Alice was taken aback after seeing the new products that Sarah had placed on the shelves, while also doing her best to put out the fires online. She didn't want to bother Sarah with trivial matters.

Sarah, on the other hand, took O'Neal to bed that night and relished the intimacy she had been missing for days.

As they waited for O'Neal to leave for school, the couple spent a lot of time together and did a lot of things together.

Sarah had a lot of fun watching the battle online over the last few days.

She was overjoyed to learn that she had numerous fans clamoring for her to open a physical store.

However, she did not want to open a physical store that only sold one product at a time. She planned to wait until she had another product to sell before doing so.

Soon after, the day of departure arrived, and Sarah drove O'Neal to Belmore, where he would live and attend school.

There wasn't much to do because everything was already in order the last time they were in the city.

Sarah did not purchase a car for O'Neal because the school was close by and it would be easier for him to make friends if he took public transportation or walked.

Although she stated that she would spoil him, she did not promise to provide him with everything. His allowance was already generous, and if his brain was working properly, he could accomplish a lot with it.

O'Neal used his money to buy groceries for the month, as well as any other toiletries he might require. He didn't want to keep using Sarah's bank card, especially since she had transferred money to him.

O'Neal cooked as usual that night. He had been cooking and doing chores at the farm mansion for the past few days to feel at home and have a sense of belonging, and Sarah had just let him be.

Sarah didn't mind O'Neal doing some housework because she enjoys watching him wear an apron. After all, he looks very sexy in it and thinking of him wearing only that while they were doing that gave her a crazy thought.

That night, O'Neal witnessed a side of heaven he had never imagined existed. Of course, he suffered the next morning as well, as he found it difficult to sit properly.

Sarah smiled cheerfully as she looked at the young man who couldn't properly face her. Finally, she decided to send him to school and simply drop him off at the school gate.

She wasn't going to show up and cause a scene. She was also leaving Belmore later that day and would not be able to stay, so sending him to school was another way for her to spend more time with him.

As he watched the car drive away, O'Neal was upset.

'Unfortunately, I will be alone this time. I hope everything goes well. I don't want to embarrass her, so I'll put in the effort. At the very least, I can still see her when she visits the city, and I can go visit her at the end of the month.'

After thinking things through, O'Neal's gloomy mood vanished and he began to walk toward his future.

University Z was rated as Belmore's third-best university. Soaring Eagle University was the first, followed by Belmore University.

Soaring Eagle was the type of university where you could find wealthy, studious, and crazy students.

Being at Z was already sufficient for him because it did not make him feel superior or superior to others. He just fit in perfectly, which made him feel at ease.

The start of the year always welcomes new students, the freshmen, and also means that the others will be moving up a grade and will be just a few steps closer to graduation and facing the real world.

Universities and colleges are excellent places to make both good and bad memories. One gets to make mistakes, discover opportunities that will shape one's life, and go through the stages of life.

For people like O'Neal, this was another chance to further their studies, achieve their dreams, and make friends who will stick by his side for as long as it is possible.

And, if possible, find a few brothers for himself; after all, Sarah told him the other day that he won't be the only boy she brought home.

Instead of waiting for Sarah to bring an unknown boy home, he will do his best to find candidates with whom he can live and share Sarah in harmony. He is a good boy who will do anything to please his mother and keep her close to him.

The benefit of being handsome and tall is that you will be noticed quickly and people will try their hardest to talk to and befriend you.

So it wasn't long before excited people who were talking surrounded O'Neal to him. And, thanks to them, O'Neal's first day of school went off without a hitch.

"Oh, you're also enrolled in the Business Administration course! This is going to be a lot of fun!"

After hearing what course O'Neal was taking, an effeminate young man of about eighteen or nineteen years old happily clapped his hands.

In the last two years, O'Neal has met a lot of people, and he is not someone who discriminates against others. It didn't matter to him what sexuality the surrounding people were; as long as they were honest and sincere, everything was fine.

Daren is an eighteen-year-old effeminate guy from a middle-class family who is obviously gay.

What O'Neal liked about him was how friendly he was when they first met, even though Daren thought O'Neal looked like a delicious piece of meat in front of his eyes, which O'Neal didn't mind at all.

On this particular day, he made five new friends: three boys and two girls. O'Neal, Daren, Mitchel, and Isaac were all taking the BA course, while Portia, Kennedy, and Luke were studying Arts, Architecture, and Mechanical Engineering, respectively.

These six were the friends O'Neal made on the first day of school, and he wasn't sure if they'd stay friends as the days passed. He wasn't going down without a fight.