Chapter 25: Talkin' 'bout Gurls

Hitomi flattens herself against the wall and smells the air... 'Blood again... And that voice... It's All Might...'

Aizawa stops walking "All Might... So you were watching... No talk shows today?"

"A Rational Deception" he gestures "That's Cute, But You're Not Exactly Known For Being Lighthearted. I Read Your File." He rests his hand back on his hip

'Uh Ohhhh you're in trouble now Aizawa! Papa All Might is angy' Hitomi grins!

"Last Year You Expelled An Entire Class Of Freshmen Students! You Have No Problem Kicking Students Out. Anyone You Deem Unworthy" he narrows his eyes more "You Were Planning To Send Last Place Home. So That Can Only Mean..." He points at Aizawa! "You See The Same Kind Of Potential In Young Midoriya That I Do!"

'So he WAS watching Midoriya... Wonder how long the kid's had the Number One's eye' she folds her arms and leans against the wall

"What is this about?" He turns to him and smirks "It almost sounds like you've been in his corner the whole time"

All Might twitches! "Uh..."

"Isn't it a little early for you to be playing favorites?" He starts walking away "He doesn't have zero potential, I admit... If that were the case. I would have sent him straight home after class without hesitation. It's cruel to let a kid keep dreaming of something that will never come true."

'So it didn't start as a lie... You changed your mind after Midoriya's display with the ball throw...' she sighs... 'If it had been anyone else in last place they would have gone home like you said... Including Toru... You ass...'

All Might watches him walk away... "In Your Own Strange Way, You're A Kind Man, Aizawa" he starts flexing his hand "I Know That. But Clearly, We Are Gonna Have Us A Problem"

'A problem? Over the students? Or Midoriya particularly? Hmm... Something to think on... Ok, better leave now in case he comes this wa-' she turns to leave and as she does she steps on a branch causing a loud snap! 'Oh are you kidding!?! How cliché is that!?'

"Hm? Who's There?" All Might starts walking towards the corner

'Craaaap! I don't wanna be on his bad side for listening in!' she snatches up the pieces of the branch and dashes inside the door of the gym that's next to her! Slowly opening and pulling the door as closed as possible without shutting it as quietly as she can! She waits with held breath...

"Hmm... Suppose It Was Nothing... Must Be Hearing Things In My Old Age! Ha Ha Ha H-!" he starts coughing! And Hitomi smells fresh blood "Oof... Overdid It... Best Get Inside And Finish Off Some Work..." He heads away

'Was he... Coughing up blood...? Is All Might sick...? That's pretty serious... And most likely a secret they don't want people knowing... Including nosey snakey haired students...' she sighs... "Welp! Add it to the growing list of mysteries! Time to go home" she looks down at herself "Time to get changed! Then go home" and she does just that, due to her delay the changing room is deserted so she can change in peace...

After that she heads to the station and hops on the train, she's in a good mood so she doesn't wear her incognito hoodie. The people who look at her and recognise her distinct appearance are confused because... She's wearing a UA uniform. A fact that soon graces their social media feeds along with "sneaky" pictures they've taken that Hitomi was fully aware of and even slightly posed for! Casual poses of course 'Get my good side bitches' she turns her face to the window with her chin resting on her hand

'You'd think I'd be more bothered by this... Knowing people are gonna complain about me more... But I don't really care any more! I've got my place in UA and no conspiracy theory crap is gonna take it away from me! UA has a great reputation so I can hide behind that'

She smiles to herself as the train pulls into the station nearest her residence she then disembarks and heads home.

"Moooom!! Daaaad!! I'm hoooome!" She kicks off her shoes and dumps her bag at the door as she comes inside

Hajime runs up to her and pulls her into a hug! "How was your first day sweetie!? Did you make any friends!? Any enemies!? Did you meet some Heros!?"

"Hajime let the poor girl breathe!" Asa comes over "But really how did it go?" She pulls Hitomi from Hajime's clutches and grips her shoulders and stares into her hidden eyes "Tell us eeeeverything"

"Alright alright!" She laughs "Let's go to the living room instead of doing this on the doorstep" she frees herself from her Mother's grip and pushes both parents to the living room "How's your guy's day been?"

