
The four of us arrive in the city where I'm investigating the hero killer called Stain. I then go my separate way as I head to the last known location. Rumi and the kids are here so they can get some real experience under her, plus she may draw the killer to herself giving me the opportunity to deal with him. I'm confident in Rumi's skills as a hero, plus I can be there in a blink of an eye, like Shota she has an SOS signal that goes directly to me. I headed over to the last known location, which was no longer an active investigation by police, but still had the police tap all around. I've already got all the information from this crime scene on my work phone, but I figured it doesn't hurt to investigate it myself.

I look around the scene and can see the bloodied places where Stain most likely killed the heroes sent after him. Though after about an hour of investigating the crime scene, I hear explosions going off in the city. A few seconds later my work cell phone goes off. I can see the caller is Rumi, which concerns me but since she didn't do the SOS signal she should be fine.

"Rapture! Shoto and Midoriya ran off after hearing that one of their classmates was in trouble! Those two idiots sneaked away when I was dealing with this monster like the ones you dealt with a while ago!" Rumi says with a very annoyed and worried voice.

"Those fucking idiots! I'll have Soma track their phones and we can get them back," I say as Soma can hear me over the comms and immediately looks into it.

"I'm gonna kick the shit out of them when we find them!" Rumi says very stressed out now.

"Rapture, they seem to be in an alleyway...Hurry! They are fighting your target!" Soma says to me after looking into their location and probably pulling up local surveillance.

"Rumi I'm going after the kids! You help deal with whatever is going on over there, just be safe please," I say while turning to my angel form and rushing over there.

"I will, you too ok," Rumi says and then hangs up as I appear over the alleyway where the two kids are at.

When I show up I can see the young man with engines on his legs is on the ground hurt but dying. I can also see Midoriya and Shoto standing against the hero killer Stain, they actually seem to be holding him back. I change back to my normal form in my hero uniform and watch from above on the roof. I will step in if they start to lose or look to be in danger, as this will help provide them both with experience.

Since they are capable of holding Stain off and even seem to be beating him back that tells me a few things. First, the heroes that died to this man must really suck or got sneaked attacked. Second, the kids could just really be that skilled, though they both have very good quirks, they lack experience and skill. Finally, this hero killer seems to be not taking them seriously, but that is changing it now seems as he is being pressured by them.

Midoriya got taken out very quickly as he rushed Stain and got cut, letting the villain paralyze him with his quirk. Stain turns his attention to Shoto, who blocks him with a small pillar of ice and then notices Stain throwing his sword into the air. This distraction allows Stain to grab Shoto's shirt and he gets his tongue close to Shoto's bleeding cheek. Shoto repels Stain using his fire just before the villain licks his blood. Then he creates a wave of ice that Stain dodges and slashes in half after catching his sword. Midoriya suddenly gets free from Stain's paralysis, he impedes Stain's path and grabs him. He slams Stain against the wall and drags him away as they both descend.

"You fought off my quirk so must have type O blood," Stain says while kicking Midoriya off of him and dodging the ave of fire sent from Shoto.

In another few seconds, Stain cuts Midoriya's leg and paralyzes him again. This gives him enough time to break through Shoto's wall of ice and hit him hard enough to send him back a few feet injured on the ground. Shoto is struggling to get up as Stain walks over ready to finish him off. Seeing that the kids almost won gives me a new perspective on their strengths, though seeing that it could end badly I drop down in front of Stain. He jumps back in fright at my sudden entrance, the three kids look at me with surprise and hope seeing me.

"Rapture!" Midoriya says with happiness. While Shoto looks at me with a more relaxed expression and leans against the wall. The other kid who I assume is their classmate, looks at me with a complex look.

"Rapture...I think I heard of you. Your name is well known in the underground world, as you leave no survivors usually. You are heavily feared, I assume like some of the others you are an underground hero?..... From what I hear you are the closest thing to a real hero in this world, doing what needs to be done. I to do what needs to be done," Stain says to me while eyeing me wearily.

"Great speech, now either surrender or I break your limbs and hand you over to the police. I've got other shit to do," I say with a tired shrug since he is nothing but a nuisance to me. My words seem to piss him off immensely, while the kids look at me in surprise but Shoto is smirking.

"Don't look down on me! The world will see the truth and my con–" Stain starts to say before I rush him and grab him by the throat lifting him up. He uses his two weapons to attack me, but they do nothing against me.

