A group of young ladies were currently seated and excitedly conversing with each other inside a beautifully decorated and elegant room.

A friend of theirs organized the party for them. They'd all met online and become fast friends. They got along so well that they were itching to get together in person rather than just online.

Sarrah appeared while they were discussing and debating which country to meet in and made the majority of them fall in love. It only took one Ioniq Livestream for them to fall head over heels.

"Guys, don't you think we came a little too early?" a black young lady asked in English, drawing the attention of the group who were busy checking the door.

"It makes no difference what time we arrive. Everything is set for me as long as I meet my idol!"

The girls were having a good time talking and laughing with each other, but they also kept an eye out the door for their V.I.P. guest to arrive.