
When we arrive at the hospital the team splits up with Rumi heading to the hidden basement, other heroes evacuating the building, and the rest of us searching for the Doctor. At our appearance, the staff members inside become very confused and surprised. Before long we're all able to locate Doctor Garaki, who's calmly walking through the hallways of the medical center. Then before just grabbing him, Endeavor seems to want to confirm the truth about the doctor.

"Is it you? Are you the maker of Nomus and All For One's right-hand man?" Endeavor says to the doctor as we all calmly walk toward him. Garaki becomes extremely nervous at the sudden question and appearance of all these heroes.

"Accept your fate, the pawn of the Devil," Endeavor says with extreme anger after seeing that doctor's reaction confirms his suspicions.

'Yeah he's not a pawn of my brother,' I think to myself with a small laugh.

"Why..? Why…?!" Garaki says trying to escape before Shota uses his scarf to grab the doctor restraining his legs. While using his quirk to stop whatever the quirk of the doctor is, which makes the Doctor turn even more old looking.

"As expected, he's not what he's recorded as being in the family register. The instant you used Erasure on him, he aged drastically. It's a Quirk, isn't it?" Endeavor says stating the obvious.

"Is that Quirk the secret to All For One's long life?" Detective Tsukauchi wonders out loud.

"The Super Regeneration that only the black Nomus were equipped with. It's not a common quirk. Did you reproduce that, or create it artificially? You offered that technology to All For One," Detective Tsukauchi says accusing Doctor Garaki.

"That's amazing. Stuff like that, regenerative medicine… If you use it in that way, it's like a hyper cheat. Hey! Why are you using it like this? Why, old man?! What the hell… did you do to our friend!" Hizashi says referring to the possibility that the Doctor changed Oboro Shirakumo into something else the day Shota and I lost him years ago. Making Shota and I share a look of guilt, as we both turn to the doctor with more anger.

"Hey, don't use violence! What are you saying the doctor did?!" two of the staff members run over and stop Hizashi who grabbed the doctor while looking like he wants to beat the shit out of him.

"Get back!" Endeavor yells at the two staff.

'It's dangerous here. Please evacuate," Detective Tsukauchi says running over and removing the two staff from the situation.

"As we speak other heroes are evacuating the hospital. However, if we can gain control without bloodshed, wouldn't that be the best option? The Nomus' brains have been programmed, so they can't move without instructions from a specific person. Without instructions, they are just corpses. We figured this out from the bodies we've been able to capture," Shota says referring again to Oboro who was found out to be Kurogiri the black cloud-looking villain who was helping the League move around.

"The many people you toyed with and abandoned have said… Now, it's our turn to take from you," Shota says with deep hatred in his voice for the doctor. This whole time Shota has still blamed himself for Oboro's disappearance and what we all thought was his death.

"Please… forgive me… forgive me... Forgive me…" the doctor says but the last one comes out as a mad smile appears on his face.

"I found the Nomus!" Rumi says with an excited laugh over the comms.

Just as she says this a huge Nomu burst through the floor freeing the doctor and placing itself between us and the doctor. Then the doctor disappears like he was never there, to begin with.

"Fuck!" I say seeing this all happen in seconds. Then as dozens of Nomus begin running rampant through the hospital, Rumi talks to me over the comms. Everyone I was with heard it too.

"Rapture I found the real doctor he's with me!" Rumi says and I immediately have a bad feeling.

"We have to get to Rumi now!" I say while burning the Nomu that appeared through the hole and jumping down the hole right after.

As I'm rushing through the hospital I'm killing any Nomus I find quickly trying to help while rushing after my wife. When I make it down to the basement I can see Rumi has killed the Nomus on her way through there. Once I find her I see she is badly injured with her one arm extremely hurt, her leg in a very bad shape, and a huge injury on her side. The whole place looks turned inside out.

"NOOO!" I scream in complete rage running over to my wife who gives me a painfilled smile.

"Still look as good on our wedding day I bet," Rumi says with a pained chuckle knowing she looks extremely hurt right now.

"Don't talk let me help you," I say to her hushing her as I'm too worried for her even though she is trying to play off the situation.

'How can this happen in less than two minutes?! I'm going to burn the fucker who did this!' I scream internally as I blast Rumi with my healing fire and pray that not only will Rumi be ok, but our baby too. Just as I'm healing her the rest of the group shows up with two dozen Nomus at the same time. Rumi managed to stay conscious through it all and after blasting her with my fire it managed to heal her wounds enough that she will live and function as she did before, but as for our unborn child I'm unsure.

Hizashi ran ahead to go after the doctor while the rest were fighting the Nomus. Meanwhile, Rumi finally passed out after I healed her, though after seeing my wife in that state and trying to contain the wrath inside me. I prayed silently for a second hoping for some guidance but received nothing.

