Sarah knew that after sending O'Neal away, her life would never be the same again, and that alone was too much for her.

What she wanted was to unwind, catch up with friends, go shopping, and brainstorm some business ideas that could be implemented to help her empire grow.

DEW BEAUTY, the Honey Dew farm, and the tuck shop were all doing well at the time, but it wasn't enough.

The person who sent her to hell and made her lose everything she once owned and was proud of was not to be trifled with.

Although the other didn't live in Belmore, Sarah was kept up to date on the other's whereabouts. To be honest, she was extremely envious of that girl.

She was not only younger than her, but she was also very popular and well-liked by the general public. Her adversary is a twenty-something award-winning actress.

A handsome and wealthy man stands by her side and adores her. Everyone, including her, is envious of their love. This enemy of hers has a lot of money, most of which she believes comes from the man, though she isn't certain.

So, before she even considers confronting the person she despises the most in the world, she needed to make a name for herself, earn a lot of money, and be very confident in herself.

And these three businesses weren't cutting it, so she needed to come up with something that would make a splash. The beauty cream was already shaking the world, but it wasn't enough to get her on that massive stand she desired.

She desired to be seen with the big bosses. If she can have a system, what's to stop others from doing the same?

She actually found some great beauty creams for sale after checking the market, which made her wonder a lot before she put hers on the shelves. No one can dare to charge such exorbitant prices for a bottle of lotion unless they can obtain a magical recipe from the system or through other means.

Sarah was not the type to withdraw from the competition because someone else already had it. She will, however, make every effort to be unique and provide better services than others.

Her cosmetic industry would not only provide beauty cream; she wanted it to provide a variety of good things that could be purchased through the system, and all she needed was the points to do so.

She currently has some cougar points that she has accumulated over the last year and in the last few days since she chose O'Neal.

At the time, her points looked like this.





The base price of recipe books in the system shop is 100CP, and it increases depending on which recipe book she requires. The next recipe she wants doesn't cost much, and it benefits women more.

She wasn't afraid to go all out when it came to spoiling the ladies, because she was mostly biased in their favor.

Sarah spent 180CP on a slimming tea recipe book with three flavors: lemon, ginger, and original. The ingredients were relatively simple to obtain, which is one of the reasons she didn't mind purchasing the recipe now.

She already had an abundance of the essential herbs needed for these three flavors in her greenhouse. Aside from that, other herbs were available in the city, and if one looked closely, the mountains and forests were full of a variety of beneficial plants.

Sarah didn't want to spend her Cougar points because they were hard to come by, unlike health and lust points.

Aside from expanding her cosmetics business, Sarah has another source of income she can use to supplement her income.

Instead of keeping this to herself, she could help others make more money while also expanding her network.

{System, please assist me in registering a stock brokerage firm.}

[Expanding this opportunity to others will necessitate a large expenditure of system points. Do you want to do that?]

Sarah was expecting this to happen, but she had no idea how much the system would charge her.

At the time, she was already being charged 70CP per month to trade for her alone, and these fees ate up the majority of her cougar points. One of the reasons she didn't have many of these points to discuss.

Because the system was very friendly and did not punish the host, she could choose whether to accept the mission and also use a service on credit.

She hopes, however, that the system will not charge her exorbitant fees for doing so, as she will be forced to complete missions regularly.

{How much does it cost?}


{You've got to be kidding. Isn't that quite a lot?}

[After all, the price is very reasonable; the system will never lose money. If the host and the system can reach an agreement, we can negotiate the price.]

{What is it?} she gritted her teeth as the system began to scam her.

[The host only needs to promise to finish missions as soon as possible and to accept as many missions as possible. Every week, the host should accept and complete at least one mission.]

{This is something I'm capable of. And how much of a discount will I get if I do this?}

The system didn't respond for a while, and just as she was about to lose patience, it responded.

If Sarah could see the system's expression right now, she would definitely go insane.

It appeared cunning, smug, and like a professional con artist. How heartbroken will she be if she sees that? Fortunately, she will never be able to see this.


Sarah was relieved when she learned of the reduced price. The current she couldn't take out 200CP at the moment, but as long as she completes the missions assigned to her, she will earn those points.

{All right, I'll take the deal.}

Because she agreed, the system will automatically bind her to a contract she cannot break.