
"Uncle Toshinori, you're coming over today we have a lot to talk about. Mirai Sasaki finally got around to telling me some interesting information, that you've been withholding from me," I say to my Uncle once we leave the kids behind after they finish the joint training.

"Uh…sure thing Akihiko," my Uncle says to me with a nervous face and follows me to Eri's school as I have to pick her up.

The car ride over to Eri's school was in silence since my Uncle appears to be thinking about the possible subject I'm gonna bring up. While I think about what to cook tonight. Once we arrive at Eri's school my Uncle comes with me, as Eri calls him Uncle too.

"Dad! Uncle Toshinori!" Eri says with a happy smile seeing us and runs over jumping into my arms for a hug. I pick her up and hug her, then put her down to hug my Uncle who returns the hug smiling down at her.

"So how was school?" I ask her once we start walking home.

Eri then tells us all about her day and what she had fun doing, and what she found boring. My Uncle and I just chimed in once in a while as we listened to Eri talk about her day. After arriving home Eri ran inside to change and start her homework while I began cooking for dinner. My Uncle sat at the table with Eri and helped her with her homework. Half an hour later Rumi came home giving Eri and me a kiss and hug while hugging my Uncle in a greeting too.

"Is Toshinori here for the thing we talked about earlier?" Rumi asked me as we all were eating the dinner I cooked.

"Yeah," I say while my Uncle looks between us nervously as Eri is just listening while looking at us confused, and her cheeks stuffed with food like a chipmunk.

"Is Uncle Toshinori in trouble?" Eri asks seeing the tension on my Uncle's face. Rumi lets out a laugh at hearing her question.

"Maybe, depends on his answer to your dad's question," Rumi says after she stops laughing.

"Better be honest than Uncle Toshinori, they always know when I lie," Eri says while looking at my Uncle who smiles hearing her.

"Don't worry young Eri, I never lie," my Uncle says with his signature smile, though it doesn't look as good since he isn't in his muscle form. I just raise my eyebrow at him for lying just now and Rumi snorts in response to his statement.

"Seems you just lied," Eri says while eating seeing Rumi and my looks.

"Uhm…," my Uncle looks at us unsure what to say being caught in a lie by a little girl.

"Come on, we can talk in my office," I say standing up since my Uncle and I finished eating.

"Have fun," Rumi says with a teasing voice to my Uncle, as he nods his head defeated.

"Want a drink?" I ask my Uncle as we enter the office and I pour myself some aged whiskey.

"No I'm fine," my Uncle says taking a seat across from the desk. I just nod and bring over an empty glass and the bottle of whiskey.

"Mirai told me about what really is going on with you. This whole time you told me that it was a side effect of passing down One For All. Though it was really the injury you suffered from All For One all those years ago," I say to my Uncle who stares at me in silence for a few seconds but sighs and nods his head confirming my statement.

"I never told you because…well you had a lot to deal with then and I didn't want to burden you more…Plus I know you always blamed me for your parent's death, maybe not fully but still did…you have every right to blame me, I was young and stupid, which lead to the death of your parents. I thought I had everything under control and wouldn't fail anyone else as I did with my master, but it turns out all I do is fail people," my Uncle says to me with an emotionally drained sigh. I just listened silently and poured him a glass of whiskey which he took this time.

"You're not wrong, I did blame you partially for my parent's death, for years. Then I learned that people make mistakes, plus after all these years…I learned to move on and I forgive you," I say while looking at my Uncle who looks back up at me and he smiles at me before crying at hearing me. Seeing him cry and remembering my parents, a few tears leave my eyes too. We both cried silently for a minute before gathering ourselves.

"So tell me, really what's going on with you? Are you dying? Miria said it in a way that sounds like you don't have much time left," I say to my Uncle once we both regain control of our emotions.

"I mean it's not like I have a watch telling me how much time I have left. Though the injury I suffered all those years ago was worse than I thought and has slowly been killing me over time. As for Miria, he just saw me dying in one of his premonitions, though it seems he was wrong as I was supposed to die during the raid a few months back," my Uncle says to me and I nod my head while sipping my whiskey enjoying the taste.

"Also my usage of One For All, not sure how much longer I have to use it. With the injury from my side and passing it to Midoriya, my time with it is only growing shorter. As of now, I can only use it for a few seconds at best," my Uncle continues to say as I listen quietly.

