"Did you find anyone you're interested in among the five?"

Lady S nodded her head but wasn't in a hurry to divulge which young man she wanted to take home and simply responded in a lazy manner, "umm but the price may affect my choice. Give me the price list and I'll think about it."

Lady S already has someone in mind that she wants to take home, but why should she tell the other right away?

She didn't want to be taken advantage of or have something used against her.

She wanted to get what she wanted at a bargain price without spending too much money; after all, she was just buying a man who she could discard once she was bored with him.

The proprietress was unconcerned and simply stated the prices of the five young men she had brought to Lady S. The value the young men brought to the establishment determined these prices.

After hearing the prices, Lady S pretended to ponder for a while, and the proprietress, who was currently in a bind and needed some money, was very concerned; after all, if Lady S refuses to buy someone this night, the consequences will be dire.

The proprietress didn't want to sell anyone because keeping these young men was far more profitable in the long run than selling them. But who knew that one week ago, a huge problem had suddenly fallen on her and a large sum of money was required?

It eventually forced her to sell some young men to the interested ladies. When everything is finished, she will obtain the necessary capital, give away some old blood, and bring in some new blood.

"Among the five of them, I'll take O'Neal," Lady S finally replied to the proprietress.

To be honest, she had no idea Lady S would choose the cheapest of the five young men she had brought.

O'Neal was one of the cheapest because this young man was a little dull and didn't know how to please women.

She was desperate to get rid of him, but she had no idea that the other clients wouldn't even pick him during the first round, and that Lady S would.

The proprietress also realized that Lady S didn't lack money, so the excuse that she was broke and chose O'Neal was invalid. Why did she choose him over everyone else?

"What made you choose him? He's probably not going to be able to serve you well!"

Yes, the proprietress was concerned when she heard of this selection.

She wouldn't have minded if it had been someone else who had brought O'Neal, but Lady S was different; she didn't want her plastic relationship with the other to end before it even began because of O'Neal.

"Don't worry about anything," Lady S said, shaking her head and waving her hand, "I like his personality; I will train him thoroughly so that he will only serve me for the rest of his life."

The proprietress shuddered upon hearing this; she had never imagined that the lady who had refused to let the escorts touch her during her eight weeks here had this side to her. But this was also good; how can a woman who visits places like this be a saint?

"All right, I'll respect your decision."

"Then let's get this over with," Lady S said, opening her fan and fanning herself once more, "I'm ready to go home."

"How about we go to my office and sign the deal?" the proprietress said as she stood up.

Lady S also stood up, indicating her agreement.

Just like that, the two ladies happily walked to the office, passing several people with whom they exchanged greetings before locking themselves in.

Inside the office, the proprietress handed Lady S a printed contract, which she carefully read word for word before signing.

She transferred the money to the bank account provided by the proprietress after signing the contract.

When the proprietress saw that the money had been sent, she was overjoyed, and her expression toward Lady S changed. This money will undoubtedly assist her in dealing with her problems.

"Just wait for me here, and I'll get O'Neal to pack his belongings and follow you back," the proprietress instructed Lady S.

"Sure, I'll be there."

The proprietress left lady S in her office, who was unconcerned about her doing something else. Lady S, she suspected, would not stoop so low.

O'Neal and the other four were waiting for the proprietress to return with the news in the dorms.

O'Neal had been working in this club for two years and was completely unaccustomed to it. He was a little different and didn't dare to show that side of himself; as a result of this, and his strong desire to keep his secret hidden, he ended up becoming a boring person in the eyes of the establishment's female customers.

His only wish was to leave this place, find someone who will treat him well, and serve that person completely, becoming that person's slave if that is what the others desired.

This, however, was not going to happen to him. The fact that the other four were most likely to leave this place was enough to make him drown in agony.

However, when the proprietress arrived, she simply told him to pack his belongings as he was leaving.

This order was sufficient to inform everyone inside the dorm that O'Neal, the boring person, had been chosen by the mysterious client about whom everyone was curious.

He was simply so happy that he completely ignored the envious looks of the others. He had been looking forward to leaving this place for a very long time. Who cares what other people were thinking at the time?

He will slowly investigate what the future holds for him, but to survive and serve well, he must come clean. After all, the truth is always liberating.

O'Neal was still convinced that everything had been a dream. He finally walked out of that huge place, and by his side was the lady he had never expected to choose him.