Chapter 24: Result 2 Electric Boogaloo

Hitomi and the others watch Midoriya walk into the circle and pick up the ball, he looks nervous as hell...

Not far from Hitomi Ida folds his arms with a concerned look on his face... "If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon he's the one going home..."

"Huh!? Of course he is he's a Quirkless looser!" Bakugo yells as he points at Midoriya

"Eh!? He has a Quirk!" He drops his arms "Did you not hear about what he did in the entrance exam?"

Bakugo frowns "Huh?"

"He defeated the Zero Point Obstacle in a single blow!" He gestures stiffly at Midoriya "And he saved Uraraka in the process!" He swings his arm to point at Uraraka stood next to him

"That's impossible! Deku's been a pathetic Quirkless nobody since the day he was born!"

"Then you've clearly not gotten to know Midoriya very well! I saw his power with my own eyes!"

Hitomi frowns as Bakugo and Ida keep arguing 'That's not right though...' she thinks back to when her and Bakugo first met... To the boy Bakugo and his friends were beating up who is clearly a four year old Midoriya 'Bakugo has known Midoriya his entire life... If anyone would know his Quirk status it would be Bakugo...'

She hears Aizawa's voice through her thoughts "I erased your Quirk." She quickly looks to the front and sees him with his hair on end and his capture scarf floating around him! He continues "The judges for this exam. Were not rational enough. Someone like you should never be allowed to enroll at this school."

'Someone like him?' she studies Midoriya 'What makes him different from the rest of us? If Aizawa would be ok with a Quirk like Hitoshi's, a false reputation like mine and a crap attitude like Bakugo's then it can't be either of those...'

While she's not listening Midoriya gasps! "Those goggles! I know you! You can look at someone and cancel out their powers! The Erasure Hero Eraser Head!"

While the students try and remember who Aizawa is Hitomi keeps thinking... 'I've gotten to know Aizawa kinda well over these past months... He hates irrationality, the media, people who don't take the Hero gig seriously and All Might... Is Midoriya extremely irrational? So much so he needs to be called out like this?"

"You're not ready. You don't have control over your power. Were you planning to break your bones again? Counting on someone else to save your useless body?"

'So he can't control his power... And using it apparently breaks his bones... So his body can't handle his power like Aoyama's stomach ache when he overuses his laser... But breaking bones is way more extreme than a stomach ache'

Aizawa has pulled Midoriya super close with his capture scarf "No matter what your intentions are, you would be nothing more than a liability in battle" Midoriya gasps "You have the same reckless passion as another overzealous Hero I know. One who saved a thousand people by himself and became a legend." He glares down at Midoriya"But even with that drive you're worthless if you can only throw a single punch before breaking down"

'So that's it... Midoriya IS irrational and also reminds him of All Might...' Hitomi sighs... 'Poor guy never stood a chance...'

"Sorry Midoriya. With your power there's no way you can become a Hero." Midoriya lowers his head... "I've returned your impractical Quirk. Take your final throw. Hurry and get it over with."

'What will he do now... Will he prove Aizawa right and use his Quirk or will he just throw it as best he can like an average person?'

Toru shuffles her feet "Aizawa was pretty harsh... Was that really necessary...?"

"Were any of us in Midoriya's exam section?" Hitomi looks at Mina seeing as herself and Toru were in the same place

Mina shakes her head "He wasn't in mine... But I guess if what's being said is true it's clear why Ida would respect him after a demonstration like that"

"We can only wait and see I suppose" Hitoshi looks at the motionless Midoriya... The three others do the same...

Suddenly with a look of determination Midoriya pulls his arm back and throws!! "Smaaaaash!!!!" He throws it straight up causing a huge blast of air to follow it like a hurricane!! All the students gasp as the wind changes and blows on them from behind! Most in awe of the power of that one throw!

Hitomi is too in awe until the wind calms down and an unmistakable scent crosses her shared senses... 'Blood...!?' she quickly turns and focuses in the direction it's coming from! And there are the corner of the gym she sees peeking around the corner the large muscular iconic form of... 'All Might...? What's he doing here...? Why's he smell like blood...? And...' she follows the direction he's looking 'Why's he staring at Midoriya...?'

