World (II)

I was interested in what pearl was going to elaborate me about the history and creation of the world.

The world is known as Utopia. Fitting name I guess for the world of magic and wonders.

Nobody knows how big this world is real unless you can reach the peak of strength that this world can offer.

So many mysteries and so many secrets are hidden from the sight of the weak people of this world.

Currently, as per the explanation of pearl, no one can reach their max potential due to the limitations of the world's will.

These limitations are caused by reasons which are unknown to the current world but pearl was going to explain that as well.

As a new visitor to this world knowing the goings of this world is essential for me to plan effectively to reach my goals and complete missions with the least amount of suffering. Well, that is what think for now but not what will happen honestly.

So pearl started her story from the start.

-Let's start from the beginning, the world as we know of is called utopia by the ancestors of this world. How did this come into being? Well, let's discuss that first shall we.-

Pearl started telling me how the universe came into being.

The universe as we know is protected and supported by being known as guardian/overlord/ruler/the one. Yes, the being containing the human cell-sized fragment of God also known as God's fragment. Guardians have their own will but they are perfected toward their ultimate goal of protection which they can't move away from. Guardians of all universes are programmed to do only things essential for the protection of the world.

Good thing is that these beings are not allowed to directly interact with mortals like me and residents of different worlds in the universe.

Now comes, the discussion about the universe, so what is the energy or the power that makes it?

Simply put the universe contains the fragment of a guardian or overlord. Yes, part of the guardian is what makes the Universe. Simple right? Nope!

A guardian who is borrowing Power from a fragment of God is in return utilizing it for creating the said universe which it will protect. Just as God designed it to do.

The power that makes the Universe is called "echo". Also known as the voice of the Universe.

An echo is a nonsentient being or power that exists in everything in the universe. The whole Universe is made up of these echo particles and the main body or core of the universe is the "Heart Core".

Nothing is known about the Heart of the Universe, whether it is sentient or not. This cannot be estimated by pearl because the level of knowledge it has is of world level only.

So, in easy words, the Worlds or different planets are made by Echo originating from the Heart core of the universe.

Worlds are divided into levels as well. The world I am currently in is ranked in the top category but is not the best. Meaning this world is better than those who are below the magic category.

Also, not all worlds support echo which is the energy of the universe, it can be called mana as well but due to its nature of half sentience it is called echo instead. Echo in its original form is dangerous and has the pure form of energy that can destroy all life that is not in sync with the God fragment.

This is one reason why the world invasion is not happening all over the universe right now.

Heart core is the mother of all worlds. The world that I am residing in is also made by world fragments provided by the Heart core.

The World of Utopia at the start had no sentient being ruling it. But after thousands of years, the will of the world became a sentient being who is known to be benevolent, life-loving, and selfless with the beautiful name of 'Lucrecia'.

Yes, the goddess of this world or the world itself is alive and it has been living alongside all these races from the get-go.

The World fragment that powers this world can give life and has natural life return cycle called "Aura Pool".

Aura is the energy that humans or different users use to create magic. All lifeforms have an aura inside their bodies. Aura is a derivative of refined Echo.

Refined Echo is obtained through purification from the World filtering system that the goddess created to safeguard living from harm unrefined pure Echo exists outside the world and all over the universe.

Pure Echo is harmful to humans and other lifeforms in its original form. The filter system created by goddesses or worlds will convert it into Echo which exists in the world and creates Aura mines. Yes, humans can only use Aura that exists inside them and they can only increase these values by obtaining Aura crystals from Aura mines or other natural dungeons of the world.

The world is rich with Aura mines and dungeons but all riches come with danger.

The more powerful the crystals, the more dangerous monsters will be protecting them.

Naturally, this is all done by the world to make life flourish and become powerful. To make life strong enough to protect itself when impeding doom drives on them in form of other worlds invasion.

Invasion of worlds is not possible for lower-ranked ones, but higher-ranked ones strive to steal world cores of different worlds to make themselves better.

Pearl didn't know more about it because realms needed to reach out more about this information were not reachable to us right now.

Everything was planned and has a goal and nothing was unimportant in this world. That is what I know now after obtaining this information from pearl.

This concludes all information currently available about the known universe.

Further information could only be accessed after I completed the main quest I am supposed to go over.

From what I see now, my life is not even worth anything in this world and I cannot even be called an ant.

Silly really how I thought that I might have a path and role that is above all but now I understood that I was just a pawn to the universe to save itself from the inevitable end approaching it.

The Universe was scared or more to say something happened that caused it to look for outside help through the guardian.

I don't know the reasons why I am needed to help it but I know that the universe will die if I don't succeed.

I was overcome with different thoughts when pearl caught my attention.

- Now let's talk about why all these concerns you and your role in all of this. But before that, you will need to know about the world will know as Lucrecia-

Hence, pearl started giving me details about this world. Now all that was left to explain was what happened.