Happy to be Single

Dante woke up from his slumber.

He felt so refreshed like never before. This sensation was addicting.

Dante was surrounded by light and knew something was going on. Just as he was going to ask pearl about it, the notification came in front of him in blue lights.

The notification box was perfectly visible and was not completely transparent. It was like the game screen in the manga he read.

[ Ding! Blessing received from the goddess of Light]

[Enhanced Regeneration* (perk)]

[Light Cleansing* (Skill)]

[These abilities can be upgraded further]

[??, ??,... Skills and perks not usable due to not meeting requirements]

[Host is advised to check status and open starter pack as soon as possible]

'Well nice! I was already thinking of getting something similar to regeneration. This solved one major problem that every Main character should have at the start of their journey.'

Dante knew that one of the major causes of misery and pain for starting main characters is that they get hurt and cannot heal themselves from those injuries fast enough and passes out sooner or later and due to their plot armor they are saved by some beautiful women or Old Daoist who then takes them as a disciple.

Well, he was glad he was safe from such a cliche plot.

Secondly, the Light cleansing is similar to the special move made by the saintess of churches.

Yes, this was a move that many novels' main female leads have. Allowing those female protagonists to gain massive love from people.

What this ability does is not only heal people from injuries but also remove curses, poisons, evil aura, and diseases.

The combo of these abilities was enough for him to become a supporting character who stays at the end of the hunting party and says 'dattebayo'.

Pretty stupid role but also the safest of them all.

He knew that these skills will help him get some support or affection from people. Also really helpful in cases when he is surrounded by enemies and cannot avoid injuries from happening. Also, it helps in gathering forces who will think of him as the Saint of Light.

He can control his regeneration to make sure he doesn't die from injuries.

"These abilities are better than expected. Thank you, Lucrecia. I love you..." Dante said happily like a little kid does when he gets his favorite toy from his mother or friend.

He didn't mean anything by saying that he loves her. It was just instinctive behavior.

[Light Queen Affection increased]

He was too absorbed in his happy mode that he neglected everything and kept thinking of possible scenarios he can use this ability.

Enhanced regeneration can also be called peak human regeneration. It was similar to a popular comic character who had claw beast DNA.

After coming out of the trance, Dante started talking with Pearl.

"Pearl, I need to talk to you about something."

Dante started and then said, "Why is a system on auto mode while you are not saying anything?"

- oh I made the system to answer automatically questions and data related to status. It gives me time to read books and polish my nails in my inner mind space.-

"Just say that you are lazy.... well whatever. Do you know where I was in my dream?" He asked casually.

The reason he didn't tell everything was that he doesn't trust Pearl. Reason being she might just be using him through overlords guidance.

Dante was a guy who doesn't even trust his shadows after what had happened to him in his previous life.

He knew that the people you care about most can betray you without a moment of regret.

So he was being careful about who to trust.

He currently only trusted his mother and maybe his little sister because they were a direct family. He did not completely trust his sister because sisters can betray you for their lovers and to prove their love and loyalty. What bulshit.

Dante had read too many cliche plots where the main character was ruined for trusting people too easily. He was not even a mob character right now because he dies in his 2nd life due to unknown interference.

- nope you were just sleeping. Don't tell me you dreamed about me. How daring. Hehe-

Pearl said laughing stupidly as always.

"No, I didn't dream about you silly. I dreamt that I was eating delicious food with Lucrecia haha. Get that haha." He stated in a frank manner.

- Don't dream about other women, when I am here!! - she said while being a little angry.

"All right just tell me about the starter pack"

- you should first open the completed missions rewards -

"Oh yeah sure, open completed missions rewards"

Dante knew these were rewards for missions Pearl completed when he was in slumber. So, he didn't think too much about it.

[2 Affection breaker missions completed (100+ Affection)]

[2 Affection limit missions completed (90+ Affection)]

[5 Affection peak missions completed (80+ affection)]

[ Congratulations Host for obtaining the new title: PlayBoy]

[Total system points: 50,000]

Dante was confused about what the hell was happening.

He didn't ask her to get people's affection so high.

In his life he hated two things, first betrayal and second was an obsession.

He didn't want to become someone else obsession.

Why because it is too restricting. He had a girlfriend who became obsessed with him due to his submissive character. Don't ask why he was acting like a good boy. Well, he lost his loved ones so he didn't want to lose anyone else. Hence he started acting like a good boy.

It was too late when he realized what hell he had unleashed on himself.

His girlfriend started acting like his mother and tried to control his every action in name of love.

He broke up with her. She didn't take it well at all and started causing him headaches which are better not to be remembered.

'What was her name again, oh yes Natasha or better said Natty'

'May you be a happy little dove. You were a yandere so good luck hahaha'

He didn't hate her but didn't want her to be near him either.

That was not the main reason for breaking up with natty. He was just able to get over his true love. It was sad really.

"What the hell did you do, I told you overlord that I didn't want a harem. Didn't you hear me at that time? "

- oh I wasn't born at that time. Hehe. Also, I was never informed. I won't do it again hehe- Pearl said sarcastically. She was lying.

'This Bitchhhh. I want to strangle her. Damn IT'

Whatever happened had happened. He was able to get over these things as more important things were waiting.

" Listen, I don't want any harem. I want an open and free relationship where both sides can move on when necessary. I hate love forever bulshit. Better to be free than to be bounded in a useless relationship" Dante said hitting his chest in an upright manner and continuing.

"So listen up I will only say this once"

Dante started gathering his breath and said while looking at the ceiling of the room.