
Dante was shocked by all the information he received from Pearl.

The world was not only a novel but also had a hero character who was someone else.

He was born here and died before he could even activate the system and receive his memories.

Pearl was not someone who would lie about these things. These little details were everything and he knew that something behind the scenes was going on right now.

Frankly, he was not caring enough to think about things that were not even important right now.

Currently, he was in a child's body and has no power to speak. Even knowing the dark secrets of the world won't help him and instead might cause him unnecessary trouble.

His main focus is on what happened in the last 1000 years. Why would he be given the mission to save this world, when the hero of the novel can easily do so himself?

"Why don't I remember this novel world? Did someone steal my memories? But why would they do that?"

Dante asked stoically

"Yes, memories were sealed by the world due to disturbance in time and also because they are not important for the current you, and only by meeting key characters and becoming strong can you unlock those memories," Pearl said straightly while looking at Dante.

"Why would the world be reverted to this stage? This goes against the law of casualty right? So restrictions should be implemented on those who did this event."

"As you say, many things are hidden for now, but one thing is for sure, you are now the chosen one to save everything. No one else can do this because they failed in the previous real world. This world now could be called the 'New world'."

Pearl explained to Dante but he was not interested in that. What he wanted to know was what benefits he gains through this situation.

"So, the Hero who was supposed to save the world failed and now the world is on the brink of demise due to the actions of unknown people, who sent back the world into the past. 1000 years of time travel will have broken so many laws of the universe. Not only that but the universe will still be 1000 years in the future. Only our world must have gone in the past. Right?"

"It is true what you say but for now explanation will have to wait. You should rest and let me rest as well." Pearl said with a tired face.

They had been talking for 4 hours now. It was nearly afternoon. The sun was at its peak. The room was filled with light coming through the windows.

Dante was also tired so they decided to end the conversation there for now.

He needed to go through all details that he received from Pearl and needed to make a sure plan for what to do next.

Before pearl was leaving she came close to Dante.

Dante thought she would vanish but she came close to his face and touched his face with her hands.

He was not sure what was happening since he was occupied with his thoughts and when he realized it was too late.

She kissed him on his lips with her cherry lips and said "Rest well my dear brother".

She vanished from his sight and left him stupefied for a moment.

He recovered after a minute and so, realizing what had transpired.

"That was my first kiss, damn it!!!" Dante shouted and was hostile now. Looking sharp and cute at the same time.

Then he sighed and said, "whatever, from where I came from, kissing is just a gesture of greeting anyways."

Dante sat on his bed and started to Mindstorm the things that had happened.

Currently, his situation was like a dog who had food on one side and a stick on the other. If he ate food he would be captured by higher beings and if he chose stick then he would be beaten to a pulp.

Dante realized that it is better to choose the middle path. This path is...

"Let's roleplay. I will act good and kind in front of others. This will reduce heat on me and help me plan things in the dark."

There was no need to act like face slapping idiot that he had read in novels. That would not work because this was not a fan-satisfaction world. This is a world that was destroyed even though the hero did everything to save it.

Yes, this world's difficulty was in "Impossible" mode.

'I need to get good things in my court fast since I don't remember the main characters or villains of this world, then the only thing to do is to analyze people through their potential.'

Those people who will have high potential will most likely be the main characters of the world.

His system was an overpowered existence in its way. But everything was controlled by the universe to prevent the laws of a casuality from breaking destiny.

Destiny is fixed and can not be changed unless you are an anomaly.

Dante knew that he was that variable. The world will most likely prevent me from causing changes. Maybe my bad luck was also caused by this situation here.

In his first life, he suffered. In his second life, he died before he was 5. Now in the third life, he was just a pawn of higher beings.

'My life sucks.'

Dante sighed and looked around his room.

There were many books scattered around.

He always loved books. Books helped him forget reality. His reality was a nightmare. He cherished all those novels and manga he read in his free time.

Remembering those days brought a smile to his face.

He was now in a new world, with a new start.

He wanted to start this life without making the same mistakes he made in his 1st life.

He wanted to go on an adventure, eat different delicacies, write books about his adventures, and last but not least have people's respect and admiration.

Dante always wanted to be the center of attention because of the hero novels he read. The path he wanted to follow to get that attention was that of an antihero.

"Yes, I am not a hero and will never be. I will not be a pawn and will break through these chains that bind me sooner or later."

"Just you wait overlord. I will have my just fun and will make sure you cry tears when you realize that I am not your dog."

Dante laughed maniacally at his delusions.

Dante felt sleepy after so much story time with pearl, so he decided to rest.

'Ah so tired let's just rest until someone comes to get me for lunch

Dante rested his head on the bed and closed his eyes to take a small nap.

He wanted to not remember anything for now because it was too much for him right now.

He was just 5 years old and already on a mission.


Dante opened his eyes but he was not in his room. He was floating inside water, which was so vast that it was like a sea. The sea was so beautiful and illuminated by light.

He could breathe and he felt a warmth that of mother's embrace. He could see inside this dome of water holding him inside.

He saw light and as it got close it became a she.

Yes woman, and she was really beautiful like a goddess. Blue hallows shone around her like they were protecting her from the filth of the world.

The woman was so beautiful that Dante couldn't help but show a look of fascination, a look that showed how could something like her exist.

She had long yellow hairs, shining like a sun. Her eyes contain the world inside them. Like pearls, her eyes showed the most beautiful sight. Her hairs were so long that they were touching the knees. Her face was mind-blowing beautiful and showed signs of innocence that doesn't exist in the women of the world. The gestures on her face were sad and with a sign of emerging hope.

She was perfect.

She gave Dante the feeling that he should bow to her and accept everything that she says without any doubt. Rejecting her would be blasphemy and she was the world.

Yes, she was the world.

"Welcome, to my inner dream world." She spoke.

There was only one question in mind of him. "Who are you?"

"I am the goddess of Light, Lucrecia."

Hence, the first meeting between the pawn and the goddess of light began.