History (II)

Pearl's explanation was on point and she deserved an award for straightforward summary of the history of the world that I was sent into.

I expected the world to be straightforward with no will or something, but this was not what I expected.

One thing I knew was that whenever the deities were involved in any story then the manipulation exists.

I read far too many novels in the mystery genre where MC was carried by the beautiful manipulative goddess who then sucked him dry for their agenda and she joined his harem and became the woman who says 'I raised that boy'.

An old novel Daoist readers would agree with me on that. There is too much manipulation in the back of the dark world.

Maybe the goddess of this world will say 'come to the dark we have cookies here', or something like that to get me in the box.

Sadly it won't work because I am a pro lady.

Dante with his flat face and harmful voice then said.

"Hey, pearl! If everything went to shit due to mistakes by the goddess herself then shouldn't she have fixed them as well, because I don't see any dark Queen here right now or even the talk about her."

Pearl looked at me like one can look at a little child.

-Brother let me complete the story first before coming to conclusions.-

"Oh come on, I know what you are going to say, you will say like 'Dark lady was jealous of Light lady or something like that, the same old melodrama"

-you... Just let me finish the story and then we can talk about the conclusion that you think of-

So the story continued, Dark Queen loved her big sister and they were a super duper, happy family. But then came the man, yes no ordinary man but the hero 'saint' that is born once a generation to move the Light church towards the correct direction and to bring goddess words through subjects.

Hero or saint was the favorite of both sisters(goddesses) hence they cherished him a lot. Dark Queen fell in love with the saint but Light goddess stopped her from worldly pleasures as they will corrupt her divinity.

The dark queen didn't accept and started to pursue saints of that time. She didn't know that saints of all generations are automatically In love with goddesses because they carry part of the light goddess herself.

Hence dark queen was refused by the hero and thus her heart was broken. The end.




"Are you joking here? Wtf do you mean by the end explain lady what the fack happens? I need a story to the very minute details right now."

-Ok let's talk about the last part of the story and then we can move on to important stuff right!-

The story continued from the point when Saint rejected the Dark queen.

The dark queen was sad that she didn't have someone who loved her as a saint did the Light goddess.

Dark queen used her divinity or soul fragments to develop a new race which was comprised of the Demon race.

She made the Demon race to make her sister jealous. But she didn't know that same jealousy would be poison for her race as they were made from her.

This demon race was born who were better than humans in magic and physical aspects but lacked something mundane. Demon race hated humans and we're jealous of their lands and civilization.

The demon races also were antisocial and fought for power and supremacy over their race as well as others.

Saints of the human race fought with armies against demons and kept losing. Saint lost his wife and child in the process of this long war.

Due to his sadness, he begged the goodness of light to help them and made her wake up from her slumber.

The relationship between the Light and Dark queen was destroyed and they fought to bring their race supreme.

Light Queen won and in the end, Dark Queen was imprisoned in the 'Eternal Tomb of Darkness'.

The Dark tomb was a place where most of the demon race was defeated and destroyed. Hence came peace. But the Goddess of light was also betrayed by humans.

Humans experimented on humans to activate power above their levels through a process called "Aura burn". The echo filtering system was disturbed by this and the goddess of light saw how millions of humans died. She used her powers to destroy all blasphemers.

The Goddess of light had to go to long slumber and hence we came into a current generation that exists.

Light Queen (aka Light goddess) lost her soul fragments all over the world in her fight against Umbra the Dark queen.

Many people now are born through those fragments and to revive World Goddess, those fragments need to be returned to her.

After all, this story was over Dante asked seriously.

"This still doesn't explain why we need to save goddess. I can just destroy the enemy myself and restore the cycle. Reviving her might not be the best idea for us."

Pearl was mildly surprised when she heard that. She knew the goal was to revive the goddess and seek her help all along and date should also know this.

-We need her help to fight the enemy who seeks to destroy everything. Also, umbra might recover soon and we need to defeat her as well.-

Pearl explained straight to the point.

"I get it but what am I supposed to do, I am not someone with divine power and my luck sucks ass." Dante spoke shamelessly but truthfully.

-All will be explained in time, my dear lovely brother.-

With this, the story began to roll...