"Right, well… it's going to be tough to follow that up, but I will do my best." Morgan said nervously.
Surtr's blessed had been in front of crowds and televisions numerous times, but this was a different beast entirely.
This was important. This was about the future of their nation! He had to look like a well-put, confident leader!
But it was hard!
He hadn't been this nervous since he went to tell his father-in-law he was marrying a second woman!
Everyone in the auditorium heard the metal of the podium creak underneath his nervous grip, but they pretended to ignore it for his sake.
"R-Right, I..ahem.." he cleared his throat. "Today, I'd like to talk to all of you about the future, but first I must cover the part of the past.
It is an undeniable privilege for those of us are actually alive today to witness this moment of society rising from the ashes. But there are many who do not get to sit here with us.