"Same old same old... How'd you day go!?" Hajime doesn't let himself be distracted as he sits and stares at her

Asa pours them some tea "There's no escape Hitomi, you've gotta tell us"

"Fiiiine! Well... To start with Aizawa is my homeroom teacher"

"That's great!" He pumps his fist! "You're his favourite right?"

Asa sips her tea "Of course not dear, Aizawa is too strict to have a favourite student, in fact! I think he'd be crueler to his favourite student so let's hope Hitomi isn't one"

"Well no I'm not his favourite and I think you're right that he doesn't have a favourite, not eveeeen... Hitoshi!"

"Hitoshi got in!? That's wonderful! When you didn't hear from him after his exam I was worried" she gestures for her daughter to continue

"Yeah so Hitoshi and Eighteen others including some familiar faces" she smirks "Like Katsuki Bakugo"

Asa thinks for a moment then her jaw drops!

"Who's that?" Hajime tilts his head

"The boy she turned to stone when she was four! Wow... What a coincidence... How's he doing?" She leans forward

"He's a violent psychopath obsessed with being the best and crushing all those around him" Hitomi shrugs

"O-oh... Um... That's nice?" She chuckles awkwardly

"How'd a mad kid like that get into a Hero course?" Hajime frowns "They should really have a team of psychiatrists talk to applicants as well as the written and practical tests. Written exam, Practical exam, Phycological exam"

"Careful Dad you're being smart again" she sighs "You're right though, the entrance exams are so poorly designed... The written is basic enough I suppose but the practical is ridiculous... How many amazing potential Hero's have been lost because their Quirks aren't focused on destruction...? Toru was lucky to get thro-" she squeaks and covers her mouth!

"Ohhhhh?" Asa grins! "Who's Toru dear Daughter of mine?" She steeples her fingers together like an evil mastermind "That sounds like a first name... You're on a first name basis with a girl on the first day?" Her grin widens!

"Mom stop embarrassing me..." She turns away

"I'm your Mother it's my job to embarrass you" She does the stereotype evil laugh "Now spill!"

She sighs! "Her name is Toru Hagakure... She's really nice... And pretty... And sweet... And her body language is really expressive..." She begins to ramble "And she's got this super long messy hair but it's the stylish kind of messy y'know? And her eyes are beautiful and unique with long eyelashes and she blushes quite a lot but that's adorable and she smells super good and she's got a really cute voice too so overall she's just really really cute and-"

"And you like her" Asa smiles warmly...

"W-well I w-wouldn't say like...! Like LIKE like!? I mean we just met today!" She blushes

"I asked your Mother to marry me the same minute we met" Hajime smiles proudly

"Yes dear but you had a concussion and was high on painkiller medication at the time" she pats him on the head

"It was love at first sight! Concussion or not" he folds his arms

"Hmmm... Thinking of that... Was this the first time you saw her though? I seem to remember you describing another girl as really pretty with long messy hair" she chuckles "During the practical exam? A certain nak-"

"M-Mom stop you'll make me picture her!" She rapidly shakes her head while her blush intensifies! "Yes she's the same girl..."

"Oh good! Was her Quirk what I thought it was?" She rubs her hands together

"What did you think it was again?" Hajime tilts his head

"She can appear in the form of what will distract her opponent the most"

"No... No her Quirk is... More simple than that..." She sighs... "She's completely invisible... Permanently... I could only see her because of my thermal vision... So I didn't notice..."

"O-oh... Can she see herself...?" Hitomi shakes her head and Asa sighs... "Oh that poor girl... It must be so hard on her..."

"When she found out I could see her she completely froze up then ran out the room... I think she was tearing up..." She lowers her head...

"It must have been overwhelming... Being seen by someone for... Maybe the first time in her life..." She smiles softly... "You're going to become very important to this girl very quickly... Maybe one of the most important people in her life..." She reaches out and holds her Daughter's hand

"I... I'd be happy to be so important to her..." She smiles "I know it's sudden... And we've only just properly met today... But I really do like her Mom... Is that ok...?"

"Of course it's ok..." She squeezes her hand "I just have one question..."

"What is it...?" She looks at her

"When do I get to meet her and embarrass you properly?" She grins!
