
"In the next test, you all will be given an armband. These bands are worth different points, from the first place in the race worth a million points, second place five hundred thousand, and third place worth two hundred fifty thousand. Each band after that is worth half as much as the previous place," Sensei Night says to everyone that qualified for the second activity, while some other teachers hand out armbands.

"The point of this activity is to secure your armband from other people, while also stealing other's armbands, the one at the one hour time limit with the highest score wins. Not only will you possibly need to steal other armbands and protect your own, but teachers will be able to steal your armband and if a teacher steals it you automatically fail," Sensei Night says to everyone who now is very nervous.

"This activity will take place in the miniature city where the entrance exams took place this year. Remember to use your quirks and environment to your advantage! One more thing you can team up to, but scores are tallied individually!" Sensei Night says once we all started heading to the place where the entrance exams took place.

Once we arrived they gave everyone ten minutes to disperse into the city before the 'game' started. I offered to help my friends, but they denied it saying they need to learn to become better without my help. So I disappeared into the city quickly making my way onto the tallest building in the city to overlook everything. Once there I sat down and waited for the 'game' to start, once I did I could see five teachers enter the city and disperse to find students. Even if someone like Rumi or Keigo was able to get all other armbands my one armband would be enough to win the game.

I just sat on top of the building looking down at some students fighting each other, or running from a teacher who found them. I could see my friends working together to get armbands helping each other, while also avoiding teachers. I saw Rumi fighting anyone she came across for their armbands or even teachers, she was easily holding her own. Keigo spotted me but learned he couldn't beat me, so he avoided my building in favor of hunting down other students. I assume he accepts second place this round too, so much for his boasting of beating me. Though if Rumi spotted me she'd target me in a tunnel vision, just to get her fight with me.

As I started to get bored, it seems one of the teachers and not really surprisingly Sensei Night, spotted me. She then beelined toward my building to fight me, standing up I waited for her to reach me. After about five minutes she made it to me, though almost half the time passed in the game. Seeing me staring at her with my same neutral expression, made her just smirk at me.

"Akihiko, you bored? It seems like it to me, maybe I can entertain you," Sensei Night says to me with a fake flirtatious look, but it has no effect on me, as I'm not like the other horny boys in my class.

"We fighting or not?" I ask just ignoring her attempt to mess with me, even though she is a very attractive woman even at her age.

She just smirks at me after dropping her fake flirtatious look. Then immediately darkness comes out of her body and surrounds the building covering it in complete blackness, darker than even the darkest night I've seen. Though with my eyes being as good as they are, I can easily see through the darkness like it is any other time of day. She moves through it very stealthily, slowly making her way to me and I just stand still not giving away that I can see her.

Once she makes her way behind me she lunges forward to try to grapple me, though I just move out of the way at the last second and punch her in the back. The power behind my punch knocked the wind out of her and made her bounce off the ground. She struggled to get up from the pain that assaulted her, though I gave her time to recover. I was bored and I still wanted to see what else she could do. She pushed herself up and looked back over to me, it seems she can see through the darkness too, so I waved at her. Her eyes widened and she withdrew the darkness back into her.

"How can you see through my quirk? I've never met anyone who could," Sensei Night asks me after pushing herself up from the ground.

"Are we done fighting?" I ask now slightly annoyed that we are. I know it is hypocritical of me to not fight Rumi, but wanting to fight Sensei Night. It is just a matter of principle for me, I want to fight on my terms, plus Rumi wouldn't be much of a fight anyway. I thought maybe Sensei Night would be more of a challenge but I was wrong.

"No, not yet," Sensei Night says to me with a smile and then charges me. She tries to overwhelm me with her seemingly superior fighting style, but for someone like me, I easily dodge her every strike. Then decide to crush her hope of winning by stopping dodging and taking every hit she lands on me with my arms crossed.

"Fuck! What are you?! Though I guess it makes sense since you're All Might's nephew–" Sensei Night says and after hearing she knows that, a part of me snaps.

As the last teacher who knew that or found out got my parents killed. I instinctually grabbed her throat and lifted her up, while almost snapping her neck in one motion. Though I was able to stop myself in time and release her, but my anger was still flaring inside me screaming for me to kill her. She was stunned at what just happened, but couldn't speak as she was struggling to catch her breath from almost dying.

"I'm sorry….. it's just.... How do you know that?" I say to her while my anger is trying to force me to kill her.

