
"You can go and change in the men's locker room, while I set up the testing area," Endeavor says to me after we enter the hero HQ for his home city. Once I come back to the training area I see Endeavor standing by a machine that looks to record something. We are the only people in the training area for now too it would seem.

"This is a machine that they brought here and several others after I made this city my home location, for helping me test and improve my quirk," Endeavor says to me gesturing to the machine and several others around the area.

"This machine in particular is for testing the temperature levels of your flames, but before we being are you immune or resistant to high temperatures?" Endeavor continues his statement after showing off the machines we will probably be using today.

"I don't know if I'm immune, but I do have high resistance to all temperatures, both cold and hot," I say to him with a shrug and he nods his head in understanding.

"We will test that level of resistance later, for now, let's see how hot your flames can get," Endeavor says to me then steps back, before motioning for me to use my fire.

Then after he steps back, I release my flames in front of the machine for a minute so the machine can record the temperature as Endeavor instructed. After the minute was up I call back my fire and he walks over to the other side of the machine to see the recording. He stares at the machine for a few seconds confused, then motions for me to step back and he uses his flames in front of the machine like I just did. Then he checks the recording again and after checking from his test he looks to be even more confused.

"Do it one more time," Endeavor says to me before standing behind me and once again I use my flames for the machine to test.

"This...this is very....I've never seen this before," Endeavor says after checking the recording again very confused.

"What?" I ask becoming impatient at his lack of informing me.

"Your flames aren't recording any temperature like they are not even there. Because if they had any temperature even cold somehow, it would detect the change. Though it is like no change happened at all, meaning your flames give off no heat or cold. The weirdest part is that even me having an extreme heat resistance felt the warmth of your flames when you used them," Endeavor explains to me while giving me a very confused, but curious look.

"What does that mean?" I ask just as confused as him.

"I'm not sure...You did say that you could will your fire to burn or not right? Maybe try making it hot or burn," Endeavor says after we contemplate it for a few seconds.

Nodding my head he stands behind me again, this time I use my fire but will it to burn. Then I pull back my fire and he looks at the recording with a wide-eyed expression.

"Your flames did record a temperature this time and it is as hot as me burning mine as hot as they can go! Yet even that temperature makes me uncomfortable, but somehow your flames still just felt like a comforting heat!" Endeavor says while giving me a new look I've yet to see from him, one of pure respect and excitement.

"Your fire is nothing like I've ever seen before and this world has seen many different fire quirks!" Endeavor says to me while chuckling a bit at whatever he just thought of.

"Your flames feed off your emotions too right? Now try to will them to burn again but maybe bring whatever emotion you want out while willing them to burn and let's see if you can reach even higher temperatures," Endeavor says to me while standing behind me once again.

This time I will my flames to burn again, but then try to think of something that will make me angry. So I think about All For One and I feel my flames burning even hotter as my anger rises. Then I push down the anger while pulling my flames back as they seem to grow brighter and larger. Once I pull them back only the machine used to record temperature was melted, while everything else was fine even the floor above where my flames were was fine. Endeavor just stares this time completely shocked at the scene and then lets out a hearty laugh that is very out of character for him.

"I was right! Your flames are truly like an extension of yourself! They only do what you want them to do! Notice how nothing else was melted or burned only the machine that you wanted to feel your flames was affected! I can only imagine what you could achieve with your flames alone!" Endeavor says laughing excitedly while looking at the aftermath of my flames with several thoughts running through his mind it looks like.

"Now you said your flames can heal too right? Let's see," Endeavor says and before I can respond brings out a knife from somewhere and cuts his hand relatively deep.

I was stunned at the sudden action, but quickly recovered and brought my flames out to cover his hand. Then I willed them to heal him much like that time I healed Sensei Night after almost killing her. After pulling my flames back I see his hand is completely recovered like he just didn't cut himself. It confuses me why I have a scar on my chest, but maybe I'm missing something else. He just chuckles slightly after seeing his cut hand healed once I pull back my flames.

"Your flames are the most amazing thing I've ever seen. We now have so many other tests to run and hopefully, by the end of today we will learn everything we can about them," Endeavor says to me motioning to the next machine, while the last one has slightly cooled off in a melted mess.