"Oh, fuck holding back what I am," I say with only feeling anger at this moment.

Then I just let my angelic appearance out for the first time on a mission since I hunted down the man who almost actioned Rumi off. Right after turning to my form, I release my holy fire all around me consuming everything in a Kilometer (just over half a mile) radius above and below me. Leaving only the heroes and civilians safe, while everything else got consumed in the fire including the building. The only one who lived outside the innocent was the man Hizashi was carrying, the Doctor. As I wanted him left alive to kill myself.

"Eraser stay with Rumi…please," I say to him giving him a look that showed how much pain and anger I just felt. The other heroes stared at me in surprise at my appearance since only a few knew about it. Shota nods and runs over to Rumi while Endeavor takes over for the other heroes to go back to helping civilians.

I flew in the direction Hizashi went with after the Doctor and came across empty vats that held Nomus. One looked different than the rest, while I sensed demonic energy in the area heavy energy, a very powerful demon was here just a few seconds ago. Only a demon of this level could survive my holy fire, let alone resist it like it seems it did as the vats are the only thing left untouched after my outburst. Ignoring the concern of that problem, I continue after Hizashi.

"Present Mic! The fighting is over!" I say screaming as I finally reach him and he stopped while looking back at me. He tossed the Doctor to the ground who has a happy smile on his face for some reason. This only further infuriates me.

"Thank god, or you in this case!" Hizashi says with a happy sigh while smirking at me. But stops seeing my anger towards the doctor as he's never seen me this upset before.

"Rapture, what happened?... Wait! Is Rumi ok?" Hizashi says reading me like a book it seems.

"Yeah…should be now. Though I'm not sure if everything is ok," I say to him referring to our unborn child and the realization dawns on him as he gives me a grim look. Then an one filled even more hatred at the Doctor.

"We're not arresting him… right?" Hizashi says to me understanding my intentions.

"No, no we are not. Though first let's learn everything we can," I say grabbing the doctor and collapsing the tunnel behind me so no one can interrupt us. While the Doctor just gives laugh as he finds this situation amusing for some reason.

"What's so funny?!" Hizashi says to the doctor as I collapse the tunnel.

"Just two heroes are going to kill me instead of arresting me. Shows that it doesn't take much to turn heroes into villains… does it?" the Doctor says while Hizashi winces finding some truth in the Doctor's words.

"Walk away, you don't have to be a part of this," I say to Hizashi as he gives me a hard look, before reforming his resolve and shaking his head.

"I never claimed to be a good hero, nor do I care what the Public Safety Commission says as they are all hypocrites anyway. I'm an angel, the angel of wrath and I've been trying to hold back my wrath for long enough. Seems the only thing you sinners understand is wrath. Therefore I will bring the wrath of God down onto all the sinners," I say to the Doctor as he turns to look at me finally and his eyes widen realizing that I'm really an angel or appear like one.

"I see! Heaven and Hell are real! YES! Send me to the true seeker of truth! Lucifer himself!" the Doctor says with a crazed laugh.

"Sorry to break it to you, but my brother has left his throne. Instead, your soul will be consumed by my fire, forever tormented inside the holy fire used by the Wrath of God," I say while breaking his limbs using the bones as spears to plunge inside his body making him bleed to death internally. Once I have his soul I will know all its memories if I so chose to learn them.

The Doctor seemed to want to speak but was drowning in his own blood as one or more of his own bones pierced his lungs. After a minute of suffering, he died and I used my fire to consume his soul, instead of destroying it or sending it to hell. Like I said I will trap it in my fire to be forever burning as the greatest punishment I could give someone. The soul will never know peace nor become used to the pain as it always changes once the soul adapts to the pain.

"I know what he did here and possibly what is planned next. I learned it after consuming his soul," I say to Hizashi who went quiet seeing all this happen.

"...Akihiko… what now?" Hizashi says to me with a voice filled with worry for me as he gives me a pat on my shoulder.

"Now we go back and I'll tell them I killed the Doctor," I say with an indifferent shrug at the corpse of the Doctor.

"No, just say you saved me from the collapsing tunnel and the doctor just got killed in the collapse," Hizashi says trying to help me cover it up.

"We can also say he spilled what he knew to me since he thought we both were gonna die," Hizashi says further trying to come up with a solution, as technically I'm not licensed to kill anymore. With my connections, this issue wouldn't be a problem anyway, but Hizashi does make a point that it would be less of a headache.

"Fine, if you think that is better," I say while burning our way out of the collapse and reverting to my normal form. Hizashi just nods his head and gives me one last look of concern. As we come out of the tunnel we see Endeavor and Shota who is helping a very much better healed Rumi but still exhausted down the tunnel towards us.