"Your Uncle told us before you joined the school and so too did Gran Torino mention it. The principal wanted the faculty who would be teaching you to know, in case we needed to contact your Uncle for whatever reason. The school knows what happened in the past and the school is very careful about who it hires," Sensei Night says to me with a cracked voice and gives me a strained smile. I can see she is not really angry that I almost killed her, but is more concerned that I'm ok.

"I see... are you sure you are ok?" I say to her not sure how to respond as my anger did subside now.

"It is fine Akihiko, I should have been more careful with that information. I'm just glad you were able to gain control of yourself. It is difficult to control emotions especially when they respond to past trauma," Sensei Night says to me now smiling gently at me, happy that I controlled myself.

I feel something inside me, like my usual instinct telling me to do something. Following the instinct, I release my golden fire at her surprising her, but she doesn't move. The fire engulfs her, but instead of hurting her, I can see the hand marks from my almost attempted murder disappear. It seems the golden fire healed her at my willing it. After I withdrew the fire, she looked at me surprised and felt her neck.

"Your quirk is the most interesting one I've ever seen and I bet the world has ever seen," Sensei Night says to me still having a surprised look on her face. I just shrug in response, as now all my emotions have subsided again back to having felt like they disappeared.

"There is not much time left in the game, I'm gonna move now," I say to her before seeing my armband is still on me and walking off the building. She rushes over to the side but sees me having landed fine, but the ground was cracked upon my impact.

I then walk back to the entrance by the time I make it there from my leisure walk the time will be up. On the way there some students attacked me in desperation but I was able to dodge them or subdue the almost immediately. Once I arrive the siren sounds, signifying the end of the game.

Then as we made it back to the arena less than half the participants passed the second event. Leaving only sixteen people who passed, luckily all my friends passed too. Once again I got first place, with Rumi in second and Keigo in third again much to his annoyance. Then after we came back to the arena Sensei Night took to the stage again.

"Congratulations to those who passed the second event! The last event will take place in a few hours, as we want to give you all a break and time to eat, relax, or do whatever you wish to do in the next two hours. The last event will be one on one fights tournament style. The last one remaining will be the winner of the event and this event will be the one that gives the most points. So even if the current first place loses there is a chance for someone else to win the whole sports festival!" Sensei Night says and motions afterward for everyone to leave the arena to relax for the next two hours before the last event.

"Akihiko why didn't you grab any armbands?" Nemuri asks me as the five of us, Rumi now included head to the cafeteria to grab some food.

"Didn't care too, plus I figured it would give some others a chance to pass the second event," I say with an indifferent shrug. Shota just snorts in response.

"Thankfully you did that, we'd probably not pass if you went around taking everyone's armbands," Hizashi says with a happy smile and gives me a thumbs up.

"He could try to take mine, but I'd fight him! He obviously doesn't want to fight me for fear of losing!" Rumi says hearing the conversation and trying to goad me into fighting her.

"If you somehow make it to the finals in the tournament we can fight there, but you better go all out or the fight will end too quickly," I say smirking at her and she just chuckles at my jab. Seeing her smile I feel what I thought were long dead emotions inside me well up, once again confusing me.

"I never hold back, never learned to or needed to. Plus why hold back if someone can't handle your full strength, that's their problem! As a future hero, its are our job to subdue villains as quickly as possible anyway!" Rumi says with a determined look, and I just nod my head agreeing with her somewhat.

"I just never fought someone, other than one person before, who has pushed me to use my quirk to the fullest," I say with a shrug and thinking of my Uncle.

"Then I will be the next person to push you to use your quirk!" Rumi says with extreme determination in her eyes, plus excitement.

"Shut up Rumi! You are not as strong as you think," Nemuri says while giving a glare to Rumi, who just ignores her which only makes Nemuri more angry.

"Can't we just eat in silence?" Shota says with a tired sigh as we enter the cafeteria and wait in line for food.

"Not everyone is a depressed loner though, like you Shota," Hizashi says to Shota patting him on the back while giving him a fake reassuring smile. Shota gives him a very dark glare, one that promises pain later.

"Maybe Shota just needs a girlfriend! You're available Nemuri, you both should give it a try, who knows you might just like it!" Rumi says giving an evil smirk at Nemuri who just looks like she is about to attack Rumi. Shota looks like he wants to die and I just laugh once again hearing Rumi. This surprises my friends as they haven't heard me laugh in a long time, then the mood turns completely around into a happy one. Shota though seems to be thinking now about something deeply while looking between Rumi and me.