Sarah grasped this logic. All that mattered was that the method used was very expensive, but that didn't matter; as long as she helped, that was all that mattered.

She felt more confident now that she had found the solution.

Sarah had gone through some changes, and whatever she received on her phone made her very happy, according to the village chief.

"Village chief, you don't need to be concerned about your problem. I believe I have discovered a solution, but it will take some time. I hope you'll be patient with me," Sarah decided to tell the village chief the truth.

After talking with Sarah for a while, the village chief realized she was here to help and not to show off. So, hearing this, he was pleased; even if things did not work out in the end, he was pleased that someone remembered his village and was willing to assist.

"Ha ha ha, I think you and I can be patient."