"Shit! How could I have overlooked this?" Sarah chided herself as she dashed to her room in search of an outfit suitable for a formal occasion.

Fortunately, no one was at home to witness her flustered and embarrassed state. Sarah's current plans were thrown out the window as a result of this unforeseen event.

Sam, her most recent acquisition, was ignored after he arrived. She hasn't even gone on a single date with him or spent any quality time with him, which needed to change.

And when she was just relaxing and enjoying some alone time without Quinton bothering her because he was busy with whatever he was doing,

Quinton didn't have to drive or guard her because she hadn't been anywhere recently.

Sarah went through her closet and was disappointed because all the clothes she had were ones she had already worn and couldn't wear to formal events.

'I guess I should get something appropriate for this event without outshining the host.'