"Show me the injury," I say once he falls quiet and he downs the glass of whiskey in one go. He nods his head and lifts his shirt as I pour him another glass.

The injury looks worse than I remember, as when I first saw it, it was covered in bandages and I never asked him about it since that day in the hospital. It has a red center with heavy scar tissue around it, that looks like a heavy crack in concrete that spread across the side of his body. I may not be a doctor but even I can tell this injury is the reason he became weaker every passing year.

"Let me see what I can do," I say to him and he just nods his head.

I bring my fire out in my hand and do a small concentrated blast on his wound. As soon as my fire touches the wound he cries out in pain and falls to the ground. I withdraw my fire and my Uncle is writhing on the ground, I can now sense the demonic energy from the wound. Seems the fire brought out the hidden energy that was inside the wound.

'Maybe All For One isn't a quirk and something from a demon,' I think to myself after seeing my Uncle fall to the ground in pain and passing out. I blast him with another small wave of concentrated fire.

"Akihiko, everything ok?" Rumi asks me as she opens the door hearing the cry from my Uncle and seeing me place him back onto the chair. I can also see Eri poking her head to look from behind Rumi.

"Yeah, tell you about it later," I say to her and he nods her head closing the door.

The wound slowly heals as the demonic energy inside it is destroyed. My Uncle then slowly woke up a minute or two afterward in the chair after I picked him up and placed him back in the seat.

"What…what happened?" my Uncle says a bit groggily.

"Your wound should be fully healed. Seems the damage you received from All For One was more than even you thought. Though I was able to successfully heal it, so whatever amount of One For All is left inside you, you should be able to access without an issue," I say to my Uncle and hand him the glass of whiskey back.

"Oh…" my Uncle says processing the information and lifting his shirt to see his chest which looks completely back to normal like there never was a wound, to begin with.

"Thank you so much Akihiko!" my Uncle says jumping up and hugging me happily. I just hug him back with a smile.

"Now you can watch your successor grow to become the hero you want him to be and can help him learn more about the quirk without worrying," I say once the hug is broken and he nods his head excited at the future.

The rest of the night my Uncle stayed over to celebrate the change and spend time with us. The next day we all had off, though my Uncle left to go meet Midoriya and share the news most likely. While Rumi, Eri, and I headed out to the cafe where Fuyumi helps at on her days off from teaching. Eri loves spending time with her, plus Rumi and I like to see our niece and catch up with her.

"Hello, how can… Aunt Rumi, Uncle Akihiko, and Eri? How are you guys?!" Fuyumi says when we enter the cafe and she was at the counter. She went through the motions with a smile, but a truly happy one showed when she realized it was us.

"Hey kiddo we are good," I say as she comes around the counter to hug us all. She picks Eri up to give her a bear hug though.

"How've you been?" Rumi asks her after her hug and smiles at Eri who is laughing happily at Fuyumi's bear hug.

"A lot better. As I'm sure you heard, Dad actually came around and apologized for his actions over the past few years. Though not everyone is that forgiving, but things are looking up," Fuyumi says placing Eri down who smiles up at her.

"Good, hopefully, he has truly learned his lesson," I say with some annoyance in my voice and Rumi nods her head along with me.

"So what can I get you guys?" Fuyumi asks us smiling down at Eri who is now looking at everything they sell.

"I'll take the usual," I say with a shrug as Rumi and Eri look around the place with greedy faces at all the sweats and pastries.

Once Rumi and Eri place their orders as Rumi gets some crazy-sounding latte and carrot cake donut. Eri chose a hot chocolate and a jelly donut, while I just enjoyed my black cup of coffee and a plain donut.

"You guys know this is technically our breakfast and you both chose deserts," I say to them and smile as they are eating their donuts with happy faces.

"Hey, this is my cheat day!" Rumi says giving me a hard look.

"Yeah Dad, we get one day a week to eat whatever we want. Plus you're the weirdo, who gets a plain donut?" Eri says to me and gives me a look like I'm the crazy one.

"I like them, they are sweet but not too sweet. Plus it goes well with the bitterness of the coffee," I say to her with a fake hurt expression. Eri just shrugs me off not paying attention anymore and fully focusing on her donut.

I just shake my head and smile happily at the two people in my life whom I love more than anything else. All I can do is hope days like these happen continuously and treasure them as they come. Though these days would grow shorter as the world becomes crazed, I just didn't know it yet. Seems the world would need the help of an angel soon.