
Weeks passed by with nothing much of interest happening, though I did see on the news with Rumi that my Uncle helped some heroes we knew fight a villain. Seems a giant pink villain held a family hostage and was fighting Mt.Lady with some other heroes. They were at a standstill until my Uncle showed up and got the jump on the villain defeating him. Then as I was sitting there, an SOS signal from Shota's belt went off alerting me he is in trouble. We had our belts give an SOS signal off, as any underground hero does in case they need assistance. Shota's though was directly connected to my work phone too since he was my best friend and I worry about him.

I jump up and look at the alert seeing he is currently at his job in U.A. I was confused at first but decided to head over anyway in case he needed my help. Quickly changing into my underground hero uniform, I then turn into my angelic form and rush over. I see that I'm currently over the building in U.A. meant to train for natural disasters. At the same time, I see a young man running from the building at breakneck speeds. I drop down and land right outside the door returning to my normal form, I break it open and see chaos.

Inside is Thirteen heavily injured and unconscious, Shota fighting a horde of villains, some monster looking freaks, and a handful of students frozen in fear. At my entrance, the students turn in hope but see me and their looks turn to confusion and worry. Without a second thought, I blast Thirteen with my healing fire stabilizing her, some students ran in fear thinking it was harmful. Others rushed me to fight, I dodged out of the way and moved to assist Shota who was about to be tackled by one of the monsters. I stop the monster by grabbing its arm and holding it still, it begins to screech and punch me with its free arm.

"Rapture! Thank god!" Shota says to me and releases a sigh of relief.

"You're hurt," I say blasting Shota with my healing fire while ignoring the psychotic monster. The students paused seeing me leave to help their teacher, but panic again when I blast him with fire. They all calm down once seeing Shota not only uninjured but healed too.

"WHO IS THIS!!" I hear a screeching panicky voice screech at the other end of the villains, I can see he is a freak covered in what looks like severed hands, he has another monster standing next to him, and a shadowy person.

"I have no idea how they got in here, but now that you are here can you handle this while I evacuate the students?" Shota asks me while seeing me hold onto the monster still.

"Yeah get them out of here, I helped Thirteen too," I say to him. He nods before running back to his class to get them to leave.

"NO! NO! NO! STOP THEM!!" the freak with hands all over him screeches.

"Shut the fuck up. I will deal with you in a second," I say with a calm but annoyed voice as I burn the monster to nothing. I hear some of the students gasp at what I just did, I do notice Shoto is among them, he is looking at me like he recognizes me but is unsure since he has never seen me in my hero uniform.

Seeing how I dealt with the monster so easily the remaining standing villains look at me wearily. Before the screeching freak threatens them into attacking me, the remaining monster charges me alongside the remaining villains. My Uncle enters at the same time seeing them charge me and sees Shota escorting the students. Seeing me my Uncle helps Shota escort the students since he is aware of my strength. The shadow person looks worried now seeing that even All Might is leaving this for me to handle. He grabs the screeching freak and disappears from sight just as I blast a wave of fire in their direction. My fire washes over the villains and the remaining monster incinerating them all and leaving nothing.

I walk outside to see the students standing there nervously. Thirteen has woken up and relaxed seeing the situation is over, while Shota is talking with my Uncle about the incident. Me walking outside makes everyone turn to me, the heroes knowing me give me a thankful nod, while the students have conflicted faces. Some of the students are giving me thankful or confused looks, while Shoto is still looking at me with a glare trying to recognize me. The kid my Uncle chose is mumbling to himself and writing in a book of his while looking at me with great interest.

"Who the hell were they?" I ask walking over to the three heroes now we can see a handful of other teachers rushing over along with the young man I saw earlier.

"Not a hundred percent sure, though they called themselves 'League of Villains'. They came out of nowhere, I assume it was that shadowy man who can teleport people," Shota says with a thoughtful look.

"Either way I'm glad you showed up! You saved the students and teachers for that you have my thanks," my Uncle says acting like he doesn't know me, I just give a deadpan look.

"I did think my SOS signal would've worked still, glad it did," Shota says to me giving me an appreciative smile.

"I'll always have your back brother," I say and pat his shoulder.

"Brother!" I hear the kid my Uncle chose yell in surprise, I guess taking my statement at face value. Though I don't care, so I ignore him.

"Thanks again for healing me," Thirteen says giving me a handshake in thanks, which I nod and return. Then the other teachers show up, I can see Nemuri and Hizashi are among them.

"Holy shit! Why are you here?!" Hizashi says forgetting he is in front of students and running over to give me a bro hug.

