
The closer the wedding day approached the more stress Rumi and I experienced, as we were on edge making sure everything was going smoothly. Thankfully nothing crazy or unexpected happened, with all the wedding plans going smoothly. Once the day of the wedding came, I drove with Shota and my groomsmen to the church in a limo. Then we waited outside the church while just waiting for all the other guests to arrive, Rumi and her bridesmaids arrived shortly after we did. After about an hour of spending time with my groomsmen and greeting the incoming guests, the priest came to tell us everything is ready.

I stood at the altar with the priest while my groomsmen came in with their paired bridesmaids. Then Rumi came after them she was walked to the altar by her father as this was a traditional wedding. Once they came up to the altar her father gave her hand to me as I 'helped' her finish walking up to the priest. She stood across from me while I removed the veil from her face and we waited until the priest spoke.

"Please be seated," the priest said once we stood across from one another and everyone took a seat.

"Welcome Friends, Family, and loved ones! We are gathered together today in the sight of God and of each other as witnesses to celebrate the marriage of Akihiko Yagi and Rumi Usagiyama. We hold Akihiko Yagi and Rumi Usagiyama up to each other as a family, and a community of loved ones, to christen this step on their journey toward what we pray will be a long, happy, and healthy life together!" the priest then says after waiting for everyone to take a seat.

"Before we begin, let us bow our heads and ask God's blessing for Akihiko Yagi and Rumi Usagiyama," the priest continues as everyone bows their head waiting for the prayer to begin.

"Heavenly Father, We ask your blessing upon Akihiko Yagi and upon Rumi Usagiyama. We come to you knowing that you have created them for a purpose, and we're confident, oh Lord, that your will for their lives contains some amazing triumphs for them as they walk together in your name. We ask that you bless them and keep them with you and that you hold us accountable to do the same, Lord. In your Holy name, we pray, Amen," the priest then says the prayer to God blessing our soon to be marriage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we hold marriage up as a sacred union between two people who are committed to loving one another and spending the rest of their lives together, faithful to each other, and to their journey together. But we also know as a society that marriage is a serious institution. It requires deep commitment, faith and trust in your spouse, and a lot of patience to make it work. In the time I've known Akihiko Yagi and Rumi Usagiyama, and in the conversations we've had discussing this ceremony, I've seen those things. I've seen their commitment to one another, their faith and trust, and their patience - and above it all, I've seen the love that these two wonderful people have for each other," the priest says, as Rumi and I share a loving look to one another.

"Now in the book of 1st Corinthians, the Apostle Paul provides us with a beautiful description of the kind of love that a marriage needs. He writes, "Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres," the priest says, though now I can feel a presence watching this as it feels much like an angel's one of my brethren or all are watching my marriage ceremony.

"Akihiko Yagi and Rumi Usagiyama, I want to urge you to hold to that vision of your love for one another, because even though all of us here are behind you and rooting for you, life throws us challenges, and in the midst of those challenges, it's the kind of love St. Paul was describing that is going to get you through it. Knowing this, it's time to declare yourselves to one another," the priest says finishing the introduction to the marriage ceremony and looking at each of us with a happy but serious face.

"Akihiko Yagi, do you take Rumi Usagiyama to be your lawfully wedded wife from this day forward - to have and to hold, in good times and bad, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health; will you love, honor, and cherish her for as long as you both shall live?" the priest says while looking at me.

"I do," I say while smiling at Rumi. The priest nods and turns to Rumi.

"Rumi Usagiyama do you take Akihiko Yagi to be your lawfully wedded husband from this day forward - to have and to hold, in good times and bad, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health; will you love, honor, and cherish him for as long as you both shall live?" the priest asks Rumi.

"I do," Rumi says while smiling back at me. The priest nods his head once again.

"Akihiko Yagi, Rumi Usagiyama, it's now time to say your vows," the priest says while gesturing to us to speak.

"In the name of God, I, Akihiko Yagi, take you, Rumi Usagiyama, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death," I say to Rumi saying the traditional vow and placing the ring on her finger.

"Akihiko Yagi, with this ring, I thee wed, and I do promise to love, honor, and cherish you, in good times and bad, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, until death does us part," Rumi says to me and places her ring for me on my finger.

"Akihiko Yagi, Rumi Usagiyama, having proclaimed your love for, and commitment to one another in the sight of Almighty God and these witnesses, it is my pleasure to pronounce you, by the power vested in me by the Catholic Church and Japan's government, married! You may now kiss the bride!" the priest says to us and motions for me to kiss Rumi. I then pull Rumi close to me and give her a very passionate and loving kiss.

