
A week passed from our graduation and I made my way into Tyoko for the main Underground Hero agency. Shota got accepted too, but his time to come was different than mine since he is a 'normal' member. During the week before my meeting, Rumi and I were looking for an apartment to get together and found one that was in her city. Plus the realtor that is helping sell my house said it might take a few weeks or months for the house to sell anyway.

Once I arrived in that somewhat fake apartment complex, only single underground heroes use it, trainees, or members who are staying in the city for a bit. The receptionist or better known as the 'lookout' didn't even stop me after seeing me enter and just waved at me to which I nodded my head in return. After I enter the elevator I put in the code that Incognito gave me, the elevator then seemed to lock from the outside and it quickly made its way down past even the lowest known floor which is five levels down.

When the doors open, I see it brought me to what looks like a regular office entrance with a secretary, who is an older woman at the front desk. Behind the woman were two doors, one on the left and one on the right. Seeing me come down she called a number on the desk phone she had.

"Incognito, your protege is here," the woman says and I hear Incognito just grunt back before hanging up.

"Well nice to meet you, you can call me Secretary. We don't really use real names around here, plus I'm now a retired underground hero but chose to work here at the front desk for some time now," the older woman or Secretary said to me once Incognito hung the phone up. I just nod my head slightly confused at the situation.

"Moody! Glad you could make it! Follow me!" Incognito says after opening the door on the right and motioning for me to follow him. I just sigh as I follow him and he is wearing his hero costume now.

As I follow him we pass a place that is like a giant office with dozens of different desks that have at least three monitors on them and people looking through cameras that seem to be in this city and other cities. Then we pass several conference looking rooms with heroes inside discussing what looks like villains or missions. Then we pass several private offices that have their doors closed or are empty. Until we reach what seems to be Incognito's private office, as he enters the room and takes a seat at the desk before gesturing for me to sit across from him.

"Ask away," Incognito says as he leans back into his office chair and sees my curious face.

"Can you explain all the places we passed and what this level of the building holds?" I ask him and he just nods his head.

"So those people at the desks looking at the cameras are our 'operators' they watch our backs through cameras and look through our eyes with a very well-hidden camera that will be implemented into your costume. We each get our own operator that works just with us, as currently we only have almost fifty active members, and that includes you now. Those conference rooms are for our boss or members to gather to discuss missions or villains that need to be hunted down," Incognito says to me leaning forward and taking a sip of coffee.

"As for the other door you saw at the entrance, that leads to the equipment center where our engineers work on new equipment for us. At the very end of that place is two locker rooms for us to change and several areas for heroes to train or test the new equipment. We are gonna wait here since the boss wants to meet you she should be here soon…..Though just between you and me, she can be a real bitch," Incognito says to me and then seems annoyed at our boss.

"Says the smallest dicked person in our agency," a woman's voice says behind me and I turn to see her standing in the doorway with her arms crossed and staring at us, but glaring at Incognito.

"You'd know wouldn't you," Incognito says back with a chuckle, making the woman glare more at him.

"We all make mistakes and mine was you. Akihiko right? Follow me, I want to get to know our new member, plus I don't want this jackass to influence you too much," the woman says gesturing me to follow her before she flips off Incognito who just laughs off her attitude.

The woman seems to be around Incognito's age roughly mid-thirties maybe. With dirty blonde hair that is tied up in a tight bun, she has hazel eyes and a somewhat shapely body. The woman's suit she is wearing fits her very well and compliments her looks well also.

"You can call me boss, or Ms.Starlight as that was my hero name. I'm in charge of these degenerate monkeys, not all are hotheaded idiots but most are. I just hope you don't get influenced by the idiotic members we have. From your files and what Incognito has said about you, you seem to be extremely powerful and versatile. You may just become our strongest member," Ms.Starlight says to me as we walk to what appears to be her office, it is much larger and nicer than the others.

Once we reach her office she motions for me to sit across from her as she sits down at her desk and pulls out several papers.

"I need you to sign these, these are papers stating you will not disclose any information you learn here or things you do here. They also state you understand the risks involved in joining this particular organization," Ms.Starlight says while handing me what feels like a several hundred page packet of paper. After initialing and signing where she tells me to, I hand it back to her.

"Good, so what do you want your hero name to be?" Ms.Starlight asks me while double-checking the paperwork.

"...I want to be called 'Rapture'," I say after some thought and have considered my hero name for some time. I like this name as it will be the last thing many villains see before dying. Ms.Starlight just raises an eyebrow at me hearing my hero name.

