Arias fixed himself in the mirror while staring hard at his reflection.
He had been told by many that he was a handsome individual by the masses. He didn't see it.
If he were honest, he had never seen himself as some pinnacle of attractiveness for the female or male gaze.
He found that Malachi or Morgan were better suited for those kinds of titles. In his mind, he saw himself as an ordinary man. Albeit a comical one. And at other times, a bipolar sort. It depended on the hour.
But today, he wasn't sure which description fit his mood best. If his mother was here, he would have known. She always seemed to know him better than he knew himself.
"How long are you going to stare at yourself, boss?"
Arias hardly had the heart to smile back at his secretary. "I'll be done in a minute, I'm just... taking in my final few moments of freedom."