By the end of the day and after dozens of different tests we were able to discover more about my fire and maybe everything there is about it. My fire is like its own entity, but at the same time truly a part of me and does all it can to protect me even on an instinctual level. My fire is also able to survive a vacuum, with nothing inside it except for my flames. They don't require anything to burn to stay 'alive' nor spread past anything I don't will it to. Like the rest of me too, they increase in every aspect when I'm in my true form. My fire like my wings brings a natural comfort to me and everyone who is not an enemy of mine, the more I use it the more I want to constantly have it around me much like my wings always wanting to be out. Though the pride or something else inside of me restricts me from flashing my superiority around all the time.

"Today was a good day, I believe we learned all we could about your flames. Moving forward on the days you don't accompany me on patrol, we will be trying to help you increase your flame output and the duration you can use it for," Endeavor says to me after I change back into my everyday clothes and we head back to his house. So far I can only use my flames as far as twenty feet from me, while up to an hour before becoming too fatigued. In my angel form it seems everything becomes tripled in power.

The next day comes and we eat a very early breakfast that Rei made for us while being her normal talkative kind self. Then Endeavor and I change into our hero costumes so we can patrol his city. I am not allowed to act on my own even if I should see a crime, I can only inform Endeavor and I am only allowed to help if Endeavor allows it. After leaving his house right before the sun rises we walk down the street while looking around for any criminal activity.

"Over the past several years the city has become more peaceful, not to sound too prideful but I believe it is due to my constant surveillance. Criminals usually try to go to cities with not as active heroes or less powerful ones, since I've become quite known for my power they tend to stay away from my city. Once in a while, I come across an idiot who thinks he can get away with a crime, but usually, I leave the minor crimes to the police. We, heroes, are meant for the larger crimes or villains," Endeavor says to me as we walk around his city and are not finding anything happening. Though he does stick out like a sore thumb with his flaming hair, especially when it is darker like now. I just nod my head as I listened to him, keeping my thoughts to myself.

"My main teacher at U.A. and everyone else I've ever asked about Underground heroes doesn't tell me much or speaks negatively about them. Can you tell me anything different?" I ask after we fall back into silence while patrolling.

"Well, most heroes hate the 'Underground' heroes because the 'normal' hero is made to be the symbol of justice and peace much like All Might. Underground heroes are heroes that have much more 'freedom' when it comes to subduing criminals or even being allowed to kill villains as long as the government sanctions it. Therefore they are kept from the public eye as they are the ones who do the 'dirty' work that we 'normal' heroes can't do. Not many people become Underground heroes because of that reason and for those that are, no one knows who they are not even All Might, only the government knows who is an active Underground hero," Endeavor says to me after a few seconds contemplating my question and I'm happy he is being completely honest with me unlike everyone else.

"It is easy to apply to become an Underground hero because not many do. Even fewer stay as Underground heroes, the ones that leave usually become vigilantes later and are hunted down by the government and us 'normal' heroes. I would imagine there are few Underground heroes that actually have retired from the position without becoming what they once fought. As I said no one knows who is an Underground hero except the government, the last known one was killed by a group of villains once they found out their identity and that was years ago. If you really plan on becoming one, you must be absolutely sure as I don't believe there is any turning back once you join," Endeavor says to me with his normal serious expression, I just nod my head in understanding.

"Though I'm sure someone as strong as you will become a favorite of the government. That means they will do anything to keep you, which can be a blessing and a curse at the same time. Just be careful Akihiko, I don't want my first sidekick to die shortly after graduating U.A.," Endeavor says to me and gives me a smirk at the end. The more time I spend with him the more I come to enjoy his company. He is an honest person who doesn't beat around the bush but tells you the facts without holding back regardless of your feelings.

"I don't know if I'd become your sidekick, dealing with you the last two days has already drained me," I say with a smirk back to him and he just snorts in response amused by my response. Towards the end of our patrol, nothing of interest happens until we hear a scream from around the corner of the intersection we were approaching. Endeavor gives me a look that says be careful as he rushes forward to see the commotion and I jog after him as I don't expect to get involved only to watch.