Sarah was finally free to depart Pontia after being released from police custody.

With everything that had happened, she was no longer in the mood to stay in Pontia and instead wanted to go and go and refresh.

Sarah had planned to visit her friend Thesa in Ciliren before being detained by the police, and now that she was free, it was time for her to do so.

Sarah instructed her team to prepare and informed Thesa of her journey to Ciliren.

She hadn't seen Thesa in a long time, so she was looking forward to seeing her.

Sarah went for Ciliren the next day, informing her supporters, who were glad that the ghost charges against her had been dropped.

Sarah, on the other hand, was preoccupied with Thia's report on the status of Britney and Portia on the plane.

"Umphh, send some gifts to the cops anonymously. They should resolve this problem as soon as possible!" Sarah gave Thia a directive after hearing her report.