
When the next day came and we all headed to the club classroom. Everyone looked at me expectantly, especially since I already showed them my quirk.

"Once again I'm Akihiko Yagi and my quirk is called 'Archangel'. I have wings that are always there but hidden unless I will them to be seen, I also appear to have high durability, temperature resistance, and use of flames," I say to everyone once everyone takes their seats in the classroom.

"Can you fly?" Someone asks me.

"Yes, I can fly pretty fast and very high. When I was visiting some of my family in the US, I found I could fly as high as passenger airplanes," I say explaining what I know to my best abilities. Everyone seems awed by that, except my friends who already know what I know about my quirk.

"Can we see you us your flames?" another person asks and we all turn to Sensei Haga who nods her head.

"Let's go outside everyone and remember since it is winter it's gonna be cold so bring your jackets," Sensei Haga says to everyone before we all head outside to the same place we helped Yui before she and the other third years last year graduated.

Once outside, I took off my school shirt but wore my tank top that was made to give my wings space to form. Then I brought them out and everyone looked at me in awe again seeing the beauty of my wings. The flames came from my wings and surrounded my body covering me completely in the golden fire. Then I with a thought sent it outward from me and with a burst, everyone jumped back at the sudden blast of fire.

"How come it doesn't feel hot, but warm and comforting like we are covered in a blanket?" another new club member asks since the fire doesn't burn like people are used to.

"I'm not entirely sure, though I know it only burns people if I want it to, normally it brings this comforting and peaceful feeling," I say as I feel a calming peace enter me like someone is hugging me from behind as the golden fire covers me.

All my club classmates seem to have a warm feeling too just being in my presence, but for some reason, SenseI Haga had a flash of fear in her eyes that quickly went away after I noticed her look at me. After seeing that I felt a subconscious suspicion of her, and my flames reacted to that feeling growing larger and more powerful seemingly wanting to consume her. My club classmates seemed even more at peace being in my presence while Sensei Haga seemed to fight her fear down during my golden flame outburst.

"Wow you really do look like an angel!" one of the new girl club members says in awe snapping me from the thoughts and my deep stare at Sensei Haga, who was now looking at me with a hint of fear. My golden flames die down once my thoughts break and I still feel this unease about Sensei Haga more so now, just like when I first met her during my first year here.

"Ok everyone let's head back inside now!" Sensei Haga says while still not looking at me anymore, but I can feel her fear of me for some reason. Even after my wing is recalled, I can still feel the fire inside me burning hotter when thinking about her or looking at her.

Once back inside the club classroom, everyone asks me questions and gives me suggestions about how to improve my quirk. Though I'm not really paying attention to them, as I keep giving Sensei Haga a side glance trying to figure out why I feel this way around her. Once the club ends and we all head home my friends are joking around as we all walk home together. Though I can see Shota looking at me the whole time since I was being quieter than usual.

"Ok, Akihiko what's wrong?" Shota asks me once Hizashi and Nemuri leave us to head to their homes.

"Nothing.... It's just when I used my quirk this time and willed my fire to come out, it gave me this... this weird feeling about Sensei Haga. Like it wanted to burn her to nothing," I say to Shota as he gives me a look not believing that nothing is bothering me. Though hearing my explanation makes him go deep into thought.

"Hmm, that is weird... I've never had a weird feeling about Sensei Haga. She seems just like any other teacher we've had before," Shota says not sure what to make of this feeling I got either.

"I'll try not to worry about it so much. I mean the school wouldn't hire someone who was bad right?" I say not sure if I believe that myself. Shota just gives me an unsure look too, but we both just shrug off this weird feeling I had about Sensei Haga.

After the weeks and then months went by, I noticed that the weird feeling I had about Sensei Haga was still there. Though I tried my best to ignore it as I'm not sure what it means, though she seemed to be avoiding me. But when she was forced to interact with me, she'd be extremely nice to me, nicer than ever before to me. I could still see the lingering fear in her eyes at me.

After winter break passed and we continued in school, spring break was quickly approaching. We helped all of the new third year club members during this time and halfway through the new second year students. However, it will be placed on hold as spring break was now here. This time my family had nothing planned for spring break and my friends were all going to be around too.

