"How are things going?" Maria, a twenty-seven-year-old woman dressed in a cream-white suit, inquired as to who had just hung up the phone.

Wendy gave Maria a bright smile before responding, "So far, everything is going perfectly well. The management has agreed to let us use the stadium, and we will talk about it further when we meet with them."

Maria sighed with relief, returning a smile to the young lady, "That's great then. I'll leave for Pontia tomorrow, and you can handle the remaining issues."

Wendy was not upset when she learned she would not be going to Pontia. She detested meetings and negotiating, so these activities should be left to those who are interested.

She was content with the majority of the things she had as Sarrah's assistant. Janet was mostly focused on school and working as a temporary assistant.

Irene was completely focused on the foundation, so the Twilight agency management team found another manager for Sarrah, Maria.