
Making it through another school day, we all headed to the club classroom to discuss Yui's quirk further. We arrived with some of the club members missing, like Yui, Sara, and Kenji.

"Hey everyone," Rin says as we enter the classroom.

"Hi Rin, where is everyone else?" I ask as we enter and take our seats.

"They are asking the teachers if one wants to be our supervisor so we can test our quirks," Rin says to us and everyone nods seeming excited that maybe we can test our quirks soon too.

After waiting for ten minutes and everyone talking amongst themselves, the door to the classroom opens. Entering is the three leaders of our club and surprisingly my friends and mine homeroom teacher, Sensei Haga.

"Hi everyone! We were able to get a teacher to agree to supervise us so we could test our quirks. This is Sensei Haga, she will be ensuring nothing too dangerous happens," Yui says once they enter the room and introduces Sensei Haga, who smiles at everyone in greeting.

"As your club president said, I'm Sensei Haga. I will be watching you all test your quirks, though should I feel things get out of control I will end the meeting early," Sensei Haga says to everyone with a smile, but a serious voice. Everyone nods their heads in understanding the rules. We all then headed outside, even though it was fall but to test Yui's quirk it would be best to not be in an enclosed space.

Once in an open courtyard, some students seemed annoyed since it has gotten colder now. Though temperature has never been an issue to me, I could stand in the snow naked and feel the same way if I stood outside on the hottest day. Shota, Hizashi, and Nemuri though seemed to not be happy with the coldness.

"Can you just hurry up and show us what you can do Yui, so we can go back inside!" Sara says and everyone nods their heads in agreement. Yui seems to agree with them and nods her head.

"So far I can only make fire appear from my hands, it does not last long at all, but seems to be very hot," Yui says as she takes off her one glove and points her hand away from everyone.

A small, maybe one foot wide by eight feet long burst of flame comes out of her hand, which only lasts for maybe ten seconds. Once she does it we can tell it fatigued her a little bit. Though everyone seemed to be warmer once she made the flames appear, for me, I couldn't tell a difference in temperature.

'Am I immune to temperatures? I could test cold easily as ice is easy to come by, but if I stick my hand in the fire or place it on the stove my parents are gonna freak out,' I think to myself. Though I snap out of my thoughts as everyone starts speed walking back inside to get out of the cold. We all then make our way back to the club classroom and Sensei Haga follows back there too, taking a seat at the teacher's desk.

"So does anyone have any questions about my quirk or thoughts?" Yui asks everyone once we all sit back inside the classroom. Though everyone is silent as we all think about it.

"I have a question. When you use your quirk what does it feel like? Like do you draw from it anywhere, think about it appearing, or just kinda happens?" I ask breaking the silence that lingers for a few seconds after Yui's question. Everyone seems to listen to her answer as they can now see where I'm going with this.

"That's a good question, Akihiko," Sensei Haga says as she was listening in on our conversation.

"When I use it, I usually take a deep breath and focus on my hands to force it out. I'm sure you all could tell it tired me out slightly though," Yui says answering my question.

"Then maybe if you do breathing exercises it could help you there," Sara says after hearing Yui's statement. Yui seems thoughtful at the suggestion.

"I have some family that is pro heroes, all pro heroes should be somewhat athletic. Though it varies as some quirks rely on your body's fitness, I suggest you try running or swimming as exercises. Since both help with endurance and breathing techniques," I say after everyone goes silent again to think.

"Akihiko you make a good point," Rin says nodding with me as does everyone else.

"I could try it and maybe test my quirk at the end of each week to see if I can sustain it long afterward," Yui says and looks at Sensei Haga to see if she would be ok with watching us.

"I'm fine with helping you kids test your quirks, just make sure to give me a day in advance warning at least please," Sensei Haga says to everyone and we all nod smiling at her in thanks.

"Of course Sensei Haga," Yui says smiling at her gratefully.

"Do you think it possible to make your fire hotter?" Shota asks Yui after everyone thanks Sensei Haga.

"Maybe, though I'm not sure how to go about that," Yui says after hearing Shota. After everyone goes silent for a few minutes, Sensei Haga interrupts our trains of thought.

"Looks like it is time for everyone to head home, you can all continue this discussion tomorrow," Sensei Haga says to everyone. Everyone sees the time and nods, getting up to head home.

The next few weeks go by with us talking about Yui's quirk and seeing how running has been helping her use her quirk longer. Though no one could come up with a good way to get her quirk to become stronger. From what we know about fire is that it only burns hotter with the fuel that is used to burn and how much oxygen is there to feed the flames. Walking into the club classroom again, this time to discuss Sara's quirk and see who we can possibly help her.

