
Denki and Tsuyu use metal pipes to free Hitoshi from the air prison, while commending Class 1-B on their strength. Denki comments that the round is not developing in their favor. Tsuyu adds that the team took too long adjusting to Hitoshi and got caught off guard. Denki apologizes for his slowness in capturing them, but Tsuyu insists that it was her fault because she should've come up with a better plan to keep him off the front lines. Denki points out that he did a good job, as his quick reaction from earlier prevented the team from being defeated in the first skirmish. Denki tells Hitoshi that he likes him, even after Hitoshi told Class 1-A that he wasn't present to make friends.

"Seems like class 1-B has been able to improve their quirk usage compared to 1-A," I say seeing the first encounter between the two classes.

"True we've been focusing hard on improving their quirks," Sekijiro says to me while smirking at Shota who just ignores him.

"Sure class 1-B had more time to improve their quirks, but my class has more practical experience. At the end of the day, I feel that will be the reason they win," Shota says making Sekijiro just grunt in disagreement, as the two classes fought again.

Tsuyu comes up with an idea. As she lifts up her costume sleeve to secrete a slimy substance down her arm, Tsuyu asks Denki to use his Sharpshooting Gear to locate Jurota, because one of his pointers latched onto Jurota's back leg. Tsuyu masks the trio's smell by covering them with mucus secreted from her body. Meanwhile, in Team 1-B's field, Jurota, Ibara, and Hiryu discuss their next strategy to defeat Class 1-A. Suddenly, Jurota notices their smell and warns his team that there are three 'Tsuyus' approaching them. Ibara is disappointed with her rival's schemes and prepares to defend her team.

"Told you, my class has more battle experience. They learned quickly to adapt to every situation," Shota says proudly that they figured out a way to counter class 1-B. Sekijiro just ignores Shota this time, focusing on the screen showing the incoming fight.

Tsuyu believes Jurota's enhanced senses give him a read on her team at all times. In order to mask Denki and Hitoshi's smell, she used her mucus to give them an odor that would allow them to trick Jurota's sense of smell. Ibara searches the industrial field using Via Dolorosa while asking Jurota for Class 1-A current bearing. After wondering how their opponents located them, Hiryu notices Denki's pointer stuck to Jurota.

Ibara reports that she has managed to capture one of the rival team members. Not knowing who it was, Hiryu recommended Jurota get back in case it was Deki. Hiryu's fears are confirmed when Ibara pulls Denki out of the field with her vines. Denki had allowed himself to be captured now plans to shock all three of them with his Quirk. Ibara quickly traps him with her Crucifixion and protects herself with Faith's Shield.

Denki attempts to shock Jurota by using his pointer's ability to guide his discharge into a straight line through a small gap in Ibara's vine sphere, but Hiryu shoots his scales to knock the pointer off of his ally's leg just before Denki's attack hits. Ibara then completely encloses him within the vine sphere.

With another Class 1-A student captured, Ibara hears Hiryu telling her to respread the vines in anticipation of their remaining two opponents. Ibara responds to this and suddenly becomes Brainwashed, with Hitoshi having imitated Hiryu's voice. This was Denki's plan all along. He wanted to get captured so that Class 1-B's team divided their attention. This gave Hitoshi the opening he needed to subdue Ibara's troublesome Quirk.

Hiryu can't tell where Hitoshi is because the voice is echoing and asks Jurota for their opponent's locations, but Jurota vaguely points out the location of one of the enemies while he goes for the other, avoiding responding in words in case it was Hitoshi attempting to brainwash him again.

Frustrated by his teammate's refusal to answer him with words, Hiryu tries to wake up Ibara by shooting his scales but Tsuyu picks her up with her tongue and moves her out of range before Hiryu gets a chance. Hiryu shoots at her, but Tsuyu manages to dodge the shots and hides using her camouflage. Hiryu alerts Jurota of Tsuyu's presence, but he ignores his pleas for help and moves away from the area to find a specific foe. Hiryu quickly realizes that Hitoshi has destroyed their communication. Tsuyu quickly returns in her Camouflage and dropkicks Hiryu.

Knowing that Hitoshi is much more troublesome than they would have imagined, Jurota is determined to neutralize him as soon as possible. He deduces his location by the movement of the two similar scents he can sense and claws his way through a narrow tunnel of pipes to reach him. Hitoshi defends himself by using Binding Cloth, and with his capturing weapon ring down a large pipe to strike his enemy's head. Jurota doesn't falter and prepares to attack Hitoshi.

At that moment Tsuyu appears behind him and throws Hiryu straight toward his head. Hiryu yells at his teammate to get away, but the paranoid Jurota thinks Hitoshi is trying to trick him again with his voice changer. Realizing too late that it really was his teammate calling to him, the heads of both Jurota and Hiryu collide, knocking them unconscious. With the last remnants of the Class 1-B team defeated, Class 1-A takes them to their jail, using the brainwashed Ibara to drag Jurota. Once all Class 1-B's members are incarcerated Class 1-A wins the set 4-2.