"Gathered guests, it is my great pleasure to present to you Mr. and Mrs.Yagi!" the priest says after we break the kiss. Everyone then cheers and claps for us.

"Following the processional, the couple has asked that you meet them for a reception at 'Sake & Yaki'. Thank you so much for joining us today. God bless you all," the priest says to the crowd now that the wedding ceremony is over.

Our wedding reception is being held at a very famous local traditional Japanese restaurant. We booked the whole restaurant for the day, which cost a pretty penny though with our jobs could easily afford plus much to most people's enjoyment it had an open bar. Rumi and I took a limo to the wedding reception while everyone else got there through whatever means, though our groomsmen and bridesmaids took the other limo there. Once Rumi and I arrived we stood by the entrance greeting everyone once again as they showed up, with each congratulating us on the wedding.

After everyone arrived and came inside, the appetizers were served while people mingled and got drinks. Many people came up to Rumi and me talking about their wedding or how they hope things will continue to go smoothly for us. After about an hour the main course was served and everyone ate. During the main course, Rumi's bridesmaids and my groomsmen made a few speeches.

"Hello everyone, for those that don't know me I'm Shota and Akihiko's best friend. We grew up together and have known each other for most of our lives. Akihiko seemed so invested in being a hero doing everything that would ensure he reached that dream. He even didn't consider love or finding someone as important since becoming a hero was his main and only goal," Shota says after standing up and taking a mic to talk into.

"Then he met Rumi, who slowly but surely grew into heart Akihiko. Their friendship quickly turned into love and as we can see marriage. I was worried for a long time Akihiko would become a hermit only working and nothing else, but thankfully Rumi came along. Congratulations you two and to an even better future!" Shota says and then turns to us holding his drink up for cheers. Everyone shouts in agreement holding their glasses up in response.

"Really Shota? The kettle calling the pot black?" Hizashi says quietly while smirking at Shota, for having said I'd be a hermit. Shota just ignores him and tosses the mic to him. Though Hizashi puts the mic down and clears his throat since he doesn't need one, we all roll our eyes in response.

"Hey everyone, I'm Hizashi, Akihiko's real best friend he just let Shota be the best man out of pity. Just like Shota, we three have known each other since little kids. Though I always knew Akihiko would find someone. I mean he was a lady killer since the beginning and still is as women will throw themselves at him to this day. Unfortunately for them he only has eyes for Rumi and Rumi well… we all know she can be a bit aggressive," Hizashi says with a chuckle and everyone laughs alongside him.

"He's lucky I'm in a good mood or I'd beat his ass," Rumi says quietly to our table with a chuckle. Everyone just smirks and nods in response. Shota though looks annoyed at Hizashi.

"Just proving his point," I say while smiling at Rumi who just shrugs taking a drink of the champagne.

"Either way I'm glad my brother found someone who loves him as much as he loves her. They really do complement each other very well. You both are two of my greatest friends and I love you both. I know you two will have a great future ahead of you and I'm cheering for all of your success!" Hizashi says turning to us and holding his drink up for cheers like Shota, once again everyone cheers for us.

Then my Uncle, Incognito, and all of Rumi's bridesmaids get up and make a speech about our marriage. Each one made cheered to us and I have a feeling some people may be buzzed now due to all the drinks taken. As the night moved on, they brought out the wedding cake which was big, but they still had more cakes to accommodate all the people there. After Rumi and I cut the first piece as usual tradition demands, the servers cut the rest for everyone.

After all the eating was finished, the band we hired played an assortment of songs. Like tradition demands, Rumi and I shared our first dance together as a married couple before everyone else joined us on the dance floor. After a couple of hours of dancing, everyone cleared the dance floor for Rumi to throw her bouquet of flowers for the single or unmarried women to catch. The one to catch it was Ryuko, who turned to Hizashi with a smile and we all also turned to see his expression. He seemed taken back a little but happily smiled back at her.

Once it reached midnight, we all called it quits as everyone headed home or the hotel they were staying at. Rumi and I headed to our home together as everyone waved us goodbye. We'd spend the night here before leaving in the morning for our honeymoon which was about two months' vacation wandering Europe. We'd already packed the day before since our flight was early in the morning, though we got first-class seats so the flight wasn't too terrible.