"Time to break you," I say and lose my grip on his throat before grabbing his two arms and snapping them like chicken wings. He cries out in pain, as the kids look at me in shock. Midoriya looks at this in horror, Shoto winces at the sight but understands I've done much worse and the other kid looks at this with happiness.

'That kid will need some therapy after this,' I think to myself as I drop Stain on the ground and stomp on both of his femurs snapping them in half, Stain cries out in even more pain.

"KILL ME!" Stain screams in anger and pain.

"Not in front of the kids, plus for some reason they want you alive," I say with an indifferent shrug. While walking over to the kid on the ground and healing him with my fire along with the other two.

"WHEN I GET OUT I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Stain screams as I drag him to the police who finally showed up. The three kids quietly follow behind me.

"He has four clean breaks, one for each limb, and the kids are fine," I say to the police officer who showed up.

"Ok kids, follow me since you three idiots ran off. I'm not sure what the situation is in the rest of the city, but it seems to be chaotic. You all will assist me in helping civilians," I say as the police leave with Stain who was screaming curses at me the whole time.

"Understood," Shoto says with a neutral expression. The other two are quiet both thinking, Midoriya seems unsure about what I did to Stain. While the other kid has a complex look on his face thinking about whatever.

We slowly make our way through the city to Rumi's current location helping any civilians in need on the way. Soma told me that the situation is chaotic but the heroes are keeping things from getting out of control too much. With that in mind and me not being able to leave the kids, I had them follow me. We arrived at Rumi's location who had an angry look on her face, but I know my wife all too well, she is very happy. She is in her element, fighting these monsters who actually put up a fight, though she is still able to overpower them quite easily. In the middle of jumping around and landing heavy hits on the two monsters she is fighting, she sees us and smiles at me while waving.

"Uhm….Rapture shouldn't we help Mirko?" Midoriya says while seeing her fight.

"No she is fine. I want you kids, except for engine boy, to make sure there are no civilians in the area. If you find any help them evacuate and make sure non enter this area," I say while watching them nod and run off. The engine kid stays next to me with a confused look.

"Right now you are not in the right mind to do any hero work. You obviously had some issue with Stain, I'd assume revenge related. I understand what it is like to want revenge, but right now you need to get your feelings in order and mentally back together. If you really want to be a hero, you can not let your emotions control you, but use them to fuel you," I say to the kid while watching my wife laughing like a maniac and fighting the two monsters.

"He almost killed my brother! He maybe even made it impossible for him to continue to be a hero!" the engine kid says to me with an angry look.

"But is your brother dead?" I say to him while turning to look at his upset face.

"...No!.....Though whys that matter?!" the kid says with a confused and annoyed face.

"Then it means atleast he gets to live. He may never be what he used to be, but that does not mean he can not find happiness in something else. If he died he'd have nothing because he is gone, but he lives and his life might be drastically changed now. But he still has a life to live at the end of the day," I say to the kid who goes quiet at my words.

"From your looks, I'd say your brother is Tensei Ida. He was a good hero, but every hero has a day when they stop being one. It is unfortunate that he may stop being one sooner than later, but would he want you to throw away your future for revenge?" I continue seeing the kid go quiet.

'I may not be one to talk about revenge, but I like to think that it is easier to give advice than follow it. Plus I know I'm a hypocrite since if All For One escapes, I will be the one to end him forever,' I think to myself seeing the kids go quiet while mulling over what I said.

My thoughts are interrupted when Rumi crushes the heads of the two monsters. By kicking them her extremely powerful legs, which I've come to love in more ways than one. Soma at the same time tells me that the other heroes in the city have dealt with the monsters they came across. Once the chaos is over, Rumi and I meet with the other heroes who showed up for the issue. We make eye contact with Endeavor but say nothing, once we all talk about the issue we each go our separate ways. I can tell Endeavor wanted to speak with his son, but Shoto ignored him and followed us back home.

Then the next few days pass with us finalizing the training we had with the two kids. Midoriya seemed wary of me of how I handled the stain situation, but after a talk with Shoto, he now looked at me with a more mixed emotional face. Like he understands why I did what I did, but like my Uncle is still unhappy with how I handled things. Seems my Uncle really did choose someone who thinks almost exactly like him. Once the two left Rumi and my life went back to normal for a while. Until we get an invitation from my Uncle to attend the I-Expo that they hold each year.