The live stream lasted over two hours and was watched by millions of people. It was one of the best live streams Ioniq has ever seen, and it propelled SARRAH to the top of the list.

Those who didn't know about her became curious and tuned in to the recorded live stream, where they were hooked up as soon as they joined.

LADYBLUE, one of the shocked viewers, issued a challenge to SARRAH. She didn't mean to. She was just having a bad day. She was furious when her ex-boyfriend dumped her for someone younger and more attractive than her.

As if that wasn't enough, some people in her comment section started a fight on her page, mentioning SARRAH. She wasn't an Ioniq streamer, but she did belong to another platform, so she had an account there.

She became curious and looked into this SARRAH, and what she saw made her very angry. How can someone have that kind of appearance?