
"Are you all idiots? After so many days, how can you still not find the culprit? Are you certain it's not her?" Britney yelled angrily at the men who were kneeling and facing the ground.

They'd only been in this position for five minutes, but the injuries they'd sustained in that time weren't to be taken lightly.

"Be calm, madam. If you keep being angry, it will be very bad for the baby!" Jane, Britney's PA, calmed her down after seeing how upset Britney was.

Britney sat carefully on the chair, reminded of the baby she finally got after a lot of sacrifices and patience, and glared angrily at the men kneeling down.

"Get up and get off your knees!" she exclaimed.

The three men obeyed the orders and rose to their feet before turning to look at Britney, who was trying to calm herself down.