Shota asks his students what they learned from the battle. Eijiro knows he needs to be able to apply his skills outside of combat. Koji needs to issue better orders to insects and Tsuyu regrets letting the battle turn into chaos. Hitoshi is frustrated for being unable able to apply much of his training. Denki thinks highly of his performance and believes he did great. Shota tells Eijiro to learn how to set up situations for close combat. He tells Koji to keep thinking about his weaknesses and tells Denki to stop acting so recklessly. He also tells Tsuyu to focus on learning from her mistakes and advises Hitoshi to remember his frustration in his next battle. Sekijiro scolds his students for not choosing either Ibara or Jurota as their center. Jurota apologizes to Ibara and Neito commends his classmates on their effort. Sekijiro confronts Hitoshi asking to form a plan and many of the other students follow suit.

"Do you both think Hitoshi will do well in the next test? Akihiko if you feel like he deserves to be in the hero program after this let us know," Shota says to my Uncle and me as we watch the next set of students battle.

"Not sure, though if he has your backing then I will look forward to seeing what he can do," I say to Shota with a shrug since I don't know the kid.

"He has the heart of a true hero, I'm sure he will succeed in showing us his potential!" my Uncle says with his same charisma.

"All Might we need to talk after this, your old sidekick told me some interesting information that you withheld from me," I say to my Uncle who turns to me confused but nods his head.

The Second Round of Class 1-A vs. Class 1-B is a battle between Momo Yaoyorozu, Fumikage Tokoyami, Toru Hagakure, and Yuga Aoyama against Itsuka Kendo, Shihai Kuroiro, Manga Fukidashi, and Kinoko Komori. The battle was hard fought on both sides but seems class 1-A got overconfident and lost this match fully. Since Class 1-B sent all four members of Class 1-A to jail and wins the set 4-0.

"Seems your students got too confident!" Sekijiro says to Shota with a smirk seeing his class win without any losses. Shota just sighs but nods his head in agreement with Sekijiro's statement.

The Third Round of Class 1-A vs. Class 1-B is a battle between Shoto Todoroki, Mashirao Ojiro, Tenya Ida, and Mezo Shoji against Pony Tsunotori, Sen Kaibara, Juzo Honenuki, and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. This time the battle was even harder fought on both sides, as many of the students seemed to be on equal ground in this fight. In the end, Mezo chases Pony to Tenya's battlefield and Pony uses her horns to pick up all the unconscious players. She knows she can't carry Shoto to jail without Mezo stopping her or facing him with just a horn. Not willing to let her team lose, Pony opts for the only sensible option. When Mezo is about to catch her with her Dupli-Arms, Pony uses her horns to lift herself and the unconscious players high above the field until time runs out. The twenty-minute time limit expires and the battle ends in a 1-1 draw.

"You both are teaching your students well," my Uncle says seeing how the two classes are competing very well. Though Shota and I know that Class 1-A is behind since they should be winning these battles each time, on paper at least they should be.

"You guys can do this you have the advantage in wins! We can do this! Let's show Class 1-A that we aren't to be underestimated!" Sekijiro says pumping up his students and giving Shota a smirk.

"You're not wrong your class does have better strategies, seems I'm neglecting that area of teaching for my students," Shota says to Sekijiro agreeing that his class is doing better than the students who should be winning this with more ease than they are currently. Sekijiro with a face that looks like he won a competition walks off to talk with his students before the round begins.

"You shouldn't blame yourself, your class has been put through special circumstances all year. You did not have enough time to beat in the basics," my Uncle says to Shota trying to cheer him up.

"Not true All Might, I've had more than enough time to beat the basics in. Just seems my approach should be changed since not all of my class seems to be able to adapt to change quickly enough," Shota says with a heavy sigh as he feels his teaching is subpar.

"Sure your teaching may not work the greatest for them, but you still did a great job as I feel others wouldn't have done as well as you have so far. Imagine if Hizashi was teaching them instead of you," I say with a smirk at the end, making Shota chuckle at the thought and nod in appreciation to me.

"At least after this practice, we will know what areas to focus on for your class," I say to Shota.

"True seems we are going to have a few days of me beating the basics back into them," Shota says with an annoyed sigh at all the work he has ahead of him. I then pat his back before walking over to Bakugo, who will be in the next round.

"Bakugo, come here," I say to him motioning him over away from everyone to me.

"I hear from your counselor that you are making more and better progress in your anger management. This will be your first test since the last incident, make sure you don't make me regret giving you a second chance," I say to him and he gives me a hard look, before letting out a sigh and nodding his head.

"Yeah I know," Bakugo says with a slightly defeated voice.

"I'm not doing this to hurt you, but to help you," I say to him as he turns around to walk back to his teammates. He stops and looks back at me like he wants to say something but closes his mouth before walking away.

The Fourth Round of Class 1-A vs. Class 1-B is a battle between Katsuki Bakugo, Kyoka Jiro, Hanta Sero, and Rikido Sato against Yosetsu Awase, Setsuna Tokage, Kojiro Bondo, and Togaru Kamakiri. Though as Bakugo walks to the battlefield, he looks back at me since I'm giving him a look that suggests I'm watching him closely. He just stares back at me with mixed emotions, before going to catch up with his team.