She watches as the trembling boy clenches his fist, one finger, his index finger, swollen and red 'Wait. All that power... From one finger!?' she looks back to see All Might stepping back from the corner and quietly leaving 'I'm confused...'

"Hey!!" Bakugo charges forward! Bringing Hitomi out of her thoughts "Deku you bastard!! Tell me how you did that or you're dead!!"

Midorya screams and Aizawa sends his capture scraf to snag Bakugo!

"What?" He struggles in place "Why the hell is your scarf so strong!?"

"Because it's a capture weapon made out of carbon fibre and a special metal alloy. Stand down. It'd be wise to avoid making me use my Quirk so much. It gives me serious dry eye."

The surrounding students scoff!

"You're wasting my time now" his scarf loosens and returns around his neck "Whoever's next can step up"

Midorya retreats from a seething Bakugo as Mineta walks up to the circle. The look on Bakugo's face could haunt a villain's nightmares for life...

. . .

"And... Phew! We're done!" Toru flops on the ground after crossing the finish line of the long distance run

Hitomi comes over to her "You did a great job! And you're not last place" she looks up to see Mineta lumber over the finish line with Midoriya bringing up the rear in last place "You're gonna get to stay Toru I just know it" 'It's not looking good for Mineta.'

She helps Toru up and they make their way over in front of the gym where Aizawa is waiting "All right, time to give you your results. I've ranked you all from best to worst. You should probably have a good idea of your standing already. I'll just pull up the whole list. It's not worth going over each individual's score"

Toru grips Hitomi wrist while waiting for the results... Hitomi can feel her shaking...

'I'll be fine... Mina too thanks to her 50 meters and long distance scores... Hitoshi has been training his body for a long time so he'll be fine... And Toru had very good scores for an average person... The person going home should be...' she looks around at her classmates 'Jiro, Kaminari, Midoriya or Mineta'

Aizawa activates a projection screen showing a grid of 20... The score is as follows

1: Momo Yaoyorozu

2: Shoto Todoroki

3: Katsuki Bakugo

4: Hitomi Sekizō

5: Tenya Ida

6: Fumikage Tokoyami

7: Mezo Shijo

8: Mashirao Ojiro

9: Eijiro Kirishima

10: Mina Ashido

11: Ochaco Uraraka

12: Rikido Sato

13: Tsuyu Asui

14: Hitoshi Shinso

15: Yuga Aoyama

16: Toru Hagakure

17: Denki Kaminari

18: Kyoka Jiro

19: Minoru Mineta

20: Izuku Midoriya

Hitomi smiles and then...

"Yippeeeee!! I didn't fail!" Toru hugs her side jumping up and down!

Hitomi laughs and puts an arm around her 'Damn... It wasn't Mineta...' she looks at Midoriya as his face devolves into dispair 'Sorry Midoriya... I hope you can enroll in a new sch-'

"And I was lying, no one's going home" he grins wide! "That was just a rational deception to make sure you have it your all in the tests"

All the students cry out! "Huuuuh!?"

Hitomi and Hitoshi stare at each other with jaws dropped!

Hitomi loudly whispers "No way he was lying! Remember when he told us he expelled that entire class!?"

"Yeah! Why would he change his mind!?" He frowns at Aizawa

"That's it we're done for today, pick up a syllabus in the classroom, read it over before tomorrow morning" he heads over to Midoriya

"What do you think?" Hitoshi folds his arms

Hitomi looks at Toru and clenches her fist! "I'm gonna talk to Aizawa... If it was really a lie I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind... And if it wasn't I'm gonna ask why Midoriya gets special treatment"

"You're mad because Toru was so scared?" He folds his arms

"Yeah... Being the only one that could see the fear in her eyes... I wanna stand up for her..."

He smiles "Alright, go on then" he starts heading away with the other students "I'll message you later" he waves goodbye

Aizawa has already walked away around the corner by the time Hitomi follows after him 'Ain't gettin' away that easy ya damn jerk' however before she can round the corner she hears a stern voice.

"Aizawa. That Was A Rotten Move."