader Do Kyungsoo.
"It means if they attack us, you can't do shift and defend us?" I ask with a concerned voice as I hand over every weapon on me, except for the stake that's hidden inside my shoes. I need some defense, especially considering Se can't shift in front of them.
"They don't get anything from hurting us. As for taking weapons, it's just cautionary. They don't have any reason to trust us other than words. I need to wait until I become King in order for them to pledge loyalty to me," he informs. I nod in understanding.
"Now give your money, pretty girl," Kai smirks.
Chaen rolls her eyes, "Motherfucker, we're not thieves!"
Kai pouts, "Taking money from captives doesn't always make you a thief. Sometimes it makes you a plunderer, or even better..a conquerer."
Chaen groans, punching Kai lightly on his cheek, "She's probably our Queen-regent. Do you want to explain to Marshall why we stole from his daughter-in-law?"
What the..
"It's nothing like that. We're just friends," I explain, trying not to give them ideas.
"Yeah sure, a young man, a young woman, friends, secretly striding together, most likely since midnight, and he doesn't wanna explain why, sure you're friends," she smirks.
"Does that mean you two are married?" I bite my lips, holding back a laugh.
All the color drops from Chaen's face as she mutters, "Me? And this fucking donkey?"
Kai rolls his eyes, "Fortunately, no. Our leader got the misfortune of having her. The patrol was much more interesting before Kyungsoo decided to add his lover."
Chaen crosses her arms, "The patrol was much more interesting before I got paired with you."
Kai shrugs, making a mocking face, "Blah blah, don't take money, got it," he glances at me then at Se, "Come along, you two."
To Be Continued »☆●