She was at a loss for words in this situation. Sia was perplexed and afraid to confront her dear big sister about what had occurred the night before.

She was mostly afraid of that person and how badly Sarah might get influenced by him.

She was fully aware of the intimate things that happen between a man and a woman as a young girl who grew up with people around her and who wasn't devoid of emotions. She wasn't a saint and had done some bad things.

It's just that she was conflicted when she looked at the smiling Sarah who was in the middle of explaining this and that to her.

"Are you even paying attention to me?" Sarah questioned seeing a dazed Sia.

Sia was startled awake when Sarah said, "sorry big sister," in a loud voice.

Sarah could guess what was going on in the little girl's head, but she refused to explain anything. When had she ever done anything that needed to be explained?

"Go put this dress on. It took me a lot of effort to get it," Sarah finally handed over the dress she bought from the system shop to Sia.

It was at this point that Sia noticed the dress she had come to pick up and was taken aback.

With bright eyes, she dashed back to her suite with the items Sarah had given her. With something special like this, she just couldn't wait to put it on.

The nanny was speechless for a long time when she saw the clothes and jewelry Sia had brought. Don't dismiss her because she works as a nanny.

She began working for Sia's family when the other was a small child and has been in charge of Sia's care ever since. She knew the ins and out, especially for everything that happens to Sia at least.

As a professional nanny, she had to learn a lot of things to take care of Sia and any other kids that she will have to take care of in the future, including how to fight.

The nanny will be stuck to Sia like a shadow if it wasn't because she was all grown up and hated being followed around. Aside from that, she was well-versed in fashion. She must ensure that she does not lose sight of her employer's face whenever she goes out.

When she saw what Sia had brought, she couldn't help but go over the information she had on Sarah again. She just couldn't get it; there was something fishy going on there with Sarah that she couldn't find no matter what.

"Are you sure she just gave you this without asking for anything in return, young Miss?"

"Haven't I always told you that my big sis is genuine and very good to me?" Sia smiled brightly as she remembered Sarah handing her these clothes that she doubted she'd find anywhere else.

The nanny was embarrassed and ashamed at the same time as she looked at Sia's smug expression.

"I now trust you. It's getting late, so let's get you ready."

Sarah was quick to get ready while Sia was getting ready, and she was ready to go in no time.

Sia was about to leave when she became frozen by the door, staring dumbfoundedly at the person standing there with a cold expression on his face.

"What exactly are you doing here?"

One hour later.

Sarah couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry as she looked at the younger man, who kept staring at her as if she had committed a major sin on his entire family.

She didn't even bother talking to someone who didn't like her because she wasn't desperate. So what if he was richer and more powerful than she was? If he's going to act like that, he might as well keep everything to himself.

When the stretched limousine arrived at the villa where the birthday banquet was being held, everyone was rescued.

Sia looked embarrassingly at her fiancé, who had appeared from who knows where and was currently displaying his intense hatred for Sarah.

She understood why her fiancé was upset with Sarah, but it wasn't her fault; she was the one who wanted to accompany him, and he was just making a scene. To make matters worse, Sarah didn't appear to be afraid of her fiancé at all, as if she were looking at a defiant child in need of a spanking.

Sarah simply put on the veil she hadn't worn yet and scoffed at Sia's fiancé before exiting the car.

Sia stifled her laughter watching how her fiancé looked constipated watching Sarah exit the car.

"You will never defeat her. Let's just keep it calm, and if you chase away my friend, I'll call off the engagement!" Sia threatened her fiancé as she followed Sarah out the door.

The fiancé was clearly frustrated, and after failing to find anything about this Sarah and also knowing that she had gone out with that devil Meleek the night before, he felt very uneasy and was desperate to find out why Sarah befriended Sia.

Sarah instantly became a star of attraction the moment she stepped out of the car, and that was the feeling she was looking for the moment she used her hard-earned points to purchase this outfit.

She obviously didn't want to steal the spotlight from the birthday person, but she did want to be remembered. She wasn't about to let anyone see her face that easily. She decided to keep it hidden and let people go as crazy as they wanted.

Sia observed Sarah as she waited for her and smiled brightly at the other before sprinting to her, "big sister, they're all staring."

"I know, and isn't this just perfect?" Sarah chuckled behind the veil, causing Sia's fiancé to cluck his tongue in irritation.

"Ha ha, just disregard him."

"I was already thinking about it."

And the two began to mind their own business completely ignoring the sulking grown up man; Sia's fiancé.

[Who are those two people?]

[They are very attractive!]

[I'm curious who the hidden lady is.]

[Where did they get those outfits?]

[My favorite part is the veil.]