"Very well Rapture, do you want to make any changes to your hero uniform? Would the glasses be a good place for our hidden camera?" Ms.Starlight asks me after writing down my official hero name.

"No, I'm fine with how it is currently. As for the camera if they can fit it into the glasses then sure," I say to her and then shrug at the end, she just nods her head.

"Great, now go back to the invisible monkey and tell him to finalize your entrance into our organization. Oh and Rapture, welcome abroad and I hope you can help us keep the peace," Ms.Starlight says to me and then offers me a handshake which I return before going back to Incognito.

"So….a bitch right?" Incognito says to me as I enter his office and he is on his computer looking at whatever. I just sigh and tell him she wants him to finalize my entrance, whatever that means.

"We are gonna head over to the engineers now, they should be finished doing whatever final touches to your uniform. Then you are gonna change into it, after that we are gonna take a picture with you in it. That will be your underground hero ID, try not to lose it because that creates a big mess for everyone," Incognito says standing up and motioning for me to follow him.

"Gamma! The newbie needs his shit!" Incognito says as we enter the engineering workplace that is huge, like a football (real football, not American) field size. It has a couple of dozen people inside working on various projects and all sorts of gadgets and tools in the place.

"Uh?! Oh, Incognito! Ah, you must be the newbie the boss was talking about," a large muscular man at my height, with a scruffy beard and oil stains all over him says.

"I'm Gamma, the head engineer here. You are?" Gamma says to me offering me a handshake.

"I'm Rapture, the new hero. Nice to meet you," I say shaking his hand back. His grip is stronger than most, though it doesn't suggest he has a physically enhancing quirk.

"Well, Rapture we just finished adjusting your hero costume to our standards. Try it on and tell us if you want any adjustments made," Gamma says to me before handing me my hero uniform. I go and change into it, it seems just the same as it always was.

"Everything seems to be just as it was, so it's fine. Thanks," I say to Gamma as Incognito seems to be talking with a couple of other engineers in the place.

"Good, if you ever need to make adjustments or want new tools, anything really like that come to us anytime," Gamma says before going back to whatever it was he was working on before.

"Alright Moody, let's get your picture taken," Incognito says to me and I just look at him annoyed by the nickname.

"Incognito, if you don't want me telling Ms.Starlight all the shit you say about her, call me by my hero name," I say as we walk over to another engineer who takes several pictures of me in my hero costume. Incognito just chuckles at me.

"Alright, alright," Incognito says after chuckling a bit. The engineer then walks over to a computer, before coming back over and handing me my underground hero ID.

"I assume level 'S' is my clearance level?" I say to Incognito ask I look at the ID.

"Yep, the highest level of clearance is given automatically to us. That means you can pretty much go anywhere, even into the government's top-secret places. As for your pay, you get a very high salary and amazing benefits. We get paid every week too, so that's cool," Incognito says to me as we walk back to the office area.

"This is your office, here you can look at any important emails we receive and missions that are given to us. Log in now and update your password, then I'll show you how the system works," Incognito says to me and then we spend about an hour as he shows me how everything works.

"Now let's go meet your designated operator, remember this person is gonna be working with you the entire time you're in the agency. Unless one of you quits or retires of course," Incognito says once we finish going over the computer program. We then walk back to the room with all operators at desks some are currently speaking into the headset they have on, seems we have a few heroes working currently.

"Rapture this is a newbie like you, she's only been here for maybe a week longer than you," Incognito introduces me to a young woman maybe a year or two older than me, she is short like Rumi but with black hair and white skin. Her eyes are dark brown and she wears a small set of glasses, she is on the thicker side, not fat but has some weight on her.

"Nice to meet you Rapture, I'm Operator 164. Though my name is Soma," Soma says to me with a slight bow, now I can tell she is slightly nervous.

"Well, I'll let you two get to know each other better. Rapture remember you can access your work email from the secure phone given to you. For now, after you're done here you can head home and we'll contact you when we have a mission for you," Incognito says to me after Soma introduces herself to me, he then walks away. I just nod my head in understanding.

"Nice to meet you too Soma. I hope we can work well together moving forward," I say to her shaking her hand and she just nervously smiles at me shaking it back.

After some small talk with Soma and getting to know each other slightly better, I head home and relax for a bit. Then after eating I try to finish packing up what little left I have, before going to the apartment Rumi and I found.