Chapter 26: Hero Costumes!

Hitomi enters the classroom after lunch the next day with Hitoshi and Toru in tow, Mina is off socialising with the other girls of the class

"I'm telling you guys I never expected Lunch Rush's food to taste that amazing to me" she pats her stomach

Toru tilts her head "Buuuut isn't Lunch Rush known for being an amazing cook?"

"Hitomi has a muted sense of taste" Hitoshi replies before Hitomi can

"Wow thanks for stealing my self exposition man!" She smacks his arm!

"I'm getting too used to the physical abuse from you guys..." He rubs his arm

"Think of it as Hero training? Aaaand speaking of Hero training..." She drum rolls on her knees "That's the lesson we've got right now! Woo!"

Toru raises her arms "Woo!"

They both stare at Hitoshi, who sighs... "Woo..."

"Good boy!" Both girls laugh while Hitoshi questions his friend choices

Ida suddenly stands from his desk "Everybody in their seat please! Class is scheduled to start momentarily!" He sits back down

"That's our queue, thanks Ida!" Hitomi heads to her seat

Ida points his arm at her "You are welcome!"

She takes her seat and it's just in time as in that moment the door slams open and All Might flings himself through with his cape billowing forward, possibly due to the secret wind machine positioned in the hallway behind him. He's holding the doorframe and standing on his tiptoes leading to a very... Flamboyant pose "I Am Here!" The students gasp! "Coming Through The Door! Like A Hero!" He exaggeratedly marches towards the podium!

While the other students exclaim over their disbelief Hitomi is lost in her thoughts... 'He still smells of blood... But he's slapped on a layer of aftershave or something to try and cover it... Kinda disturbing that he has a constant stench of blood lingering on him but if it's his own that he's coughing up I can't blame the guy... Crap pay attention!'

All Might is stood at the podium with fists on his hips "Think Of It As Hero‐ing 101! Here, You Will Learn The Basics Of Being A Pro And What It Means To Fight In The Name Of Good!"

He steps off to the side and starts flexing "Let's Get Into It! Today's Lesson Will" he spins around and shows a card reading "Battle" "Pull No Punches!"

"But One Of The Keys Of Being A Hero Iiiiis..." He points to the wall! "Looking Good!" Racks start to slide out the wall with a mechanical whir "These Were Designed For You Based On Your Quirk Registration Forms And The Requests You Sent In Before School Started." Each shelf holds a case with a corisponding student number on it, the shelf is so tall those with cases on the top are likely gonna need to climb the shelves or All Might himself to reach them

The students all cry out in excitement, Hitomi being among them if course because who doesn't love a Hero Costume!?

All Might turns to them with his hands once again on his hips and then points at the cases "Get Yourselves Suited Up, And Then Meet Me At Training Ground Beta!"

The students all stand at once and some say together "Yes, sir!" There's a mad dash towards the shelves at the front and poor Toru hides under her desk to avoid the wave that even All Might couldn't withstand as he's flung to the side!

"Everyone please move in an orderly fashion!" Ida tries to keep everyone under control but alas... He's ignored

"If any of you bastards touch me I'll kill you!!" Bakugo who was second closest to the racks next to Toru snarls at everyone like a cornered animal as he stands between them and the shelves

"Shift your ass BakuBlow we want our costumes!!" Mina yells from the back! Getting yells of approval from her fellow pumped up classmates

"What did you call me!?!?" His hand crackles with mini explosions

"EVERYBODY STOP!!!" All Might yells from the front "I Get You're All Excited But Please Remain Calm! I Will Pass You Your Costumes So Just Form a Line! Jeeze... And You Young Bakugo! Do Not Threaten To Kill Your Classmates! That's No Way For A Future Hero Too Behave"

Hitomi who stayed at her desk the entire time watches as Toru peeks out from under her own 'Thank goodness... She's alright...' Toru notices her gaze and gives her a thumbs up then looks at the hand she's doing it with and smiles to herself...

All Might proceeds to hand out the cases in an orderly fashion much to Ida's satisfaction

Once all the girls have their cases they once again head towards the changing rooms together, Hitomi hesitates to follow... Before her arms are grabbed by Mina and Toru and she's marched after them!

