Sarah continued and removed the veil, revealing a much better-looking face than the last time she exposed herself to the public.

"I plan to use the following herbs, which have the same properties as the makeup remover wash. They are ****, ****, and ****. You can learn more about them in your spare time or right now. They're pretty good; they won't itch your skin and are practically......"

Sarah, who had studied herbology thanks to the system, became a professor in seconds and began to list everything she knew about the herbs she was currently smashing and applying to her face.

"After applying evenly like this on my face and neck, which I consider being one, I will then slowly rub the herbs on the face and wash them away after two minutes with some lukewarm water," Sarah continued her lesson.

Two minutes later, the herbs were off her face, but instead of the usual dirty color seen when washing away makeup, the water was crystal clear.