"Thia, are you certain about this?" After hearing what Thia had just told them, Quinton inquired solemnly.

Sarah despised Thia's robotic and mechanical speech, so she responded cutely. Sarah wanted her to show more emotion and appeal when interacting with others.

"Yes, Sarah will be leaving the country in two days for country T, and she told me to inform you."

When Quinton heard this, he sighed defeatedly and asked his brothers, "Doesn't this kind of impromptu trip remind you of something?"

Sam took off his glasses and pinched the area between his brows. Meleek's expression changed when he heard Quinton's question.

"That can't be right, can it?" Meleek inquired, hesitantly.

"We won't know the real answer until it's time," Sam replied, "but I do hope that it isn't the case."

Quinton couldn't help but laugh mockingly when he heard this, "and even if it is, it's not like we can stop anything. You're aware of the situation."