Everyone calmed down and turned to face the visitor who had approached them. Sarah raised her eyes and gazed at the prey she had set her sights on while dancing.

'You've waited long enough!'

Sia was taken aback when she looked at the person who had just asked Sarah out. She may not know many Srad scions, but she knows almost all of them from where she comes from.

And the person standing in front of them was someone she knew well, and a dangerous one at that. Why was this person here and what was he even doing here in the first place?

Sia looked at Sarah with concern, but when she saw her carefree smile, she decided to put her trust in Sarah and let her do what she wanted. So far, she's discovered that Sarah never does anything that confuses her.

"I wouldn't mind if a handsome man like you bought me a drink, but first, how about you buy some for my sisters here?" Sarah gave him a wink.

The young man didn't mind and simply waved his hands to solve the problem, "now, can I have your attention?"

Sarah stood up and said, "sure," with a smile on her face.

Sia, sensing her impending abandonment, looked at Sarah like a puppy, "big sister, you won't leave me here alone, right?"

"Okay, how about I send you back to the hotel and then I can have more fun?" Sarah laughed as she looked at Sia and then at the handsome young man.


"I won't be at ease knowing you're not at the hotel. Big sister is going to be fine!"

Sarah quickly persuaded Sia to return to the hotel, and Sia, thinking about her fiancé, decided to go to the hotel and let Susan have fun.

She wasn't a child, and she and the others could already predict what would happen between the two.

Sia wanted to warn Sarah, but the frightening look he gave her made her shut up. There were people one could provoke, and this man was not one she could afford to provoke. Even her fiancé was aware of how lethal he could be.

"You don't mind if I drop my little sister back at the hotel, right?" Susan turned to face her mysterious date.

How can he say no to such a lovely lady?

"I don't mind; I'll trail you if you don't mind."

"Let's go, darling, we still have a banquet to attend tomorrow," Susan said, smiling at the man.

Sia and Susan had a car waiting for them, so they simply exited the club and were soon on their way back to the hotel.

Sia decided to inform Sarah about the man she was about to spend time with while they were on their way.

"Big sister, you must exercise caution. He is dangerous and..."

Sarah was moved as she listened to Sia complain about the man she was about to have a good time with.

"Believe in your sister, darling; as long as the other doesn't want my life, I won't fear anyone. Let your sister have some fun; he won't hurt me!" Sia was reassured by Sarah.

Sarah kissed Sia goodbye before entering the sleek and cool sports car that her mysterious and dangerous driver was driving.

"You are a very patient man," Susan scoffed to the younger man.

"For a beauty like you, I can be patient even for centuries," the other joked.

Susan cooed upon hearing this; this person was even more intriguing than her O'Neal; he was confident and, judging by his demeanor, a player.

"Hi, so darling, do you want to go back to the club with your big sister or somewhere else?"

"As much as I'd like to go back to the club with you, I'd rather bring you back to my villa and watch you dance for just me alone," the man responded seductively, making Susan's heart skip a beat.

"How about we get to know each other? I wouldn't go to a man's house if I didn't know his name."

This made sense to the young man; he was very interested in knowing the lady who had made that family's princess willingly call herself a big sister, so exchanging names and some information wasn't a big deal to him.

"My name is Meleek, and I am twenty-five years old. And how about you, big sister?" Meleek inquired, perplexed.

Meleek could tell by the way the big sister was acting that the other was clearly older. It's just that her body was in excellent condition and her appearance could fool anyone.

"Are you really that interested in this big sister's age? Won't you be surprised when you find out?" Susan asked, teasingly, as she looked at Meleek.

Meleek was not the type to flee, and after finally meeting someone he was interested in after such a long time, how could he let her go because of her age?

"Big sister, this younger brother will not let you go tonight, even if you are fifty years old!" Meleek stated firmly as he drove the car with one hand, making him appear dashing and handsome.

Susan laughed when she heard this. She was actually quite pleased; she was afraid that she would end up selecting someone who was out of the age range that the system had chosen for her, but Meleek was just the right age.

"My name is Susan, and I'm 33 years old," Susan wasn't ashamed of her age, and with a face and body like hers, she was proud of it.

Meleek was taken aback; he had no idea Susan was that old, especially given how she looked and, more importantly, how flexible she danced earlier that night.

"You are truly... Then I'll call you Susan. It sounds strange to refer to you as a big sister. I hope you don't mind," Meleek said softly.

Anyone who knew him would die in shock if they saw him right now. This was not the Meleek they were used to.