"Mistress, are you not worried?" Agnes asked, concerned, as she observed Sarah sipping her juice at the beach.

Sarah set the glass on a little stool and lifted her head to look at Agnes, who had a worried expression on her face. 

"I don't have any skeletons in my closet, Agie. So, I have nothing to be concerned about. Allow them to do what they choose. At the very least, I can clear my name this way."

Sarah grinned as she spoke.

Only her closest friends and family knew she was the previous Sarah, and the rest had no idea what was going on.

She was unconcerned about being discovered. She was prepared to confront the world head-on the moment she decided to expose herself to it.

The technology assisted her in erasing any knowledge, data, and anything else that connected her to her prior life. This also applies to the DNA.

How can she be terrified of being found out?