
I have always been skeptical of my reason for existence. I knew that I was no chosen person or anything, instead, I thought that I was unlucky and miserable.

Well, everything I thought indeed turned out to be true.

Just imagine being unlucky enough to transmigrate into the world which is on its way to the end. Interesting right? But the story becomes better when you add the factor that you are supposed to save it from its fated end.

Yeah nobody expects me to win here. No one. this hero thing or savior situation is a joke.

I have always been skeptical and thought why would you want to transmigrate in the novel world knowing you will either be a villain or canon fodder at best? Becoming a puppet of the system and doing what it asks you to do. Where is the freedom in that? Where is the sense of achievement? You are just being guided on one path and you have no hand in the success that will be achieved in following that path.

I always thought that authors were on weed when they decided to make a harem novel. Where is the sense of freedom and achievement in that?

Can a person love multiple women? Absolutely yes! But can a person love 10+ women? That my friend is where you are wrong now. Now the story is only about lust and pleasure and I respect that. Who doesn't want beautiful women around them? Giving them a sense of being the bigger and better man than other miserable cunts out there.

A such ridiculous sense of appreciation towards their small mind and narcissism.

No wonder people love to read those novels. They get a sense of relief that only if they could achieve this what good life it would be. But at the end of the day, they all know that it is just fake, fraud, and an unachievable notion and that is why they love reading it, the forbidden fruit.

I also read novels that were harem related and hated them while also cherishing them. People love what they can't achieve after all. Just think about expensive cars, watches, and houses, every man wants them but only a few can receive such luxuries of life.

People want to aim high because they know they won't achieve it in their lifetime and if they did their life will become meaningless. Life is too short and people love to aim for the moon. There is no shame in that at all.

We are moving away from the topic at hand. Oh, where was I? Yes! Savior or hero. Protecting the world and its people. Killing evil and bringing peace. How cute. What bulshit.

Only a little boy with a dead brain will aim for such things. People real living people only dream of luxuries and simple but fulfilling life. Yes, I also aim for that after all the shit I went through in my last life.

Now let's go back to the topic at hand.

-Lucrecia was born as a little light fragment made up of the universe's core part called the world core. Lucrecia was the world herself. Everything that existed and will was hers to hold, but she was also separate from the world core as she was a living being- pearl started explaining details regarding the will of the world.

So details are as simple as they could be.

Lucrecia is the goddess of life, light, purity, and Benevolence. Bringer of peace and end to all sufferings. The light that protects the world. Diety of the world. The sun that shines the brightest.

She was called many names that represent the love of people.

Her statues were being built everywhere, her light shining on everyone.

She was the true mother of all life in the world.

Utopia was her child and she was the caretaker.

In the beginning, Utopia had one race of humans, which were true residents of this world. The world of life and happiness. Everyone uses their power to bring peace and happiness around.

Living peacefully and showing potential throughout centuries. Spending civilization over the world. Humans were the true bringers of prosperity throughout the world.

Goddess watched humans grow up. She watched them struggle and she watched them learn from their mistakes. They were her children and she loved them.

She was always sad that all humans lived together in form of families and she desired a family of her own.

Life is boring when there is no one to stand beside you.

She spread the religion throughout the world. The religion of love, peace, and happiness.

People loved her for her grace and the help that she gave people in their time of need when famine, disease, and plague came. Goddess will send her help and people loved her for her kindness and love towards them.

Then everything was good and peaceful.

Goddesses spend centuries overwatching humans and many other races came into being.

The only thing goddess lacked was a family of her own. The unconditional love that she wanted as well from someone. The spark of new meaning to her boring life.

She did something that she thought would fill her with a life of happiness and keep her away from her sadness due to her long life.

She used the world to the core of hers to bring forth another goddess that would be her sister.

Yes, her sister, "Umbra" was born. Her element affinity was darkness. She was also filled with life and the same love that the Light goddess had.

Umbra's main purpose for existing was for her sister. She was supposed to give company to the unending and boring life of the Light goddess.

Umbra was happy to be alive and she loved her sister very much. They lived happily for centuries helping people in their time of need. Umbra was called the "Queen of Night" and Lucrecia was called the "Queen of Light". Both dominated day and night. The true deities of the world itself.

The story was good and all until the day arrived when everything changed for both sisters and that love that was held once was lost forever into the neverending blood and cries.