"Before we start today, I just want to thank everyone for their help and thoughts on my quirk," Yui says once the club meeting starts, and then Sara stands up to tell us her quirk.

"My quirk is more meant for supporting others, I can make an almost invisible shield appear anywhere within my range of sight. Though the further away from me the less durable it is and harder to maintain," Sara says to everyone and we all go silent thinking. Since Sensi Haga has been helping our club now, it is easier to test quirks. Thankfully we already asked her to come again today since we'd be switching whose quirk we'd be researching.

"Sensei Haga, can I demonstrate my quirk, it isn't dangerous by any means," Sara asks her turning to Sensei Haga at the teacher's desk.

"Sure thing," Sensei Haga says.

Then as Sara focuses as closes her eyes, a few seconds of silence passes and with it, this almost invisible slightly glowing blue shield appears in front of her. The shield is about a six by six feet shield, circular in nature, and about ten inches thick. After making the shield appear, she opens her eyes but still remains focused on it.

"How durable is the shield?" Kenji asks the question that was on everyone's mind as we look at the shield before it disappears.

"I'm not exactly sure, as I've never gotten the chance to really test the limits of it," Sara says with a slightly strained face.

"Sensei Haga, is there any way for us to test the strength of the shield?" Yui asks her.

"We don't have anything at school that could give us a proper way to test the shield, but if someone has a quirk that can damage the shield we can see how long it lasts. However, we'd have to get the principal's permission, since this is something that could accidentally hurt someone or damage the school," Sensei Haga says and everyone nods their heads.

"How long can you keep up the shield?" Hizashi asks after Sensei Haga explains how we can further test the shield.

"If it is within ten feet of me and I don't get too distracted for about ten minutes. Though the further away from me the harder it is to maintain the shield, same with distractions," Sara says to everyone hearing Hizashi's question. Then releases the shield as she looks like her head hurts.

"Like Akihiko, asked about Yui's quirk, how do you make the shield?" Shota asks since our solution to Yui has helped her be able to maintain her quirk longer.

"Uhm, well I have to really focus and imagine the shield to appear in front of me or as far as I can see. Then once it appears I have to keep imagining that it is there, so if I get distracted it can make the shield disappear," Sara says having taken her seat again and rubbering her forehead as if she has a headache.

"So it is all a mental thing, right?" Nemuri says hearing her explanation.

"Yeah, though it gives me a bad headache as a backlash when I use it," Sara says giving everyone a strained smile. Then everyone falls silent to think.

"Maybe meditating could help you gain more mental strength or force yourself to continuously use the quirk," I say after some thought.

"Yeah, plus you could maybe imagine the shield moving around to see if it can do that," Hizashi says after hearing me and it seems he has a knack for quirk experimentation. Then the rest of the time is spent trying to figure out how to help Sara better use her quirk.

Once I make my way home, I have time to test myself to see if I have high resistance to temperature. As both my parents told me today that they would be getting home later since they have a lot to do at work. Once I put away my things and change I come into the kitchen. Thankfully we have a gas stove, once I light one burner on low. I hover my hand over the burner and it feels no different than any other time. I then slowly turn the heat up while keeping my hand over the flame.

Once the flame reaches max temperature I still do not feel much of a difference. Taking a deep breath, I swallow my fear and stick a finger into the flame. Closing my eyes from the nervousness, I peek them open and see my finger in the middle of the flame. My curiosity peaks and I stick my hold hand right into the flame it just feels like before my quirk awakened, when I would use a blanket that would warm me. Letting out a laugh seeing that even these flames don't hurt me.

"Akihiko, what are you laughing about?" I hear mom say to me as I jump in fright.

"Uhh….." I stutter not sure what to say.

"What are you doing...Akihiko! Why are you sticking your hand in the fire!" mom says running over to me and pulling me from the stove and turning it off. She then looks at me hand inspecting it, with worry lacing her face.

"I thought you were coming home later," I say nervously as she lets out a sigh, but then gives me a very angry look.

"I was, but the meeting got canceled... BUT WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING!" mom says slowly in the beginning, then quickly her anger surfaces yelling at me.

"I was just testing to see if I was resistant to temperate, and I see!" I say trying to justify what I was doing, which does not seem to fly with her.

"Oh, I see.....Well let us test how resistant you are to being grounded for a week," mom says to me with a fake smile and eyes that show how angry she is at me. Sighing I just nod my head, going upstairs to start my homework.