Lady S barely spoke on the day he served her. She didn't seem sexually interested in any of them, so going back to her place with her didn't seem real at all.

His new Mistress's car was his biggest surprise after leaving the club. Even though he and the others were trapped in this club, they had access to the outside world.

So he was well aware of the car that his mistress was driving, and it was an expensive car worth around $2 million. The cost of the car was even higher than the amount paid for him.

"I believe you are not an idiot," Lady S, who had not opened her mouth to speak to him, said suddenly inside the car, "you now belong to me because I bought you, but unlike your previous residence, I will give you your freedom. I'm not looking for a slave, but rather a companion. You can gradually repay me, and there are several options. I only ask one thing of you: you are not allowed to cheat on me, and if you fall in love with someone else, you must tell me and not hide. If you hide it from me and I find out, you'll be sorry you ever left that hellhole."

The more O'Neal listened to Lady S, the more he shuddered. He had been trapped in that hellhole for two years, so he was familiar with Lady S's tone.

And he knew she wasn't joking; it was always the quiet ones who were dangerous, and he didn't want to get on her bad side.

From the moment he realized he'd been sold, he told himself that even if he didn't love Lady S, he would devote his entire life to her and never betray her.

He was quite dirty for someone like him who was in that shady place and went through the things that he did, and it will be very difficult for him to find someone who will accept him fully if his background is ever leaked out.

Following someone like Lady S, on the other hand, was like having a great cheat on his side. So why should he let something like that pass him by?

Lady S removed him from that location, so she knows who he is or was. He was no longer a young boy eager to pop his cherry with the girl he adored.

He had already lost his innocence, and it was also because of this that he discovered something that caused him to be introverted and almost got pushed out because he was not well-liked by the clients.

With a blushing face, he swore solemnly, "I swear that I will never betray you and will serve you well."

Lady S chuckled as she heard this; in her mind, she was picturing a specific scene that led her to choose O'Neal over the other guys.

'It's going to be a lot of fun.'

"That's better, darling because if you ever go against me, you'll be severely punished. Let's get to know one another because we'll be living together. It will take us about two hours to get home, so there will be plenty of time to get acquainted," Lady S said softly, looking at O'Neal for a brief moment.

O'Neal had no idea they were going that far, but being that far was also advantageous because he didn't want to run into old acquaintances.

"Certainly, ma'am."

Lady S chuckled again and resumed driving her car.

"Because we're already out. I don't want you to call me Lady S; my name is Sarah Roberts. I'm thirty-three years old, and I have two children, twins who are twelve years old. They are currently staying with my parents in another country, and I hope to see them one day," Sarah said calmly and relaxedly.

O'Neal had no idea his mistress Sarah would tell him so much about herself on the first day. He expected her to keep a lot of things from him, and this made him feel very touched.

She made him feel like a human being who could be trusted. O'Neal was well aware of how much the proprietress would go to obtain such information, and yet he obtained it without much effort.

"When you're around me, you don't have to be reserved. We will be together for a long time and I want you to feel comfortable around me. I'd also like to know how you ended up in this situation. I'm curious about all of your secrets. Are you able to do that for me?" Sarah gently inquired, her voice soft and coaxing.

O'Neal, who had already told himself that if someone took him out of that place, found a chance and didn't pass it up.

"My name is O'Neal Pratt, and I'll be twenty-one in three months. I w…."

Sarah sat quietly as O'Neal told his story. His father sold him two years ago after Mr. Pratt failed to pay his gambling debt. To pay off his debt, the older man was willing to sell his son from his first marriage. O'Neal's mother was not there to assist him; she had always been self-centered and had not contacted him since the divorce was finalized.

O'Neal should have been in his second year of college by now, but because his life was doomed from the start, it reduced him to becoming an escort who sleeps with women for money.

"Because you're already out of there, your life will improve. We can do what we want even though I live on the outskirts of Belmore. I'll send you back to school, and I hope you work hard. I don't keep slackers; you must prove your worth to me or else you will be useless to me."

"I will not let you down," O'Neal said with gratitude to the woman driving behind another car, "I intend to work hard and repay everything."

"Just serve me right. Now tell me what you're keeping hidden. I'll send you back if you're dishonest with me!" Sarah demanded in a commanding tone that made O'Neal shudder.

But, as if he was already preparing to confess, he began to stutter as he fiddled with his fingers.

O'Neal was nervous twenty minutes later. He confessed his secret about five minutes ago, but Sarah hadn't said anything.

'Does she despise me now that she knows? What did I do?'