"Rapture?!" Nemuri says hearing Hizashi and Shoto's face finally changes to one of a surprise hearing Nemuri say my hero name. Thankfully he doesn't express he knows me.

"Hey guys, I showed up when Shota sent a distress signal," I say motioning to Shota who nods his head.

"Good thing too, there were dozens of villains inside. How many cuffs do we need?" my Uncle says while giving me a look, trying to see if I left any alive.

"Zero, they are all gone," I say while the heroes nod in understanding, with my Uncle's face becoming slightly upset. The students seem confused, but Shoto knowing me gets what I mean.

"Now that you have this handled I'm gonna head out," I say before taking my leave. All my friends nod waving goodbye, while my Uncle just nods his head.

Once out of sight, I turn back to my angelic form and head home. Once home, I call Soma and ask her for another favor to look into a group calling themselves the 'League of Villains'. After that, I just try to relax while waiting for Rumi to come home so I can tell her what happened today. After explaining to Rumi what happened, as expected she was worried about our friends at first, but then hearing about a villain organization has gotten her pumped up for future fights.

More time goes by, with Soma not finding much on the group. My Uncle invites Rumi and me to come to watch the sports festival at U.A. As he wants our opinions on the kid he chose, we agreed since Rumi like watching fights plus I was curious to see how Shoto has grown. Rumi and I showed up in our normal clothes, we take our seats near Shota and my Uncle since they want to talk. After a few minutes of catching up, with Rumi berating them about the incident I told her happened a while ago, Nemuri comes out announcing the start of the festival.

"Shota you think your class will win this? If so who do you think the top three will be?" I ask seeing the opening ceremony started. One of the students came up and made a speech that was more like a challenge to the other kids.

"My class has many students that are very capable, that is why there are in class 1-A. Though some still have much to learn, like Midoriya All Might protege. He could end up winning, but I doubt it since he lacks confidence and technique. The one who gave that speech, much like Rumi has anger problems and loves to fight while having a good quirk to back it up. He would be my assumption to win, though there is also Shoto who is the prodigal son of Endeavor and has an amazingly strong quirk. Though once again lacks the conviction to use his fire, mostly out of spite as I'm sure you're aware," Shota says to us while looking down at his class.

"You said I have anger issues?! That's not true! If it was true, I'd beat the shit out of you right now!" Rumi says while glaring at Shota who goes pale slightly having forgotten she was here.

"I was wrong! What I meant was he loves fighting as you do," Shota says with a worried look, Rumi just glares at him before turning away.

"I don't believe you, we can settle this after the festival," Rumi says with an evil smile, while Shota gives a nervous smile.

"I worry for any kids you two will have," Shota says to me with a whisper.

"Fuck sorry!" Shota says since Rumi hears him and punches his shoulder roughly, as she has amazing hearing, even better than me.

"Ok kids calm down the festival is about to start," I say with a chuckle pointing towards the arena as Nemuri announces the first task.

As we watch the kids run the obstacle course, Rumi is shouting in excitement for the Shoto to win. Shota said the kid like Rumi is named Katsuki Bakugo, while Shota is rubbing his arm which is still sore from Rumi punching him. My Uncle is watching his protege with concern and hope. In a final struggle, his protege won the obstacle race, with Shoto in second, and the kid Rumi was cheering on Bakugo in third.

"I knew he had it in him!" my Uncle shouts in excitement seeing his protege win the race. Shota just looks down at the first three probably thinking about how to move forward with them.

"Fuck! Shoto almost had the win! I call cheating!" Rumi says while annoyed that Shoto who is like our nephew lost. My Uncle just awkwardly chuckles as Rumi is annoyed.

"He can still win this, he will just have to try harder. Though maybe I should talk with him about using his fire even though he hates his father," I say while looking down at Shoto who is glaring over at his father in the stands, which I noticed was here a while ago.

"You could try, but I don't blame him. Enji became a dick over his obsession with All Might, he deserves all the spite and hate he gets from his kids," Rumi says while looking over at Endeavor with an angry face.

"I guess," I say and before I can move I see Endeavor standing up to go talk with his son most likely.

"Akihiko, Rumi, as you both know students will be sent letters to train under heroes after the sports festival. Would either of you consider it?" my Uncle asks as we wait and watch the last remaining students come back from the race, they are given a thirty minute break before the next course begins.

"No, I have no intention of taking a sidekick anytime soon," I say immediately turning him down.

"Maybe…..though I want to see how he does before I give you a definite answer," Rumi says with a thoughtful expression. My Uncle nods in understanding hearing her.