
Dante was always a believer in a higher force and a being who made him and everything that exists.

The woman in front of him was not that being.

She was incomplete. He could feel it. He could sense it. Emotions were scattered all over the place. She was human, maybe more so than any human he had ever seen.

Lost in his thoughts he couldn't visualize what Lucrecia was here to show.

She was a higher being, a being transcended from what a human being can only desire.

Born with such great authority. A lonely being.

"I came to you to request something..."

Before she could finish Dante said a thing that she couldn't comprehend at first.

"I am sorry..."

She didn't say anything.

She couldn't understand. What was he sorry for? What was it that he did that made him feel sorry or regretful?

He looked at her with a complicated and aolemn expression. Sadness and pain in his sight.

She couldn't understand, was he sad for her, but why...

"I am sorry that you have to go through all that pain. Betrayed by people who you cared about and still loving them while knowing that everything you did was for naught." Dante said slowly.

"Kindness paid with blood, betrayal, and pain. I know what it feels like." Dante said while looking down.

"I am sorry, that you have to go through all that pain and loneliness. I know nobody told you that, so let me the first one. To show sympathy and pity for your loss." Dante said with seriousness never shown before.

He was not a person who got serious. He was someone who would laugh in the face of death.

Play pranks and do comedy with the guardian of the universe. He was a guy who hid his pain behind a mask, just like all people with good control of emotions did with ease.

Never showing weakness. Never showing pain. Never begging. Never regretting his actions. Never crying in face of despair.

He was a strong man. A man who knew how to control emotions and even manipulate them.

Yet, at the end of the day, he was just a human, a being full of feelings.

After saying those words, Dante stopped speaking. Like he never spoke at all.

A silence descended in the domain of water where only he and her existed.

A world of no pain and no evil.

Lucrecia was contemplating what she heard. This was the first time he had met this young man. The way he looked at her said that he had known her for eternity.

She was sure now. She had no doubt.

"You and I are similar..."

She said with a smile that was not a smile at all. How could a smile so painful exist?

"Thank you..."

She relaxed and smile she showed this time was like flowers and all happiness in the world.

Dante looked at her and just showed his smile and just nodded.

There was no need for words.

This was something that Dante wanted for himself as well.

When he lost his mother, his family, and his lover. He wanted people to just be there for him.

But there was no one. He was alone. Some even said it was his fault.

People only wanted his money, his power, and his authority.

Nobody provided condolences for his loss with a pure heart.

He was pretty sure nobody even cared about Lucrecia enough to feel saddened for her. For the sacrifices she made.

It was just sad.

"You are the first one to say that to me. Even though you are not someone from this Universe." Lucrecia said while closing her eyes and continuing.

"I am sorry for your loss and suffering as well Agata Shehr and now Dante von Wolfsberg."

There was silence and then Dante nodded while smiling.

"Thanks. I have moved on. The pain and love, I have learned to utilize it, to better myself. I suggest you do the same."

Dante said with complete activeness.

"I will try..." Lucrecia said smiling.

"I called you here, to request your help. I am the one who summoned you after foreseeing a future full of destruction and chaos." Lucrecia stopped and then thought something before continuing.

"Your 2nd life ended before I could even interfere in it. It is my biggest regret. I was not strong enough and even in slumber. The overlord said you were the one who will bring a change in the direction that saves everything. After your demise, I gave my hope to the Hero. But the Child of Light (hero) betrayed the world at the last moment. I lost once again..."

Lucrecia was depressed and having a hard time recalling everything. But she continued.

"This time I won't interfere in any of the paths that you or the hero will choose. I will stand by your side. So please, save the world and save me..." Lucrecia begged.

"The innocent are suffering and I want to end this cycle of hatred and pain. I won't ask you to forgive bad people. I am just asking you to end this chain of chaos that I have caused by my stupid actions."

Lucrecia was showing a sad expression.

A being who is called a goddess was begging for help from the guy who was a cursed child. A guy who lost everything. Someone who didn't protect anything and was miserable.

How could someone like him bring change to the world?

He was the worst candidate for this.

But there was the only thing he could say to her right now.

"I will try my best I promise.."

Dante said seriously.

"This is now my world as well. I will make sure that it becomes peaceful so that I can live a carefree and lazy life with no worries."

Dante resolved himself. There was no going back now. He had to do it.

He couldn't fuck things up anymore. He will be ruthless to his enemies and go to any lengths to bring peace.

His eyes showed fire and he said: "Don't worry I won't die this time, even if death himself comes knocking on my door."

Lucrecia showed a motherly smile. Started vanishing while saying.

"I will watch over you and wait for your success..."

Lucrecia said while continuing.

"If you can then please save my sister Umbra as well, she isn't a bad person. Just naive...."

She was gone and only light existed in the place where she was and a beautiful scene for eyes to observe.