If she does not follow the terms of the contract, she will be forced to pay 300CP, which is already too much for her.

[What do you want to call the brokerage firm?]

Sarah's love for the name Dew was simply so high that she didn't even mind picking the same name for the new company, {DEW brokerage firm. Call it that.}

The system regretted asking the question; after all, it had a feeling Dew would appear again. But, since it has already been asked, it should do as it has been told.

[Will notify the host once everything is completed.]

After saying this, the system went silent, leaving Sarah to her own devices.

Opening a stock brokerage firm will allow her to trade for others, earn management fees from clients, make connections, and gain exposure.

This was just another step she was taking to accomplish everything she desired after being given a second chance in life.

The other thing was to buy the tea-making machines and get people to start mass-producing it as soon as possible.

This is simply because all she has to do is use the system or cougar points to buy the machine. Sarah looked at the prices of the machines and was relieved that they weren't too expensive and that she had enough system points to buy what she wanted.

In the end, Sarah used all of her systems points to get everything she desired, and the only thing left was to transport the machines to the farm because she couldn't magically summon the machines from nowhere.

Sarah was unconcerned about her farming venture because she had used the best seeds from the system this season.

The farm appeared to be very green, and Sarah was confident that the crops this season would be very different and grow much faster than before.

Her family was in the construction business back then, but she wasn't interested, so there was no way she was going to revive it. She was going to start something completely new and unique.

Her other wish was to open an entertainment agency that would take Laswait by storm. She desired to hear songs sung by attractive young men, lovely ladies, and so on.

The system shop sells a variety of items, and songs and scripts were among the items available. She couldn't let those things sit idle any longer; she might as well make the most of them.

Even if she cannot direct, produce, or know anything about this industry, she can hire professionals to handle the business for her.

The internet industry is another one with a lot of potentials; there was so much to do there and so much capital needed. There were already so many powerful families involved in this industry, and the entry requirements were also stringent.

It was extremely difficult to survive there, and only the strongest will survive. She wasn't going to do everything all at once, but rather take her time.

So, in the following days, Honey Dew Farm received a new batch of equipment, which the professional set up in the other corner that was empty. Even after installing the beverage brewing machines in the factory, there was still enough space.

Sarah recognizes that as her company grows, she will need to hire professionals to lead it. Alice was talented, but she lacked the courage to face the giants.

She needed to set up another factory somewhere easily accessible if she wanted her business to grow exponentially. She couldn't keep hiring the villagers for important tasks.

Not all of them had the qualifications and skills she required.

The system successfully registered Dew brokerage firm, and all that remained was for her to open an office, which she clearly did not want to do.

She would rather run this business online and hire a receptionist and someone with convincing skills and insight to be the manager in charge of convincing people to invest in her company.

However, doing so again meant that she needed to find an office. Most of her business required offices, so instead of renting a single office, she might as well buy an office building and rent a few offices while she waits for this building to be purchased.

The farm business did not require any offices because all produce was purchased directly after it was harvested and placed on the market.

She didn't want to add to the farm's expenses because the people in charge were already doing an excellent job.

DEW BEAUTY truly requires an office and a physical shop of its own, or multiple shops, depending on what happens in the future.

By purchasing an office building, she will avoid any future problems associated with renting space, as she was unsure how many businesses she would open in the future.

Sarah decided to use an employment agency to hire some employees for her businesses after careful consideration.

At the same time, she began looking for office buildings for sale as well as a factory to purchase for future use.

She didn't forget to rent an office space with two rooms for the brokerage firm while she was at it.

She had so much going on that she didn't even have time to play with O'Neal.

The system, which had been silent for some time, also appeared and issued a strange mission, which made her think.

[Mission: Travel to Srad and spend a week in bliss. Reward: 100CP.]

That was quite strange. Sarah couldn't figure out what the system was trying to accomplish here, but since it never harmed her in any way, she decided to accept and complete the mission.

She was on the verge of going insane after running around for days and needed to let go.

It would take some time to get the things she desired, and she wasn't in any hurry to make those slimming beverages; they could wait until she returned.

She required the points so badly that she couldn't run the brokerage firm without them.