Starter Pack

All this system and information was too much for Dante.

He just wanted to be free from all of this for now.

He needed a way to hide behind the light.

To work from the darkness and not to suffer as the heroes suffer to achieve what they want.

He needed a plan. He needed a set of abilities that can be all Omni and can be used in all situations.

"Hey, show me my status now and the whole interface including what I can buy from the system"

- As you wish bro -

Hence talk ended and the blue screen showing the system as whole was in view.


[ Status]






There were many new tabs. Among which most important was the Shop tab.

But Dante needed to get moving so he directly asked the system to open the inventory tab.

[Starter Package, Eternal Light(Book), Manga(5), Books(3)]

"Hey, wtf are these Books in my inventory?"

-Oh these are books that I bought from the shop. The shop offers many books and manga for free from the whole universe. Cool right? No plagiarism haha. - Pearl said in her usual playful manner.

He thought what is with her obsession with books and manga? These were all books she might be reading right now.

Whatever he was busy with his planning.

"Open the starter pack right now."

[Opened starter pack]

[Congratulations for not opening a starter pack for 1005 years]

[All rewards are multiplied by x1000]

[Obtained title: Hardcore Idiot, Parttime Masochist]

Dante was lost in thoughts. What was this? 1005 years? He only lived for 5 years so why 1000 years?

- You died in 2nd life without opening the starter pack and 1000 years have passed. So the system judged you as a person who doesn't like an easy life and is hardcore because you didn't take the easy path by opening a starter pack. This is a bug in the system and I am not fixing it because who cares...-

"You are just lazy. Whatever this works in my favor anyway." Dante was happy.

[Calculating rewards]

[Host has obtained 'Star Core Technique' 'Star Sword Technique' 'Supreme Memory' '10 million system points']

[All rewards deposited in Inventory. kindly check them.]

Notifications stopped. Dante read everything and he was impressed by the bug rewards.

He wanted to check the rewards now.

"Show me Star core technique info"

[Star Core Technique (Grade: God):

Make a magic core that is a star in itself. No one can match your pure magic power at the same level. This technique becomes strong at different levels. Upgradable technique. The current level is 0]

"Show me star sword technique now," Dante said excitedly.

[Star Sword Technique (Grade: immeasurable):

This technique can destroy stars and universes alike if used by a master swordsman of peak magic power. It has 7 stances. All stances have different uses. Recommended to only use only 1 stance when at low levels. Current level: 0]

Dante was impressed by these awesome techniques. He knew they were currently very weak but will grow with time and of course by upgrading them.

He also wanted to create his very own skills which will have different uses but would be always useful.

The swords technique was already enough for him in terms of physical techniques.

He needed support and control-type techniques.

The star core technique was very important to create a magic core that will be purest in terms of Aura creation. He knew that he needed to get some knowledge regarding techniques so he left it for now.

Dante was 5 years old now. He had to make a magic core for starting his journey toward power and eternal life.

Yes, the main purpose of the people who pursue strength was to reach eternal life and be all-powerful.

This was all possible with enough success in Magic rank.

Magic rank was everything in this world. Power rules this world. All rankings of nobles were based on power.

With enough power, people didn't need to consider who they kill or the status of others.

Kings will bow to those with power.

Dante wanted to hide his powers and techniques until he is strong enough to punch everyone in the throat.

He knew that he will have to compromise in some situations and even let people slap him if necessary. He didn't care. This was no novel and this was his life which was on borrowed terms already.

After opening his starter pack. He was ready to visit his sister. It was afternoon already and today was the weekend and no tutor was going to come to the mansion to teach them about the subject.

It was basic elementary education that made him puke because he hated studying.

He was good at studies in his last life and achieved many things but now he pursued free life and a carefree path.

Nothing mattered to him anymore except living a life that he likes.

It means not worrying about stupid things like studying and other irrelevant things like relationships and people in general.

Dante was preparing to go out of the room when he suddenly asked pearl.

"Hey what is this book called Eternal Light? Who wrote it and why are you reading something so childish? It is children's books."

- oh I wrote it and sold it on market and made huge money through it haha -

"What do you mean you wrote it?"

- I used systems help to write a great book about how a hero should behave and what he will bring to the world and that is a World of peace and happiness -

He was startled after hearing that she wrote it.

"Don't tell me, you used my name to sell your silly book?"

- Yes and it was a super hit and every child loves it. I will explain to you later about its story, through your memories. I also wrote 5 more books, well basically I bought them from a system shop and sold them with your name-

Dante was shocked and fell to his knees. His plan to play idiotic young master failed. He wanted to hide his brilliance until the end. But this stupid sister of his ruined everything.

He could only say one thing right now.

"Fack my life...."


Authors note (Must read): Pearl is part of Dante's soul now meaning they are one. System is just a feature of Pearl. She is sentient entity where as system is just a part of Pearl. So dont get confused by system and pearl being different because they are one. All brackets terms are used when dante uses systems features and hyphens are used when Pearl is talking.