"Akihiko! Please come downstairs your father and I have something we need to tell you!" Mom says to me after the first day of spring break happens and I was relaxing in my room.

"Coming!" I say as I head downstairs to see what they wanted to talk about. Both of my parents were on the couch waiting for me and gestured for me to take a seat near them.

"What's going on?" I say slightly suspiciously as I look at them, my dad looks around not making eye contact with me and my mom seems very excited.

"You're gonna be a big brother!" Mom says to me shortly after my question and giving me an extremely excited look. My dad now looks and smiles at me.

"Really! That's so cool! I always wanted a little sibling!" I say as like my friends and most kids in my school an only child. Not many people in Japan have more than one kid, some have two, but it is very rare for average families to have more than two kids. My parents and I share a group hug to celebrate the news.

"When will the baby be born?" I ask after the hug.

"The due date is September twentieth, though the due date is not always a hundred percent accurate," Mom says to me after hearing my question.

"Cool, so I'll have a little brother or sister right after I start my third year!" I say excited about being a big brother. My parents smile at my excitement.

After the news, I call my friends and tell them I'm gonna be a big brother they each congratulate our family. That night my Uncle came over so my parents could tell him the news and celebrate it with dinner.

"So I know we usually try to meet up every few weeks, but you've all been looking at me like you want to tell me something," my Uncle says to us after we finished eating dinner.

"Toshinori, you're gonna be an Uncle again," Dad says to my Uncle with a smile. My Uncle stares at him processing the information, then looks between us all, and we all nod our heads smiling at him.

He lets out a loud laugh and picks up my Dad and me in a bear hug squeezing us tightly. Though my Dad pats his shoulder as he is being squeezed too tightly, though it wasn't that bad for me. My Uncle looked like he wanted to give a bear hug to my Mom too, but since she is pregnant he just gave her a very gentle hug.

"Here I thought you two didn't want anymore after having young Akihiko. I'm glad you decided to have another, young Akihiko will make a great big brother! I would know, he will be like I am to you," my Uncle says to my parents and pats my head, before turning to my father and smirking at him. My dad just rolls his eyes at my Uncle.

Time continued to go by with my friends, especially Hizashi struggled with school. Though we all were able to complete our second year of school with not much issue. During this summer my cousin invited me to visit her and her family, and we planned on going during the last few weeks of summer. For the first few weeks, I wanted to be here and hang out with my friends. When summer started my mom took off from the hospital again with the intention of staying home for my future little sister, as she did with me. We learned a week before summer that the baby was going to be a girl.

My Uncle has been even busier as he said the villains have gotten more and more active lately. His visits to us have not been as frequent due to that. After the first week of summer, my mom and I were sitting at home, as my dad was at work. The last few nights I couldn't shake this feeling of dread. That night I fell asleep and woke up after having an overwhelming feeling of dread. Walking to the bathroom to wash my face I brought my wings back inside me. I washed my face and when I looked back up someone was behind me with a gun pointed at me.

"If you don't want us to hurt your mother follow me quietly and no sudden movements," the unknown masked man said to me. I felt a nervous and deep fear for the first time in my life. Nodding my head I followed him downstairs. Going downstairs I see my parents tied up with black bags over their heads and several other masked me with guns pointed at them.

"Is that everyone?" one of the masked men asks after we walk downstairs, the man behind me seemed to nod his head. Then another comes over to me, tying me up, with a thick cloth covering my mouth, and placing a similar black bag over my head. They then forced us outside into what sounded like a van from the double doors in the back. Pushing us inside, I can't hear anyone except for the breathing and see anything.

"If any of you try anything funny or move I'll shoot you," a person says once get inside the van.

After what feels like hours of driving we finally stop and they open our doors again. Dragging us outside, they make us walk for another ten minutes or so in silence. The feeling of fear and dread made me unable to think straight or do anything. Once they brought us somewhere they made us sit down in what felt like metal chairs.

"Pull off their covers, I want to see All Might's only family. I want them to see who will be the one to kill All Might," an unknown but very deep and authoritative voice says.

They pull off our black bags, I see my parents next to me on either side and they both look at me with fear and sorrow. I feel completely helpless as we all are tied up and surrounded by masked armed men and one very tall man in a nice suit with a weird looking helmet on his head.