"W-woah guys is this necessary!?" She doesn't struggle as they march her along

Mina pats her shoulder "We get you're awkward changing around us but we all promise we're chill about it, right girls!?" All the girls give some form of confirmation

"You're gonna need to get used to this eventually Hitomi... Not to mention most female Hero costumes leave little to... The... Imagi... Nation..." Toru slows to a stop and because she has hold of Hitomi's arm this causes Hitomi and Mina to stop too

"Toru? You ok?" Hitomi looks on worriedly as Toru looks from Hitomi to over her shoulder at the case on her own back and then back to Hitomi again... With an expression of slowly mounting horror! "Toru...!?"

"I-I-I!" Her face starts burning with a blush! "I've gotta go! Uhh... Gotta go get something!!" She lets Hitomi go and starts quickly walking away in the opposite direction! Slowly movinging into a jog and then a run!

"Are you ok...!?" Hitomi calls after her...

"I'm fine! Don't worry about me! I'll be back soon!" She vanishes around the distant corner

Hitomi frowns "That... Was strange..."

"Yeah... But she said she's fine! Let's catch up to the others" Mina starts dragging her again "And just so you know I certainly don't mind you checking me out, I worked for my body so I take it as a compliment"

Hitomi droops as she's dragged "I'm THAT obvious...? Really...?"

"Oh big time! Though to be fair we didn't really get it until you ran out the changing room that first time" Mina laughs

"All the girls know!?" 'Why god Whhhhy!?'

"Yup! And like we said we don't mind, you're a shy and respectful person after all when it comes to girls" she snorts! "Not like you're Mineta right?"

Triggered by even the slightest notion she could be compared to that perverted pipsqueak she stands strong and marches towards the changing room under her own power "You're damn right I'm not!"

Mina smirks from behind her 'Too easy' and she happily follows along behind her emboldened friend

They arrive at the changing room just as they hear the cry of Uraraka from inside "I knew I should have been more specific in my application...!"

They enter to see the poor girl in her shirt and skirt holding up a body suit that seems to be too small but will likely stretch to fit her... However that fit will be veeeery tight

"It can't be helped Ochaco, Ribbit, female Heros gotta capitalize on their sex appeal to attract fans, it's just how things are" Asui is already wearing her own skin tight green bodysuit

"According to my research that is indeed the case... However it is quite the embarrassing notion..." Yaoyorozu blushes slightly... Also she's baring her bra as she doesn't have a shirt on currently!

'Nope! Can't do it!' Hitomi turns a full One Eighty and goes for the door! But a wild Ashido has blocked her way! "Mina please..."

"Go beyond your limits Hitomi..." She grins "Plus Ultra!"

The girls had now noticed them and join with their own "Plus Ultra!"s, though Jiro did so half heartedly and a bit late

"Oh I'm sorry Sekizō..." Yaoyorozu covers herself with her shirt "Did I make you uncomfortable...? I did not see you enter... I apologise..."

"N-no you didn't! You don't need to apologise you've done nothing wrong! It's all me! Uhh..." She sighs... "I should be the one apologising... I'm the one making things awkward..." She bows her head "I'm so sorry everyone..."

"It's just how you are, not like you're doing anything wrong either, Ribbit" Asui smiles and shrugs while her tongue hangs out

Mina claps her hands! "Ok everybody! This can't happen every time so! Exposure therapy" She makes Hitomi lift her head then marches her to a bench and sits her down "Hitomi. You will stay sat here. We will get changed. You will be watching. We will not care." She turns to the others "We won't care right?"

They all shake their heads or give some other form of "No"

Hitomi tries to speak "Bu-"

But Mina covers her mouth "No buts, well, no verbal buts anyway" she grins at her own joke and moves away to get changed herself

What follows is both the best and worst minutes of Hitomi's entire life! The girl's change normally and Hitomi sees eeeeverything! If it were possible steam would be billowing from her ears! And yet... Even if she could look away... She would never. But even through the haze of her embarrassment and unavoidable desire to see the female form... One thought makes itself occasionally known... 'I hope Toru is alright...'

After all the girls change Mina comes back over, now sporting a blue and purple tie-dye bodysuit that cuts off at her bust and a cropped sleeveless jacket with a fur lined collar "How you doing...? You ok...?"

"I... I... I..." Hitomi.exe has crashed

"Oh no we broke her!" Uraraka covers her mouth!

"Nice going Mina" Jiro folds her arms "How's she gonna get changed now? Do we slap her awake?"

"No... Uhhh... We change her ourselves!" She takes Hitomi's case from her back, places it on the bench and opens it

The girls all let out "Ooooo!"s and Mina grins! "Oh that's cool!"

[Next chapter will include Hitomi's Hero Costume!]