A life began on October 21st, 2014, in the middle of Arkansas. Specifically, that of a young boy named Nathan.
His mother passed away shortly after the birth. At least that's what his father told him when he was young.
He later found out that his mother fled his father as soon as the hospital gave her the okay. She didn't want him. Either of them.
Nathan's father was a brute of a man. His belief was that discipline and religious doctrine were the only things that were needed to raise a child.
Years later, Nathan couldn't recall ever being given a shred of kindness from his father. He was fed, but if he dared to eat too loud he was hit and starved.
He had a total of three outfits. One for school, one for church, and one for yardwork.
He wasn't given anything else until he was practically bursting at the seams. Not because his father didn't have the money, he owned a successful pawn shop. He just couldn't be bothered.