Sarah had a great time with Thesa, and she even got to meet Thesa's husband, who carried himself very well.

The mission was completed the next day, and Thesa dispatched her to the airport. Sarah was devastated to be leaving, but there was nothing she could do.

She still needed to return to the farm because there was so much work to be done there.

There was no time for her to keep playing around and having fun in a different city with the way people were ordering the beauty cream and wanting more.

Three hours later, Sarah was being kissed all over her masked face by O'Neal, who was clearly overjoyed to see her return home after a week apart.

Sarah's mood improved as well; she felt she was truly back home, and seeing how O'Neal was confident after only one week apart, she felt that sending him to school to be around normal people was a good idea.

And because the young man understood and knew that he would not be the only boy by her side, the young man was now attempting to cement his place, which was excellent.

She didn't want to raise a child who would only know how to whine and act spoiled. Though the two enjoyed the mommy and baby fetish games in the bedroom, it wasn't the best way to act when they were out in public.

A man must still advocate for himself and have something in his name. One cannot be pampered indefinitely, as O'Neal is well aware.

"Are you no longer afraid to act intimate in public?" As the two made their way to the parking lot, Sarah teased O'Neal.

"I am yours and you are mine, why should I feel uncomfortable about that?" O'Neal shrugged before moving closer to Sarah, "I'm not going to hide anymore; instead, I'm going to proudly walk around with my arms around you, letting the whole world know that my mommy is very hot."

Sarah was surprised by O'Neal's words and found herself blushing on the spot, "fine, you got me there. Let's go home; I've missed you terribly."

O'Neal was pleased to see Sarah acting this way, and he gladly returned her to the apartment that had been waiting for her.

After arriving at the apartment, she took a shower and changed into pajamas to relax indoors.

O'Neal was preparing food for her while she preoccupied herself with retaining the points she earned on this trip. Her night with Meleek was a hot one, one she will never forget, and it brought her a lot of free points she wasn't looking for when she went to Srad.

These points were obviously saved for future use because she didn't want to be careless and waste her points.

She also received 100CP, which she desperately desired, and having them made her life much easier.

Sarah and O'Neal had a long night together that night, staying in each other's embrace and entangled like horny rabbits.

Sarah wasn't planning on returning to the farm just yet; she had a few interviews to go to and some potential buildings to look at.

So, while O'Neal was at school, she was preoccupied with other matters.

It took her two days to interview the people she needed; they weren't many in the first place, so she didn't need much time.

Her request to the employment agency was for them to find her qualified analysts and managers for her brokerage firm, as well as a receptionist who was fluent in several foreign languages, as she wasn't just interested in Laswait.

The other candidates were for the DEW BEAUTY company, and she only needed a few people right now, primarily for marketing, advertising, website maintenance, and sales.

As the company expanded, she would be responsible for the finance department on her own. It was extremely difficult to trust someone with the company's funds, especially large sums like hers.

She began to check into the office buildings that were currently for sale, as well as the factories that were for sale, where she could mass produce other products that she couldn't make on the farm.

There weren't many good buildings, but the few she saw were impressive enough for her to take action.

While looking for buildings, she also interviewed more people for the factory and discovered some promising seedlings.

Sarah didn't have to overthink or be concerned about being duped or hiring the wrong people. She didn't even need to hold a meeting to choose a candidate after purchasing a specific scanning skill from the system to assist her with this problem.

Sarah primarily chose men with a lot of strength and experience handling machines for the factory. There were some brave ladies as well, and she chose those she thought were suitable.

After that, she returned to looking for a suitable building, and with O'Neal's help, she chose a nearly finished building, but at some point, the building caught fire, and the owner halted construction.

The price was reasonable, and it will most likely take a few months for the building to be fully constructed before it can be used.

Sarah paid in full and spent the next few days negotiating with the construction company she chose after interviewing several. She also desired a company that would do her justice rather than relying on the company's reputation. She desired a company that would make every effort to complete their work.

Sarah spent millions of dollars in just over two weeks buying the five-story building as well as a factory she liked.

Because the office required a lot of work, she decided to change a few things depending on how she wanted the building to look when it was finished.

Sarah delegated this laborious task to professionals and returned her attention to the people she hired to run her Belmore business. The same could be said for the factory on the outskirts of Belmore, a little closer to where she was staying.