Once the door actually opened, everyone inside the shop paused and stared at the door to see who was entering.
Naturally, when they saw Malachi coming in with two girls, the reactions were appropriately boisterous, but there were two who were more ecstatic than others.
"There's grandpa's baby!" Ali slid to the floor on his knees and held out his arms dramatically.
Camille let out a happy squeal and let go of her father's hand immediately in favor of the bearded older man.
Ali lifted the young girl up and spun her around to her profound amusement.
"You getting so big again! You being good at home?"
"Da!" Camille lied.
"That's my grandbaby!" Ali beamed.
He reached in his pocket and pulled out a wad of silver-colored cash. The new regime's credit currency.
Ali unfolded a roll of bills and handed Cami the equivalent of around 100 dollars.